Posts by Oasis Singles

Posts by Oasis Singles

Signs of an emotionally unavailable woman

Signs of an Emotionally Unavailable Woman: Insights for Christian Singles

If you’re a single guy, understanding the signs of an emotionally unavailable woman, can save you a bunch of pain. Navigating the complex world of relationships can be a challenging endeavor, especially for Christian singles who are seeking connections that align not only with their personal values but also with their spiritual beliefs. One of the hurdles in this journey is encountering individuals who, for various reasons, might be emotionally unavailable. Recognizing the signs of emotional unavailability, particularly in women,…
how to let go of a toxic relationship

How to Let Go of a Toxic Christian Dating Relationship

Sometimes learning how to let go of a toxic Christian dating relationship can be harder than finding a girlfriend or boyfriend. Even when we know letting go of a particular relationship is in our best interest, like in the case of an abusive dating relationship, or dating a married person, or dating an unbeliever, it is not always an easy decision. Many times a Christian single may struggle over feeling guilty or think that the right person will never come into…
Living in the Friend Zone as a Christian Single

Stuck in the Friend Zone as a Christian Single

Ah, the infamous Friend Zone—a place where your feelings are as obvious as a neon sign, but to the object of your affection, you’re just a really good buddy. If you’re a Christian single who’s head over heels for a Christian guy who doesn’t quite get the memo, don’t despair. The Friend Zone is a land of opportunity, growth, and, surprisingly, a lot of laughs. Let’s dive into how to deal with this unique relationship with humor, warmth, and a…
positive christian singles

Positive Singles and Christian Singles

Have you ever heard of positive singles? Simply put, positive singles are those folks who suffer from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) like HPV, Herpes, or HIV and AIDS. Did you know that over 60 million people ( many of whom are Christian singles) suffer from the stigma associated with having an STD? Additionally, a recent survey showed that one in four (25%) of Teenage girls are positive singles suffering from Herpes. Christian Dating and Finding Support for Positive STD Singles…
how to stop worrying about money

How to Stop Worrying About Money: A Christian Single’s Guide

Are you a Single Christian wondering how to stop worrying about money?  We don’t need an economic meltdown on Wall Street to start worrying about money and finances. In fact, according to our extensive surveys, singles worry just as much about money and careers as they do relationship and dating issues. Did you know that?  So how do we counsel singles (single-never married, single parents, divorcees) who worry over money? The actual meaning of the word “worry in Greek actually…
long distance dating relationship tips

Long Distance Relationship Tips for Christian Singles

Need long-distance Christian dating tips for a long-distance relationship?  These long-distance relationships have always been with us. However, in recent years, global online dating services and increased ease of travel helped make long-distance relationships much more prevalent. In fact, according to dating experts on the topic, there are an estimated 1 to 2 million couples presently in long-distance dating relationships. Many single men and single women feel dating in a long-distance relationship is a losing proposition. However, there are many…
masturbation and single Christians

Masturbation and Christian Singles | Christians Who Masturbate

Let’s talk about Masturbation and Christian singles. The M-word and Christian singles.  Masturbation and single Christians. Single Christians who masturbate.  Male masturbation. Female masturbation. Adolescent masturbation. Chronic masturbation. Christian Singles and Masturbation. I think you get the picture. There are many Christian single guys who masturbate. There are many Single Christian girls who masturbate. Are you a single person who masturbates? masturbation and Christian singles  Questions I have gotten hundreds of emails and many comments on our site from Single…
sexual purity of Christian singles

Sexual Purity in the Bible and Christian Singles

That’s right we are going to talk about sexual purity in the Bible, the topic that everybody likes to avoid.  Sexual impurity ranges from lustful thoughts to actual acts of perverted behavior.  In today’s modern world, everywhere you look, there’s sex and very rarely is it between two married people.  If you turn on the TV, you see scantily clad women on MTV and HBO.  You can go to the supermarket to see magazines with half-naked models and articles about…
How to Meet Christian Singles

How to Meet Christian Singles the Right Way: A Guide to Finding Love and Faith

Wondering how to meet Christian singles the right way without getting ghosted? Meeting Christian singles can be a meaningful and fulfilling experience, especially if you share the same values and beliefs. In a world where dating apps and casual encounters dominate the dating scene, finding a partner who shares your faith can be a challenge. However, with the right approach and a little guidance, you can connect with like-minded individuals who are also on the journey of faith and love.…
How does one get over unrequited love

Unrequited Love: How to Get Over Unrequited Love as a Christian

How does one get over unrequited love as a Christian Single? In my personal experience, unrequited love is like death, only worse. Unrequited love occurs when the person you absolutely are “head over heels” in love with does not reciprocate the same desire and feelings. Can you think of anything more emotionally and spiritually painful than unrequited love, or being ghosted by the one you love? At least in death, a Christian single is done with pain. In unrequited love,…
anxiety and christian singles

Anxiety Attacks and Being Single

Single people who suffer from anxiety attacks know how much it can affect their dating relationships and self-esteem. I should know because I used to suffer anxiety attacks for years myself. I remember one night being at the movies with my new date, when a terrible anxiety attack came over me. I started sweating, and my heart felt like it was jumping out of my chest. Because I was too embarrassed to let my date know what was going on,…
christian single dads

Christian Single Dads Dealing with Grief and Loss

Are you many of the Christian single dads dealing with loss? Grief is a universally human experience, a testament to the depths of our love and connection. For Christian single dads, this journey is often marked with unique challenges. Balancing personal heartache with the responsibilities of parenthood, they might feel doubly burdened. However, Christian teachings and faith can provide a wellspring of hope and guidance for such fathers. Let’s explore the distinctive struggles Christian single dads face and how their…
Signs you will never get married

Signs You Will Never Get Married: A Perspective for the Single Christian

Are you looking for an article on signs you will never get married? Marriage is often seen as a cornerstone of life, especially in Christian communities where it is seen as a divine covenant. But not everyone may walk down the aisle or utter those significant vows. For some single Christians, the path may seem unclear, and they might wonder, “Am I destined to remain lonely and single forever?” Here are some signs to consider, but always remember that God’s…

Self Control and the Single Christian Life

Many single Christians lack self control in their sex lives. Not a few have written us asking for help with their lack of self control in this area, and how to deal with the guilt over it. The top culprits of habitual masturbation, porn addiction and sex before marriage have disrupted their fellowship with the Lord. Self Control and Singles in the Bible It’s amazing how much God speaks about self control in the Bible, In fact, the Apostle Paul…
Christian Singles Ghosting

Christian Singles Ghosting Someone: Is It Biblical?

Are you one of the Christian singles ghosting someone? Navigating the world of modern dating can be a challenge, particularly when digital communication complicates traditional relationship etiquette. One phenomenon that has emerged from this digital revolution is “ghosting.” For Christian singles aiming to live according to Biblical principles, the question arises: Is it Biblical to ghost someone? Let’s delve into the concept of ghosting, and understand it from a Christian perspective. Understanding Ghosting in Christian Dating Ghosting refers to the…
Dating someone with a mental illness

Dating a Single Christian Who Has a Mental Illness

  Dating someone who has a mental illness, comes with unique challenges and considerations. As Christian singles, we are called to approach every relationship with love, compassion, and understanding. Here are some tips to help you navigate dating a person with mental illness while staying grounded in your faith. Understanding and Education The first step in dating someone with a mental illness is understanding what they are going through. Mental illnesses can range from anxiety and depression to bipolar disorder…