Posts from 2023 (Page 7)

Posts from 2023 (Page 7)

christian chatroom

Christian Chat Rooms for Christian Singles Chat

Christian Chat rooms are locations on the web where Christian singles can chat or converse with other singles. In a mood for a nice Christian chat? In a Christian chatroom, one can find a date, share prayer requests or just have some fellowship. Many Christian dating services, including Christian Cafe and Christian Mingle have Christian chatrooms on their sites as a free service to both their free trial and paid members. Since there are literally hundreds of Christian chat rooms…
free online dating advice

Free Online Dating Advice Podcast

Getting into a dating relationship is easier than ever since there are so many decent  free online dating advice sites out there, including, Christian dating advice sites like Oasis Singles.  However, keeping that dating relationship growing will be almost impossible without good conversation starter skills. Free Online Dating Advice On Listening Skills In fact, most couples, whether they are married or in a dating relationship, give lack of communication and listening as the major reason for breaking up. These relationships…

Single Parent Dating Services

Online single parent dating services  are one of the fastest growing dating genres on the web today. Part of the reason for the growth of single parent dating sites is that the sheer number of  Single Parents Dating is steadily increasing. Furthermore, according to the most recent U.S. Census figures, over 30% of American households are led by single parents. Another reason sites like Single Parent Mingle are having lots of success is that single parents, including Christian single parents,…
personal ads for Christian Singles

Christian Personals: Personal Ads for Christian Singles

Christian personals are personal ads that single Christians create in order to find a date and soulmate. This is the ultimate goal of a Christian personals ad. That’s why if you are a Christian single submitting Christian personals, you want to get as many potential mates reading your personals ad as possible. The simple reason is that the more the number of singles reading your Christian personals, the more the number of potential dates from which to choose. This holds…
Discover Your Christian Soulmate

How to Find Your Christian Soulmate

Wondering how to find your Christian Soulmate? Discovering your Christian soulmate? Most Christian singles who visit Christian Dating Service PLUS! are interested in finding that special soulmate or dating match that will lead to marriage. By the way, do you know the difference between a twin flame and a soulmate.   How to find your Soulmate Podcast Our featured Christian dating podcast this week comes from Pastor Tim at Liquid Church,  a contemporary Christian church located in NJ. Every few…

Eros Dating and Christians

This week our Christian podcast is all about eros dating, sex and Christian singles. Sound interesting? Yeah, I thought so too!  Does eros have any place in Christian dating? Pastor Andre Wallis, of Bristol Vineyard in Horfield, Bristol, England, speaks on eros dating, sexual and relational brokenness in all types of relationships, including C dating. If you’re looking for some straight talk about your sex life in the context of Christian dating life, this is where to begin. Eros Dating…
christian cruise

Christian Singles Cruises

I have met a number of singles who have booked Christian singles cruises, and have come away singing their praises. Ever thought of going on a cruise for your next vacation? Christian singles cruises may be just what the doctor ordered to revitalize both body and spirit, and many singles cruises come with great package deals that makes them surprisingly affordable for most. Some of the top destinations for Christian singles cruises include such places as St. Thomas, Nassau, Belize,…
Looking for Mr Right

Looking For Mr. Right: A Guide to Meeting Your Christian Soulmate

Looking for Mr Right? Attracting Mr. Right or Miss Right for a dating relationship that leads toward marriage is a goal of most Christian singles. Although there are a lot of online dating tips for attracting Mr. Right or Miss Right, some singles tend to keep attracting the exact opposite kind of person they need in a relationship. For example, did you ever wonder why abused women keep entering abusive relationships? I do, because I used to see it everyday…
canadian dating sites

Canadian Dating Sites for Christian Singles

Looking for Canadian dating sites that cater to Christians? There are a number of Canadian dating Christian singles wondering where they can find decent Canadian dating sites for finding a date in their own area. There are in fact a number of Canadian dating sites out there, but most suffer from either a lack of real available Canadian single Christians in their databases or simply a rip off. In light of the above, we have come up with the following…

How to Deal with Bitterness as a Christian Single

Today we’re going to deal with bitterness as a Christian single. Many of us today are hiding a bitter spirit. Maybe some of us feel bitter and anger because we are still single. If you came here today feeling bitter because you are still single, you’re in good company. People are bitter about many things. The good news is that whatever junk is in your hearts, Jesus can change all that if you really want Him to. How to Deal…
Christian dating agency questions

Christian Dating Agency Questions

If you are considering using a Christian dating agency or Christian dating site, you may benefit by going over some of the questions we listed below. We are assuming you are a dedicated Christian single who is using a Christian dating service in order to find a serious dating relationship. The following checklist will assist you in weeding out the less desirable Christian dating agencies. Christian Dating Agency Checklist Is the Christian Dating Agency in line with your morals? For…
single Christian adults

Why is Church Attendance Declining Among Single Adults?

Why is Church Attendance Declining Among Single Adults? According to the Barna Research Group, single adults, 90 million strong, are the most unchurched group of people in the USA. Single adult church attendance in Europe and Australia is even lower. Here is some single-adult info we found intriguing: Less than 20% of single adults attend Christian church services or small groups on any given day of the week. Single adult men are far less likely (15%) to attend a meeting…
codependency dating

Codependency Relationships and Christian Singles

Are you in a codependent dating relationship? Whether you are a Christian single or not,  codependent relationships can happen to anyone. What qualifies for a codependent relationship?  If you are in a codependent relationship you will feel like  that famous 60’s song line: “Can’t live, if living is without you…” In addition to those feelings, another sign of a codependent relationship in dating is that one or both daters will be seeking constant approval from the other, and feel worthless…