Christian Singles Articles (Page 3)

Christian Singles Articles (Page 3)

christian singlesThis category is all about Christian singles. Here you will find all types singles articles and  life tips on every topic of interest to singles of all ages. Here you will find articles on single men, single women, single Christian parents, single girls, teens, well, I think you get the point. :)

Christian Singles Resources

No matter if you are a Millennial, Baby Boomer or a Senior Single,    hopefully you will find these singles articles useful. There are dozens of articles to choose from including “Learning How to Argue and Fight“, Christian  Girls Who Date Bad Guys”, “Fears that Keep Men and Women Single“, “How to Mend a Broken Heart” and many others.

Need for Singles Ministries

Why yet another singles ministry? It’s a known fact that many  singles feel slighted when it comes to having their needs and questions answered in a traditional church setting. This was the whole reason why we created this site in 2006, back when online Christian Dating was taboo, and married couples in the US outnumbered singles. However according to pew research, there has been a dramatic shift. Since 2015, single adults now outnumber married couples, and their needs have only increased.

So if you are looking for anything singles related, this category is for you. Oasis Singles is dedicated to single  of all stripes, whether they be single parents, Millennials, teens, baby boomers or Generation Xers.

Here you will find all types articles and dating advice on every topic of interest to singles of all ages. The Christian singles articles are interactive, so feel free to comment.

Christian Dating Service

Singles Ministry Near Me

Christian Singles Ministry Near Me

Are you looking for a singles ministry nearby? As a Christian single, the journey to meet others who share your faith and values can be both exciting and daunting. Singles ministry offers a unique avenue for connecting with like-minded individuals who are navigating the same path of singleness and faith. In this article, I will delve into the essence of singles ministry, exploring its benefits, and how to find a singles ministry near you. Understanding Singles Ministry Singles ministry is…
christian single parents

Christian Single Parents Advice For Every Single Christian Parent

Christian single parents carry significant responsibilities and often face loneliness. Think about it. It can feel overwhelming to manage all the chores, attend to your children’s needs, and find time for personal well-being. In today’s world, single parenthood has become increasingly common, and the journey is seldom smooth. For Christian single parents, the task becomes even more significant as they seek to instill spiritual values while managing life’s challenges singlehandedly. This article will offer essential advice and strategies for Christian…
Should i confess to my crush?

Should I Confess to My Crush? The Christian Perspective

The age-old question: Should I confess to my crush?  It’s a situation many of us have faced, and the answer often varies based on personal circumstances and beliefs. For the Christian single person, the answer may be further influenced by biblical teachings, personal convictions, and the importance of faith in decision-making. Let’s dive into the considerations of confessing feelings to a crush from a Christian perspective. Understanding Love and Emotion First, it’s important to understand that having a crush or…
Why Keep Praying When There is No Answer

Why Keep Praying When There is No Answer? A Christian Single’s Perspective

Do you ever ask yourself: “Why keep praying when there is no answer?” As a Christian single seeking a soulmate, the journey of prayer can often feel like a pathway strewn with questions and uncertainties. The plea for a life partner is a heartfelt one, shared by many, yet sometimes it seems met with silence. So, why continue to pray when the heavens seem quiet? Here’s an exploration grounded in Scripture, faith, and perseverance, explaining why it’s crucial to persist…
how to deal with loneliness

How to Deal with Loneliness as a Single Christian

Many single Christians have a difficult time on how to deal with loneliness. Singleness often is a companion to loneliness and depression. This is especially true in cases where the single person had suffered heartbreak over a recent dating relationship break up,  unrequited love, divorce or sudden loss of a loved one. Whatever the reason for loneliness, some singles feel as if their whole existence has become an empty and meaningless experience. My dear brothers and sisters, if you are…
Trusting God's Plan With My Life

Trusting God’s Plan for My Life as a Christian Single

Trusting God’s plan for your life takes a lot of faith. As a Christian single looking for a lifelong love, the journey can be filled with moments of hope, anticipation, and sometimes, uncertainty. However, amidst the ebbs and flows of the dating world, the constant that remains is the unwavering trust in God’s plan for your life. This trust is not just a passive waiting but an active engagement in faith, believing that God is at work to shape your…
Signs God Wants You to Remain Single Forever

Signs That God Wants You to Remain Single Forever

Do you know the signs that God wants you to remain single forever? From a Christian single’s perspective, discerning God’s plan for one’s life, including marital status, is a profound spiritual journey. For some, singleness is a temporary season, while for others, it might be a lifelong calling. Recognizing the signs that God might want you to remain single forever can be challenging yet liberating. Here’s how you can discern this calling. top signs That God Wants You to Remain…
Signs God Doesn't Want You to Give Up on Someone

