'Dating Relationships' Tagged Posts

'Dating Relationships' Tagged Posts

single parenting

Single Parenting Advice Before Dating

Mixing single parenting responsibilities with a dating relationship is a tricky proposition for most single parents.  Christian Single Parents  have added stress units. This article discusses practical steps you can take to address this issue. Single Parenting Tips There are several steps Christian single moms and dads can take in order to become what we call “relationship ready” for a healthy dating experience. Here is some practical advice for divorced Christian singles  Step 1: Blow Off Steam Successfully reducing  stress…
Christian Dating Relationships-Top Reasons to Try Online

Christian Dating Relationships-Top Reasons to Try Online

Many Christian singles seeking a dating relationship are questioning whether they should try online Christian dating services. Every day thousands of Christians are making the choice to seek that dating relationship through the internet. Here are the top reasons they give for doing so: 1. Online Dating Relationships Work Connecting with other Christian singles in church is not as easy as it seems. Excluding the one or two whackos they seem to attract at church, many Christian singles relay that…
free online dating advice

Free Online Dating Advice Podcast

Getting into a dating relationship is easier than ever since there are so many decent  free online dating advice sites out there, including, Christian dating advice sites like Oasis Singles.  However, keeping that dating relationship growing will be almost impossible without good conversation starter skills. Free Online Dating Advice On Listening Skills In fact, most couples, whether they are married or in a dating relationship, give lack of communication and listening as the major reason for breaking up. These relationships…

Porn Use, Christian Singles and Dating Relationships

Porn use among Christians is pretty much out of control. Some of you may even have been tempted to drop by a porn site before coming here. Hey, we’re glad you made it! So what’s the big deal about using porn? In our featured church podcast of the week from Church @ the Springs in Ocala, Florida (FL), Pastor Joe Lacognata speaks on the negative effects soft and hard porn has on romance and singles in dating relationships. Porn Help…

Dating Relationships and Sex for Singles

Our church podcast of the week is all about sex in a dating relationship. People I have to tell you, I’ve listened to a lot of messages on sex and dating relationships, but this is the most blunt talk about sex in dating relationship I’ve ever heard, and by far of the best. If you’re serious about sex and dating, you don’t want to miss this! Dating Relationships and sex for singles Podcast Lon Solomon, pastor of McLean Bible Church…

Overcoming Loneliness in Relationships

Many Christians go through periods of loneliness and dryness. Feeling alone in our burdens is common to all of us whether we are married or a single Christian looking for a soulmate. Yet, as single Christians  the pain of loneliness and abandonment seems more prevalent. Overcoming Loneliness Podcast In today’s Christian podcast at Oasis Church, Pastor David Butler discusses the life of Elijah (who by the way was single) and how he overcame the loneliness and lack of  human companionship…