Benefits of Seeking a Soulmate Online

Benefits of Seeking a Soulmate Online

A little over a decade ago, most Christian were searching for singles through more traditional means. Looking for a soulmate online was taboo, and dating services had not yet grown into the $1 Billion  dollar business industry it is today. Back then, if a Christian guy or girl did not find their Christian soulmate through church singles groups, friends, colleagues, or relatives, the only other options would have been to try out the bar scene (never a good idea).

While the traditional approach of how and where a Christian can meet his or her soulmate is still viable, seeking a soul mate online also has many benefits:

Highly Targeted Soulmate Search

You can choose the criteria you feel is most complementary in a soulmate. Many times we are at the mercy of our well-intentioned friends and relatives who try to set us up in matches we know would never work. Online date sites, compatiblity tests, and vast databases give you more control and a head start in the soulmate search.

Online Soulmate Searches Save Time

Okay, you’ve put the word out to several friends and relatives that you’re in the market to meet a soulmate. You attend singles outings and different events at various churches in your area. These are all good, traditional ways of finding a soulmate, but they take a huge investment of time with no guarantee that you will even meet one potential mate.

However, when you look for a soulmate through a Christian matchmaking site, you can do so 24/7 at your convenience in the comfort of your own home. You also have a huge pool of soulmate prospects right at your fingertips who are looking for the same things you are. This saves you much time and effort while in the date search mode.

Looking for a Soulmate Online Saves Moulah

A typical Dating site for single Christians can cost anywhere from $150 to $200 dollars per year. That sounds pretty steep until you compare that with what it’s been costing you in money and time to go out several nights a month.

Overall, looking for a soulmate online and the more traditional ways of dating should not be couched as an either/or proposition. Using both approaches can be complementary as you seek the Lord for a Christian marriage partner and soulmate.

Feel free to share your comments regarding seeking a soulmate online.


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    • Cindy

      About your eHarmony referral. I tried eHarmony. It was the WORST dating website I have ever experienced. They were constantly sending me “matches” that were outside of my criteria..or even worse…were not even active members!!!! I’m 5’10” tall. They sent me a match once that was 4’11” tall. Need I say more.

      • David Butler Author

        Wow Cindy, was he in Lord of the Rings? Sorry about that, I couldn’t resist. Seriously though, sometimes the most popular dating site is not the best for some folks. Wish you the best in the future and are praying for you. If you have other advice about finding a soulmate online, feel free to add your 2 cents.

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