Christian Singles Advice

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Recent Christian Dating Advice

How to Deal With Dating Anxiety

How to Deal with Dating Anxiety as Christian Singles

Ah, dating anxiety! The glorious adventure of finding that special someone who makes your heart sing and your palms sweat. If you’re a Christian single, the journey of dealing with dating anxiety can feel like navigating a minefield of emotions, expectations, and well-meaning advice from Aunt Gertrude. But fear not! We’re here to tackle dating anxiety with a big dose of humor and a sprinkle of faith. So, grab your favorite cozy blanket and let’s dive into the wonderfully awkward…
Red flags in a Christian dating relationship

Red Flags in a Christian Dating Relationship

Knowing the top red flags in a  Christian dating relationship is important,  The problem is that many Christian singles ignore the silent red flags in a relationship and so stay longer than they should have.  The top three reasons daters give for overstaying a romantic or dating relationship are as follows: Fear of being alone Fear and/or guilt over what the other person will feel or do Fear of exchanging the familiar for the unknown Let’s face it, dating relationships…
Unequally Yoked

Do Not Be Unequally Yoked Meaning in Christian Dating

The term ” do not be unequally yoked” might sound archaic to those not familiar with its origins, but it’s still relevant, particularly within the context of Christian dating. Stemming from the Bible, specifically 2 Corinthians 6:14, the phrase reads: “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?”. In contemporary language, this relates to forming partnerships with those who don’t share the same faith and values. We…
Prayers for Your Future Husband

How to Say Prayers for Your Future Husband: A Christian Single’s Guide

Do you ever wonder how to say prayers for your future husband?  single in the Christian world can sometimes feel like you’re navigating a labyrinth with no clear end in sight. But fear not, dear reader! While you’re waiting for your Prince Charming to sweep you off your feet, there’s something powerful you can do: pray for your future husband. Yes, you heard that right! Praying for the man you have yet to meet is not only a proactive step…