Posts by Oasis Singles (Page 10)

Posts by Oasis Singles (Page 10)

Interracial Dating Among International Divisions

Interracial dating among Christian singles is skyrocketing worldwide. Christian singles are breaking down the barriers against all the cultural, racial and ethnic hatred and violence we see in the world today. All of this bears witness to our Scripture of the day found in Galations 3:28, which rings out: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Is that amazing or what? The most wonderful thing about Jesus’…

Looking for Free Christian Singles Advice

I know there are many folks on this site looking for free Christian Singles dating advice, and I just want to say you have come to the right free singles site. I understand that  looking for the best free Christian singles advice can be tricky. After all, there  are so many horrible Christian singles sites that may be free, but do not offer good Christian dating advice.  When it comes down to  looking for good,  free single Christian dating advice,…

When Sensing God’s Love is Difficult

As a Christin single, do you have a difficult time sensing God’s love? One of my single guy friends told me recently he has a difficult time sensing God’s love for him because he has never really felt loved by his parents, and has yet to experience a good, positive love or dating relationship with the opposite sex. How to Sense God’s Love If you have a difficult time sensing God’s love  today, it all starts with believing what God…

Guilty Dating Relationships

Are you are Christian single guy or girl looking for cleansing from a guilty dating relationship that had you thinking and doing things you regretted? Maybe an abusive attitude toward the person you live? Perhaps a sex sin? Many single Christians have been in what I call a “Guilty Dating Relationship, and we walk around half dead, beating ourselves up with guilt and emotional pain. Although the below verse deals with physical healing, please allow the healing, cleansing power of…

Relationships for Dummies-Christian Singles

Anybody out there wish there was a book called  Relationships for Dummies? I sure do. In my 20-Somethings group, there appears to be a number of single Christians who are clueless about the opposite sex and dating, and would benefit from a Relationships for Dummies manual. I mean it could cover all types of  situations and offer sound, biblical advice on issues ranging from sex sins and dating, to marriage, divorce,  how to ask a girl or guy out on…

Patience and Christian Dating Singles

Are you losing patience waiting on God for that special Christian soulmate? Tempted to date an unbeliever because it seems as if God is not answering your prayers to find for the perfect Christian dating relationship? Waiting patiently on God for a relationship is difficult, especially when we see others prospering in this area.  However, in today’s Bible Verse of the day for 7.30.11 found in Galatians 6:9 the Bible say: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for…

eHarmony Iphone App

Seeking for an eHarmony Iphone App? Look no further!  eHarmony dating service recently came out with a universal 1OS eHarmony app that will allow Christian singles to meet other singles.   The App store infomercial for this eHarmony Iphone App actuallt states that the eHarmony app works not only with the iPhone, but also the iPad and iTouch as well! eHarmony iPhone App Perks Some of the eHarmony app goodies for all you singel christian techies include the ability to:…

Online Christian Dating Tip of Day

One of the hardest things to do in life is to wait for that which you long for but the Bible tells us that those that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. Waiting goes with trusting God to do it for you. He is Able to do and He will do but just trust and wait for his time which come with the renewing of your strength. The time of waiting brings out many good things out of…

Christian Dating Bible

Looking for Christian dating Bible tips? The following have been garnered directly from Biblical principles. Let us know what you of these Christian dating  Bible tidbits: 1. Make sure the person has the same belief system as you. 2. Make sure you are actually attracted to the person, for in Christian dating, we date with the intent to marry. 3. Group date initially. It will allow you to get to know the person without pressure, 4. Do not have sex.…

Dating Advice for Cell Phone Relationship

Need dating relationship advice for cell phone dating? Cell phone/mobile phone dating has really taken off in Europe, but is only now becoming more popular in the US. While phone dating via texting and chat is not a new phenomenon, several  of our christian single readers wanted some dating advice on how to date safely by cell phone. Cell Phone Dating and Safety Overall, the advice we give for those using is mobile  phone dating is no different for those…

Dating a Snuggie?

Tired of the Christian dating scene, one of my friends stated until further notice she is dating a snuggie.   Never heard of the concept of dating a snuggie? For those unfamiliar, snuggies are those warm and cuddly body blanket thingies. So when this single gal comes home from work after a hard day, she  stated slips into one of these babies and the stress just melts away. “They don’t cheat and offer unconditional love”, she quipped. Dating a Snuggie Blues…

Christian Guitar Tabs

In response to a number of Christian singles seeking Christian guitar tabs, the below list is some of our favorite places to get some free  contemporary Christian music guitar tabs. As a former worship leader who spent nearly 10 years in that position, I would have killed for the  Christian guitar resources that our available  today. Top Christian Guitar Tab Sites Bible Verse of Day-8.6.09 ~Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel…

Christian Views on Abortion

There are a number of Christian views on abortion. Do oyu have a Christian view on abortion? As a Christian single, have you, or would you ever consider an abortion? Do you even have a well thought out Christian view on abortion?  Having own biblical view on abortion, dating and pre-marital sex can help save you  from  making some very bad and painful decisions in your dating life, as the following email we received from a sister in the Lord…

Christian Dating Faith

Do you have faith in Christian dating? A lot of Christian singles out there are losing faith that they will ever meet their Christian dating match. However,  each year, even during the greatest recession since the great depression, more and more single Christians use a Christian dating service such as eHarmony or Christian Mingle. Dating Faith Paradox Although I can’t really explain the above paradox,  it could be the mass marketing of the  top Christian dating sites, or the ocassional…

Pensacola Christian College Rules

If you are thinking of going to Pensacola Christian college, you better familiarize yourself with the Pensacola Christian college rules handbook.  Quite simply, Pensacola Christian college rules are highly legalistic and totally man made. In our opinion the quickest way to become a dead Christian walking is to attend Pensacola Chistian college. Check out this Pensacola Christian college rule: Single Guys and Girls have to use separate public beaches and may not go to the popular Pensacola Beach or to…

What Are The Disadvantages of Being Single?

We are presently doing a survey asking single Christians, “What are the disadvantages of being single?  We would love to have you particpate. Some disadvantges of being single right off the top of my head include loneliness, missing out on a God blessed great sex life. No Disadvantages of Being Single in Scripture Did you know when it comes to the Scriptures, you can ‘t find any clear-cut disadvantages of singlehood. In fact, on the contrary the Bible teaches there…