Posts from February 2024

Posts from February 2024

When to Stop Waiting for Him to Propose

When to Stop Waiting for Him to Propose: Insight for the Single Christian Woman

This Christian guy’s been dating you for several years. So when do you stop waiting for him to propose? In the journey of love, especially within the Christian faith, waiting for a marriage proposal can be a test of patience, faith, and understanding. As a single Christian woman, you’ve likely been taught the value of waiting on God’s timing and trusting in His plans for your future. However, when you’re deeply involved in a relationship and longing for the next…
christian single girls

What Christian Single Girls Want in a Guy

What do Christian single girls look for in a single Christian guy when contemplating a soulmate or marriage partner? What qualities make a good guy catch?  What are some good traits in a Christian guy?This question always seems to percolate in any singles groups I have ever attended or led. We found some online surveys about girls (ages 18-70) you may find quite interesting.   Christian Single Women and Men Okay guys, so you’re no babe magnet? Don’t worry about…
Dating Multiple People at Once

Dating Multiple People at Once? A Christian Dating Perspective.

So what are your thoughts on dating multiple people at once? This is a topic that often garners various opinions and perspectives, especially when viewed through the lens of Christian and biblical principles. In the Christian faith, relationships are guided by values such as integrity, respect, and commitment, which are deeply rooted in the teachings of the Bible. This article aims to explore the concept of dating multiple individuals at once from a Christian standpoint, considering the ethical implications and…
Giving up on love

Christian Singles Advice When You Feel Like Giving Up on Love

As a Christian single, do you ever feel like giving up on love? In the labyrinth of life, where paths often twist and turn in unexpected ways, the journey of love can sometimes lead us through particularly challenging terrain. It’s in these moments of despair and disillusionment that our faith is both tested and can serve as our greatest anchor. For those who find themselves on the brink of giving up on love, Christian teachings offer a beacon of hope,…
Why Can't I Get Over My Ex?

Why Can’t I Get Over My Ex? 10 Reasons From a Christian Single Point of View

Ever ask yourself the question: Why can’t I get over my ex? Navigating the aftermath of a relationship can be a profoundly challenging journey, especially for Christian singles who seek to align their personal experiences with their faith. The path to healing and moving forward is often hindered by a tapestry of emotional, spiritual, and practical factors. Here, we explore 10 reasons why turning the page after a breakup can feel like an insurmountable task, offering a blend of empathy,…
Are My Standards Too High?

Are My Standards Too High? A Christian Single Woman’s Take

Are my standards too high? In the world of Christian single dating, a common dilemma often surfaces among women: “Are my standards too high?” This question, laden with introspection and a desire for a God-centered relationship, merits a nuanced exploration. As a Christian single woman, aligning your relationship standards with your faith is not just about setting the bar high; it’s about ensuring that your standards reflect God’s desires for your life. This article aims to delve into the intricacies…
Tired of Being Single

Tired of Being Single? 10 Tips for Christian Singles

Tired of being single? Embarking on the journey of singleness, especially from a Christian perspective, offers a unique opportunity to embrace personal growth, deepen your faith, and cultivate a life of purpose and contentment. If you find yourself growing weary of being single, it’s essential to remember that this season is not just a time to wait for a partner but an opportunity to thrive and draw closer to God. Here are some heartfelt tips, grounded in scripture, to help…
10 Warning signs of an evil woman in a Christian dating relationship

10 Warning Signs of an Evil Woman in a Christian Dating Relationship

Do you know the warning signs of an evil woman in a  Christian dating relationship? In the journey of Christian dating, where the intention is to find a partner who shares the same faith and values, it’s crucial to recognize the signs that may indicate unhealthy behaviors. These behaviors can hinder the growth of a relationship that should be rooted in love, respect, and mutual understanding, as taught in Christian principles. Here, we explore 10 warning signs to be mindful of…
Signs of Boredom in a Relationship

Signs of Boredom in a Christian Single Relationship

Do you know the signs of boredom in a Christian single relationship? In the journey of a Christian single relationship, where two hearts are bonded by faith and companionship, the vibrancy of love can sometimes fade into the monotony of routine, leading to a silent visitor: boredom. Recognizing the signs of boredom and addressing them with grace and understanding is essential to nurturing a fulfilling relationship that thrives on both spiritual and emotional levels. Let’s delve into the nuanced signs…
valentines day gift for boyfriend

Valentines Day Gifts for Boyfriend: Christian Single’s Guide

Looking for some Valentine’s Day gifts for boyfriend? Since Valentine’s Day is right around the corner you may want to start thinking about what useful Valentine’s Day gift to give to your boyfriend. If you have no idea (and most of us don’t, the following list of top Valentine’s Day gifts for Boyfriends may help. Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love, an occasion to express the deep affection and gratitude we hold for those dear to our hearts. As…
Dating a Widower

Dating a Widower Tips from a Christian Single’s Perspective

Dating a widower can be a path filled with understanding, patience, and a deep sense of compassion. For Christian singles, this journey not only involves connecting with someone who has experienced profound loss but also navigating the complex emotions that come with starting anew. Understanding the unique challenges and opportunities that come with dating a widower, while leaning on faith, can foster a deeply meaningful relationship. Christian Dating a Widower Tips Embracing Understanding and Patience When entering a relationship with…
How to Stop Jealousy in a Christian Dating Relationship

How to Stop Jealousy in a Christian Dating Relationship

Learning how to stop jealousy in a Christian dating relationship can be quite difficult. The reason for this is Jealousy is a complex emotion often tangled with feelings of insecurity, fear, and anxiety. Understanding how to navigate and overcome jealousy within the framework of Christian dating is crucial for fostering a healthy, loving, and spiritually supportive partnership. Tips on how to Stop jealousy in a Christian dating relationship 1. Understanding the Roots of Jealousy in a Relationship The first step…
christian dating site cons

Christian Dating Site Cons

Christian Dating Site Cons? In a previous article, we wrote about some pros of using a Christian dating site. However, like most anything else in life, involving yourself with a Christian dating site has its negative side. Christian Dating Site Cons Christian Dating Site Users Can Lie Of course, lying can occur in any forum, whether it’s through an online Christian dating site, or in a Christian singles group. Pathological liars who date make the rounds everywhere. But it is…
christian dating site pros

Christian Dating Site Pros

Folks ask us: “What are some Christian dating site pros?” Each year dating sites are getting more and more popular, as many Christian singles have found success finding their Christian dating site online match. The first boon in Christian dating site use occurred in the USA in the mid-1990s, and has since spread to Australia, Asia, Russia, the UK and the rest of the European Union. Presently, Europe and Asia are experiencing a great expansion of Christian dating site growth.…
Why Couples Should Not Live Together Before Marriage

Why Couples Should Not Live Together Before Marriage. A Christian Perspective.

Many write to us asking why couples should not live together before marriage. In an era where individual choices and freedom are celebrated, the decision for couples to cohabit before marriage has become increasingly popular. Yet, for many Christian singles, the age-old debate remains: Should couples live together before tying the knot? From a Christian perspective, there are compelling reasons to reserve cohabitation for marriage. Let’s explore this topic and understand the spiritual, emotional, and relational benefits of waiting. A…
Dating Someone With Kids

Dating Someone with Kids: A Christian Single’s Guide

Dating someone with kids presents unique challenges. For a Christian single, this journey is not just about finding love but also about fostering an environment where faith, love, and understanding can flourish for all involved. The decision to date someone with kids is significant and comes with its own set of complexities that require patience, empathy, and a deep commitment to the principles of love as taught in the Bible. Embracing a Ready-Made Family: The Initial Consideration The first step…
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