So, you’re a single Christian guy looking to dive into the world of dating, huh? Let me start by saying: Godspeed, my brother. Finding love in the era of dating apps, text abbreviations, and coffee dates where “Netflix and chill” is considered a personality trait can be…let’s call it, “character building.”
But fear not! With a bit of faith, humor, and some handy tips, you’ll be on your way to navigating the dating world like a pro—or at least without spilling coffee on your date’s Bible. Here are eight Christian dating tips for single men, served with a generous helping of warmth and humor.
1. Put God First (Yes, Even Before Her Gorgeous Smile)
We’re diving straight into the deep end. As much as her laughter may sound like angels singing, remember who gave you those ears to hear it in the first place. Keeping your relationship with God as your top priority will ensure that your dating life has a firm foundation.
Pray about your dating intentions and ask for His guidance. After all, God’s got the best matchmaking service—His success rate is literally eternal. Just don’t swipe left on His plans for you!
2. Be a Gentleman, Not Just on Sundays
Chivalry isn’t dead, despite what your TikTok feed might tell you. Being a gentleman is more than just opening doors and remembering to say, “Ladies first” at the potluck line. It’s about respect, kindness, and integrity—qualities that reflect your faith.
Text her back on time (no one likes the dreaded “read but no reply”), listen more than you talk, and for goodness’ sake, make sure your car is clean before you pick her up for that date. Nobody wants to wade through gym socks to find a seatbelt.
3. Know the Difference Between Confidence and Arrogance
Confidence is attractive; arrogance is not. There’s a fine line between saying, “I’m blessed with a great job and a deep faith,” versus, “I’m basically God’s gift to women. You’re welcome.” Spoiler alert: The second one won’t win you any points.
Trust in the unique gifts God has given you without feeling the need to brag. A humble heart goes a long way, especially when your date sees you genuinely valuing her opinions and feelings. Bonus points if you let her win at mini-golf. (But not too easily—she’ll know.)
4. Don’t Rush It – Patience is a Virtue, Not Just a Saying
In the words of every married man giving dating advice: “Slow your roll, buddy.” Yes, you might have visions of exchanging vows before you’ve even ordered dessert on your first date, but love is about building a meaningful connection, not speed-running a relationship.
Take time to truly get to know her. What are her passions? How does she live out her faith? Can she recite all the books of the Bible without looking? (Kidding—mostly.)
5. Guard Her Heart, and Your Own Too
If you’ve been in church long enough, you’ve probably heard the phrase, “guard her heart.” But what does that mean? Essentially, it’s about being intentional and respectful in how you pursue her. Don’t play games or lead her on if you’re not serious.
At the same time, guard your own heart. Pray for discernment to recognize if the relationship is honoring to God. And remember, Proverbs 4:23 didn’t say, “Guard your heart, but keep a backup plan on Tinder just in case.” Commit fully or kindly step back.
6. Have a Sense of Humor (Yes, Even About the Awkward Moments)
Look, dating can be awkward. You might accidentally spill grape juice on her at communion or call her by the wrong name when you’re nervous. (Pro tip: Don’t do that.) The key is to embrace these moments with humor.
Having a sense of humor shows that you don’t take yourself too seriously. It also makes those inevitable “getting to know you” mishaps feel a lot less cringe-worthy. Plus, nothing bonds two people faster than laughing over a mutual disaster, like realizing you both thought the date was at different coffee shops.
7. Surround Yourself with Wise Counsel
Proverbs 15:22 says, “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers, they succeed.” Translation? Don’t go at this alone, my friend. Talk to trusted friends, mentors, or your pastor about your dating journey.
They can offer perspective, pray for you, and even gently point out if you’re being a little too “extra” in your attempts to impress her. (Yes, you can overdo it with Bible verse pick-up lines.)
8. Keep Your Eyes on Eternity
Here’s the big one: Dating isn’t just about finding someone to hold hands with during worship night. It’s about discerning if this is a person you could walk through life with, growing in your faith and glorifying God together.
Keep your eyes on eternity and seek a partner who shares that same vision. After all, while shared interests like coffee or hiking are great, it’s your shared faith that will sustain you when life throws curveballs. And trust me, life loves a good curveball.
Wrapping it Up (With a Bow of Grace)
Christian dating is no walk in the park (unless, of course, your first date is actually a walk in the park). It requires prayer, patience, and the occasional deep breath when your nerves get the best of you. But with God at the center, a dash of humor, and these tips in your back pocket, you’ll be well on your way to finding a relationship that honors Him and brings you joy.
So, go forth and date with grace, my friend. Just remember: If she laughs at your Bible jokes, she’s a keeper.