Posts from June 2023

Posts from June 2023

single moms

Christian Single Moms and Dating Tips

Single moms have it rough. Christian single moms who are dating may have it even worse: Not only do  Christian single moms have to deal with all the responsibilities that go along with being a custodial single parent, they also have to battle the stigma of being a single mom in the church. Whether we admit it not, more than a few women in the church look at single moms (especially if they’re hot looking) with subtle suspicion. Translation: Is…
control freak dating

Control Freaks in Dating: Signs You’re Dating a Control Freak

Have you ever dated control freaks? While we’re on the topic, are you a control freak? Yes, even Christian singles can be control freaks. Control freaks can be both male and female, and at first, can come across as quite appealing. However, as the dating relationship progresses a control freak will intensify his or her acting out until it becomes overwhelming for the other partner. Control freaks make for horrible Christian marriage partners. Unfortunately, it’s very difficult to spot “a…
christian dating service

Stress Reducers for Single Parents

Stress reducers for single parents? That sounds great considering the many stress related symptoms some Christian single parents live with daily. Let’s see, there’s financial stress, job stress, dating stress, single parenting stress, custody and child support stress. Ugh! I’m getting stressed out. As single Christian parents, it is important to know how to reduce or relieve stress in your life. The following stress reducers for single parents  may help give you some relief. 7 Top Stress Reducers for Single…

Dealing With Guilt as a Single Christian

Many single Christians have told us that dealing with guilt is one of the biggest drains on their personal relationships, self-esteem and spiritual lives. The bottom line is that inappropriately dealing with guilt can destroy our lives and those around us. Top Areas Where We Are Dealing With Guilt Dealing with guilt as a single person can come from many different areas of our lives. Dealing with Guilt in our Dating Relationships This is a biggie. Many Christians walk around…
dealing with a broken heart

Christian Singles Dealing With A Broken Heart

Are you a Christian single suffering from a broken heart?  Let’s face it: at one point or another, EVERYBODY gets their heart broken from a lost relationship.  Speaking from personal experience, heartbreak is one of the most bitter and painful experiences one can go through.  Everybody I talk to about it says the same thing.  As painful as it can be, the good news is that a broken heart never lasts forever!  While the healing process takes different amounts of…

Single Parenting Tips for Helping Your Kids

Need Single parenting Tips? Did you know that over 30% of USA families are run by single parenting households? We all know that single parenting is a difficult job. However, children residing in single parenting homes usually have it more difficult because they are deprived of the full time guidance and direction of two parents, which is so essential for their moral, spiritual and character growth. Single Parenting and Risks Having worked in Family Court several decades as a mediator,…
interpersonal christian dating relationship tips

Interpersonal Christian Dating Relationship Tips

Looking for interpersonal Christian dating relationship tips? Navigating the realm of dating as a Christian single often involves weaving faith into the tapestry of romantic relationships. While love, understanding, and trust are universal tenets of any relationship, Christian dating introduces unique dynamics rooted in faith and biblical teachings. This article delves into essential interpersonal tips tailored for Christian dating to foster both spiritual and emotional connections Top Interpersonal Dating  Relationship Tips 1. Place God as Your Anchor Every strong relationship…