10 Signs God Doesn’t Want You to Give Up on Someone

The Bible offers insights and signs that God may not want you to give up on someone. As Christian singles, navigating relationships can sometimes feel like walking through a maze, with each step requiring faith and discernment. But when faced with challenges or uncertainties about persevering in a relationship, it’s crucial to seek divine guidance. This article explores ten of these signs, providing scriptural backing to help you discern God’s will in your relationships. Signs God Doesn’t Want You to…
Good Christian Podcasts for Singles

What Goes into Good Christian Podcasts for Singles

Good Christian podcasts for singles involve more than just discussing topics of faith and singleness. It requires a strategic blend of content, engagement, and authenticity to resonate with listeners seeking guidance and community in their journey. Here’s what goes into crafting a good Christian podcast for singles. Understanding the Audience A good Christian podcast for singles starts with a deep understanding of the audience’s needs and challenges. Singles in the Christian community often seek guidance on navigating dating, maintaining faith…
Dealing with Jealousy as a Christian Single When Friends Are Getting Married

Dealing with Jealousy as a Christian Single When Friends Are Getting Married

In the journey of life, milestones occur at different times for everyone. For Christian singles, seeing friends get married can stir a mix of emotions, including happiness for them but also jealousy for oneself. Understanding and navigating these feelings from a Christian perspective is essential for maintaining peace of mind and spiritual growth. how to Deal with Jealousy as a Christian Single When Friends Are Getting Married Embrace Your Individual Journey First and foremost, recognize that God has a unique…
Top Concerns of Single Christians

Top 8 Concerns Single Christians Think About

Ever wonder what the top 8 concerns single Christians thinks about? In the journey of singlehood, Christians often encounter unique worries an challenges that test their faith, patience, and resilience. This exploration delves into the multifaceted concerns of single Christians, including financial worries, offering biblical insights to navigate these issues with grace and faith. Top Concerns for Single Christians Think About 1. Aligning Spiritual Beliefs with a Potential Partner For many single Christians, finding a partner who shares their deep…

Why Am I Still Single? A Christian Single Viewpoint

I hear the question all the time from readers: Why am I still single? Being single in a world where relationships are often idolized can be challenging, especially for Christian singles who are trying to navigate their singleness in a godly way. However, the Bible provides valuable insights and reasons why God may have you in a season of singleness. Here are five biblical reasons that might explain why you are still single, supported by scriptureNavigating the journey of singleness…
How to Deal with a Bully

How to Deal with a Bully as a Christian Single

Learning how to deal with a bully in your life can be a challenging experience, particularly for Christian singles who strive to live according to Biblical principles. It’s essential to handle such situations with wisdom, patience, and compassion, reflecting Christ’s love and teachings. This article explores practical steps and scriptural guidance to help Christian singles cope with bullying effectively. Understanding Bullying from a Christian Perspective Bullying is an aggressive behavior where an individual or group repeatedly harms, intimidates, or coerces…
Ways to Destroy a Christian Dating Relationship

Ten Ways to Destroy a Christian Dating Relationship

In the realm of Christian dating, where relationships are often guided by faith, values, and a commitment to mutual respect, certain actions can severely undermine the bond between partners. Here are the top ten ways that can potentially destroy a Christian dating relationship, underscoring the importance of being mindful and proactive in maintaining a healthy, spiritually centered partnership. Top Ways  to destroy a christian dating relationship 1. Lack of Communication Effective communication is the cornerstone of any relationship. In Christian…
How to Get Over Someone You Love

How to Get Over Someone You Love

Are you a Christian single wondering how to get over someone you love? The emotional turmoil of losing someone you love is a journey that can test the depths of your soul. For a Christian single, this path is not walked alone but alongside the comforting presence of God. The Bible, with its timeless wisdom, offers guidance to heal, grow, and find peace in the wake of heartbreak. In this comprehensive guide, we explore how to navigate the process of…
How to Overcome Perfectionism

How to Overcome Perfectionism in Your Christian Single Life

Perfectionism, often seen as a virtue, can become a stumbling block in our Christian walk—especially in the realm of singleness. This article explores how perfectionism might contribute to prolonged singleness and offers biblical insights to overcome it, fostering a life of grace, trust, and spiritual growth. 1. Understanding Perfectionism in Singleness Perfectionism in singleness can manifest as an unrealistic expectation of oneself or a potential partner, leading to dissatisfaction and a fear of commitment. It can create an illusion of…