Posts from January 2023

Posts from January 2023

How to Deal with Bitterness as a Christian Single

Today we’re going to deal with bitterness as a Christian single. Many of us today are hiding a bitter spirit. Maybe some of us feel bitter and anger because we are still single. If you came here today feeling bitter because you are still single, you’re in good company. People are bitter about many things. The good news is that whatever junk is in your hearts, Jesus can change all that if you really want Him to. How to Deal…
Christian dating agency questions

Christian Dating Agency Questions

If you are considering using a Christian dating agency or Christian dating site, you may benefit by going over some of the questions we listed below. We are assuming you are a dedicated Christian single who is using a Christian dating service in order to find a serious dating relationship. The following checklist will assist you in weeding out the less desirable Christian dating agencies. Christian Dating Agency Checklist Is the Christian Dating Agency in line with your morals? For…
single Christian adults

Why is Church Attendance Declining Among Single Adults?

Why is Church Attendance Declining Among Single Adults? According to the Barna Research Group, single adults, 90 million strong, are the most unchurched group of people in the USA. Single adult church attendance in Europe and Australia is even lower. Here is some single-adult info we found intriguing: Less than 20% of single adults attend Christian church services or small groups on any given day of the week. Single adult men are far less likely (15%) to attend a meeting…
codependency dating

Codependency Relationships and Christian Singles

Are you in a codependent dating relationship? Whether you are a Christian single or not,  codependent relationships can happen to anyone. What qualifies for a codependent relationship?  If you are in a codependent relationship you will feel like  that famous 60’s song line: “Can’t live, if living is without you…” In addition to those feelings, another sign of a codependent relationship in dating is that one or both daters will be seeking constant approval from the other, and feel worthless…