how to build trust in a christian dating relationship

How to Build Trust in a Christian Dating Relationship

Learning how to build trust in a  Christian dating relationship can be challenging, especially when we consider the many values and principles that guide our lives. For Christians, one of the fundamental aspects of any relationship—be it friendship or dating—is trust. Trust is the bedrock of any healthy relationship, but how do you build it, especially in the delicate dance of Christian dating? Here’s a deep dive into cultivating trust in a Christian dating relationship with the opposite sex. 1.…

Child Support Payments and Christian Single Parents

Receiving child support payments is a major worry for Christian single parents, who often struggle to keep their kids well fed and clothed. It’s no wonder then that custodial single parents rank collecting child support payments ahead of concerns like dating . Of course, when it comes to child support payments, these single parents are not alone. Skirting Child Support Payments: A Worldwide Problem According to ACES (The Association for Children for Enforcement of Support) only half of US custodial…

Embracing Solo: The Joy of Being Christian Single and Loving It

In a world that often places great emphasis on romantic relationships, being a Christian single can sometimes be perceived as a temporary state or even a social stigma. However, the truth is that being single can be a fulfilling and liberating experience for many individuals. Rather than viewing singleness as a void to be filled, embracing the single life can lead to personal growth, self-discovery, and a profound sense of contentment. In this article, we celebrate the joys and advantages…
christian single guys

Why Christian Single Men Need a Proverbs 31 Wife

Most Christian single men I know frequently whine about their need for a nice Christian wife. Who can blame men who feel this way? After all, in Proverbs 31:10, our Bible Verse of the Day, Solomon wrote: “A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.” Christian single men, whether they are college teens or single parents, would benefit by checking out this chapter of Scripture. In fact, any man would be in hog…
forgiveness and relationships

Forgiveness and Dating Relationships

There is an amazing connection between forgiveness and healing in the Bible. Forgiveness has amazing benefits. Forgiveness can heal broken relationships, broken hearts and even bring health to one’s body. Only recently have secular psychologists and doctors begun speaking of the healing power of forgiveness in one’s life. That is exactly why it is  important to learn how to forgive someone who hurt you emotionally. The Forgiveness and Dating Relationships Problem Many Christian singles have problems with their health and…
is it a sin to have sex before marriage

Is it a Sin to Have Sex Before Marriage?

Is it a sin to have sex before marriage? Is sex before marriage still a sin if you love each other? These two questions are some of the most asked questions I get at Oasis Singles. Sex sin is a huge issue for Christian singles. Why? The simple answer is that most singles struggle with some form of sex sin, or at least tempted in this particular area. Let’s lay aside masturbation for a moment. The question “Is it a…
How to get a Christian guy to ask you out

How to Get a Christian Guy to Ask You Out

Wondering how to get a Christian guy to ask you out? In the realm of Christian dating, the journey to a meaningful relationship is often paved with shared faith and values. For many Christian women, understanding how to encourage a Christian guy to ask them out is not just about romantic interest, but also about fostering a bond that resonates with their spiritual principles. This guide delves into the nuances of forming such connections, respecting the faith-based dynamics that are…
how to find a christian wife

How to Find a Christian Wife

Ever wonder how to find a Christian wife? I would think many Christian single women in the market for a husband would be interested in knowing the number of Christian men hoping to find a Christian wife.  Well, we are too, and that’s one reason why our up-and-coming singles survey will try to quantify the different numbers of Christian single men looking to find a Christian wife, those looking to simply find a date and those not seeking a mate…
dating friends

Christian Dating Advice: Dating a Friend-Should Friends Date?

Thinking about dating a friend? Should I confess to my crush? But should friends date? A Christian single guy wrote us asking if it’s a good idea if best friends to date one another.  So what do you think? Should friends date each other? I know the cynical among us may agree with that line from When Harry Met Sally, “that a man and a woman can’t really be just friends.” But that’s the topic of another article. Let’s get…
How does one get over unrequited love

Unrequited Love: How to Get Over Unrequited Love as a Christian

How does one get over unrequited love as a Christian Single? In my personal experience, unrequited love is like death, only worse. Unrequited love occurs when the person you absolutely are “head over heels” in love with does not reciprocate the same desire and feelings. Can you think of anything more emotionally and spiritually painful than unrequited love? At least in death a Christian single is done with pain. In unrequited love the pain just goes on and on. Sigh.…
Qualities of a good Christian man to marry

10 Qualities of a Good Man to Marry: A Christian Single’s Viewpoint

Are you a single Christian girl wondering what the qualities of a good Christian man to marry are? In the realm of Christian dating, the quest to find a suitable life partner often revolves around identifying a man whose qualities align with biblical principles. As Christian singles navigate the challenging waters of dating, there are specific attributes they ought to seek, echoing the teachings and values of their faith. Here’s a guide to the qualities of a good man to…
signs of lust in a man

Signs of Lust in Christian Single Men

Do you know the signs of lust in a man?  All Christian single men battle the lust of the flesh from time to time. In fact, let’s just make that ALL guys, whether they be single men or married men, Christian or non-Christian. One single man pal of mine said if his girlfriend ever knew his thoughts, she would never stop slapping him! Listen, men struggle with lust, and any single man who says otherwise is just lying out of…
Anger at Being Single

Anger at Being Single-Dealing with Anger in Relationships

Do you have anger at being single? Many single women and men walk around with a lot of anger because they are still single long past the time they thought they would be married. Does being single at this time in your life make you angry? Target of Anger at being single One target of a single person’s anger is directed at God Himself because He has not brought that one true love into their lives. Frustration, jealousy, and discouragement…
christians who masturbate

Masturbation and Christian Singles | Christians Who Masturbate

Let’s talk about Masturbation and Christian singles. The M-word and Christian singles.  Masturbation and single Christians. Single Christians who masturbate.  Male masturbation. Female masturbation. Adolescent masturbation. Chronic masturbation. Christian Singles and Masturbation. I think you get the picture. There are many Christian single guys who masturbate. There are many Single Christian girls who masturbate. Are you a single person who masturbates? masturbation and Christian singles  Questions I have gotten hundreds of emails and many comments on our site from Single…
sweet things to say to a christian girl

Sweet Things to Say to a Christian Girl

Are you a single guy looking for sweet things to say to a Christian girl? What are sweet things to say to a girl you like?  Many single guys, whether they are Christian or not, have true feelings of warmth deep inside their hearts. However, some not only have a difficult time thinking of sweet things to say to their girlfriends, they also get “tongue-tied” when trying to express them as well. Where’s Cyrano de Bergerac when we really need…

How Should Christian College Students Respond to Anti-Semitic and Anti-Israel Sentiments?

As a pastor on the campus of Rutgers University, I see firsthand the heated political and social conflicts brewing among the students. For Christian college students, the emergence of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel protests can be particularly troubling. This blog post aims to explore how Christian students can respond to such situations in a way that aligns with biblical teachings, promoting peace, understanding, and compassion. Understanding the Context Anti-Semitic and anti-Israel sentiments on college campuses often stem from complex geopolitical, historical,…