Christian Singles Articles (Page 4)

Christian Singles Articles (Page 4)

christian singlesThis category is all about Christian singles. Here you will find all types singles articles and  life tips on every topic of interest to singles of all ages. Here you will find articles on single men, single women, single Christian parents, single girls, teens, well, I think you get the point. :)

Christian Singles Resources

No matter if you are a Millennial, Baby Boomer or a Senior Single,    hopefully you will find these singles articles useful. There are dozens of articles to choose from including “Learning How to Argue and Fight“, Christian  Girls Who Date Bad Guys”, “Fears that Keep Men and Women Single“, “How to Mend a Broken Heart” and many others.

Need for Singles Ministries

Why yet another singles ministry? It’s a known fact that many  singles feel slighted when it comes to having their needs and questions answered in a traditional church setting. This was the whole reason why we created this site in 2006, back when online Christian Dating was taboo, and married couples in the US outnumbered singles. However according to pew research, there has been a dramatic shift. Since 2015, single adults now outnumber married couples, and their needs have only increased.

So if you are looking for anything singles related, this category is for you. Oasis Singles is dedicated to single  of all stripes, whether they be single parents, Millennials, teens, baby boomers or Generation Xers.

Here you will find all types articles and dating advice on every topic of interest to singles of all ages. The Christian singles articles are interactive, so feel free to comment.

Christian Dating Service

Divorce with Childen

Divorce with Children: A Christian Perspective on Custody and Healing

Divorce with children is a challenging journey, particularly when children are involved. As Christian families face the upheaval of separation, the well-being of the youngest members becomes a paramount concern. This article explores the difficulties children face during custody proceedings and offers guidance, grounded in Christian faith, for supporting them through these trying times. Understanding the Impact of divorce with Children Children experience divorce deeply, often grappling with feelings of confusion, guilt, and loss. The custody process can intensify these…
How to better communicate with your partner

How to Better Communicate with Your Christian Dating Partner

Wondering how to better communicate with your Christian dating partner? In the landscape of romantic relationships, communication stands as the cornerstone of a strong and healthy partnership. For those navigating the path of Christian dating, integrating faith into the way you communicate can enrich your connection, fostering a deeper understanding and a more profound bond. In Christian dating, where faith intertwines with love, establishing a foundation of open and heartfelt communication is essential. It’s not merely about expressing thoughts and…
Am I Dating a Psychopath?

Am I Dating a Psychopath? Identifying Psychopathic Traits

Did you ever ask yourself the question, “Am I dating a psychopath? In the journey of Christian dating, the path to finding a partner who shares your values and faith can be both exhilarating and daunting. While many enter the dating scene with hope and excitement, it’s crucial to approach relationships with both heart and discernment. The question, “Are you dating a psychopath?” might seem stark or even outlandish at first glance. However, understanding the traits associated with psychopathy and…
Dating Someone With Depression

Dating Someone with Depression from a Christian Perspective

Are you dating someone with depression? In the journey of Christian dating, two souls are drawn together in the hope of forming a bond that reflects the love, respect, and compassion that is so deeply rooted in faith. Yet, when one partner struggles with depression, it introduces a unique set of challenges to the relationship. This article explores these difficulties and offers guidance on nurturing a Christian dating relationship with someone who is battling depression, supported by scripture and a…
When to Stop Waiting for Him to Propose

When to Stop Waiting for Him to Propose: Insight for the Single Christian Woman

This Christian guy’s been dating you for several years. So when do you stop waiting for him to propose? In the journey of love, especially within the Christian faith, waiting for a marriage proposal can be a test of patience, faith, and understanding. As a single Christian woman, you’ve likely been taught the value of waiting on God’s timing and trusting in His plans for your future. However, when you’re deeply involved in a relationship and longing for the next…
Dating Multiple People at Once

Dating Multiple People at Once? A Christian Dating Perspective.

So what are your thoughts on dating multiple people at once? This is a topic that often garners various opinions and perspectives, especially when viewed through the lens of Christian and biblical principles. In the Christian faith, relationships are guided by values such as integrity, respect, and commitment, which are deeply rooted in the teachings of the Bible. This article aims to explore the concept of dating multiple individuals at once from a Christian standpoint, considering the ethical implications and…
How to stop being a people pleaser

How to Stop Being a People Pleaser as a Christian Single

Wondering how to stop being a people pleaser? In the journey of Christian dating, singles often face the challenge of balancing their own desires with the expectations of others. The inclination to please people can be deeply ingrained, especially within the context of relationships. However, for a fulfilling and authentic connection, it’s essential to recognize and overcome this tendency. This article will explore the concept of people pleasing in Christian dating and provide ten practical steps for singles to cultivate…
Giving up on love

Christian Singles Advice When You Feel Like Giving Up on Love

As a Christian single, do you ever feel like giving up on love? In the labyrinth of life, where paths often twist and turn in unexpected ways, the journey of love can sometimes lead us through particularly challenging terrain. It’s in these moments of despair and disillusionment that our faith is both tested and can serve as our greatest anchor. For those who find themselves on the brink of giving up on love, Christian teachings offer a beacon of hope,…
Why Can't I Get Over My Ex?

Why Can’t I Get Over My Ex? 10 Reasons From a Christian Single Point of View

Ever ask yourself the question: Why can’t I get over my ex? Navigating the aftermath of a relationship can be a profoundly challenging journey, especially for Christian singles who seek to align their personal experiences with their faith. The path to healing and moving forward is often hindered by a tapestry of emotional, spiritual, and practical factors. Here, we explore 10 reasons why turning the page after a breakup can feel like an insurmountable task, offering a blend of empathy,…
Are My Standards Too High?

Are My Standards Too High? A Christian Single Woman’s Take

Are my standards too high? In the world of Christian single dating, a common dilemma often surfaces among women: “Are my standards too high?” This question, laden with introspection and a desire for a God-centered relationship, merits a nuanced exploration. As a Christian single woman, aligning your relationship standards with your faith is not just about setting the bar high; it’s about ensuring that your standards reflect God’s desires for your life. This article aims to delve into the intricacies…
Tired of Being Single

Tired of Being Single? 10 Tips for Christian Singles

Tired of being single? Embarking on the journey of singleness, especially from a Christian perspective, offers a unique opportunity to embrace personal growth, deepen your faith, and cultivate a life of purpose and contentment. If you find yourself growing weary of being single, it’s essential to remember that this season is not just a time to wait for a partner but an opportunity to thrive and draw closer to God. Here are some heartfelt tips, grounded in scripture, to help…
Valentines Day and Christian Singles

A Christian Single’s Guide to Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day, a celebration often associated with romantic love, can evoke a mix of emotions for Christian singles. In a world where this day is heavily commercialized and often centered around couples, it can be challenging to navigate for those who are single. However, this day also presents a unique opportunity for Christian singles to reflect on their personal journey, embrace their faith, and find joy and fulfillment living single in unexpected ways. Understanding the Emotions of Valentine’s Day For…
10 Warning signs of an evil woman in a Christian dating relationship

10 Warning Signs of an Evil Woman in a Christian Dating Relationship

Do you know the warning signs of an evil woman in a  Christian dating relationship? In the journey of Christian dating, where the intention is to find a partner who shares the same faith and values, it’s crucial to recognize the signs that may indicate unhealthy behaviors. These behaviors can hinder the growth of a relationship that should be rooted in love, respect, and mutual understanding, as taught in Christian principles. Here, we explore 10 warning signs to be mindful of…
second date tips

Second Date Tips

Woohoo! You made it to the second date because you didn’t blow it on the first date. So just what would constitute a successful second date? The following second date tips come from several folks who have been there. Your first date is really to see if you would like to keep seeing that person. Your second date is the time when the two of you start to open up and reveal your self to the other person. On the…
signs of true love

Signs of True Love in a Christian Relationship

What are signs of true love in a Christian relationship?  What are the signs of true love from a man or woman?  How do you know you’ve found your “true love” of a lifetime? In the realm of Christian relationships, love is the cornerstone that fortifies the bond between two individuals. True love in a Christian relationship goes beyond infatuation or fleeting emotions, it embodies the selfless, sacrificial, and Christ-centered devotion that nurtures a blessed union. In this article, we…
Signs of Boredom in a Relationship

Signs of Boredom in a Christian Single Relationship

Do you know the signs of boredom in a Christian single relationship? In the journey of a Christian single relationship, where two hearts are bonded by faith and companionship, the vibrancy of love can sometimes fade into the monotony of routine, leading to a silent visitor: boredom. Recognizing the signs of boredom and addressing them with grace and understanding is essential to nurturing a fulfilling relationship that thrives on both spiritual and emotional levels. Let’s delve into the nuanced signs…