Bible Verse of Day (Page 2)

Bible Verse of Day (Page 2)

Bible verse of day short daily devotionals for Christian singles, which deals with Christian dating and single life. These are not meant to be deep dissertations on Bible verses, but are geared for sharing some much needed encouragement.

Equestrian Christian Singles

Equestrian Christian Singles-What Will They Think Of Next?

Equestrian Christian singles? In the vast world of online dating, niche communities have emerged, catering to the unique interests and values of individuals. Among these, the equestrian singles community stands out, especially for those who share a deep-rooted Christian faith. This article delves into the world of Christian equestrian singles, exploring how shared passions for horseback riding and steadfast religious values can foster meaningful connections and lasting relationships. The Unique Bond of Equestrian Christian Singles Equestrianism is more than a…
Signs you will never get married

Signs You Will Never Get Married: A Perspective for the Single Christian

Are you looking for an article on signs you will never get married? Marriage is often seen as a cornerstone of life, especially in Christian communities where it is seen as a divine covenant. But not everyone may walk down the aisle or utter those significant vows. For some single Christians, the path may seem unclear, and they might wonder, “Am I destined to remain lonely and single forever?” Here are some signs to consider, but always remember that God’s…
making peace with your past

Making Peace with Your Past: A Christian’s Path Towards Spiritual Healing

Do you have an issue with making peace with your past? Many Christian singles can’t get over the past. Several years back, I went on a Christian singles retreat, where the topic at hand was making peace with my past. Christian single after Christian single shared their sad stories of how a bad past experience, a soured relationship, or a sexual sin had held them back from living victoriously in the present. Although many Christian singles there that weekend desired…
Signs of an Unfaithful Girlfriend

Signs of an Unfaithful Christian Girlfriend: A Christian Single’s Guide

Do you know the signs of an unfaithful Christian girlfriend?  As a Christian single, understanding the foundation of a faithful and loving relationship is crucial. However, in a world where values and commitments can be complex, it’s essential to be aware of the signs that may indicate a partner’s infidelity. This article seeks to explore those signs, not from a place of judgment or paranoia, but from a standpoint of wisdom and discernment, which are deeply rooted in Christian beliefs.…

Embracing Solo: The Joy of Being Christian Single and Loving It

In a world that often places great emphasis on romantic relationships, being a Christian single can sometimes be perceived as a temporary state or even a social stigma. However, the truth is that being single can be a fulfilling and liberating experience for many individuals. Rather than viewing singleness as a void to be filled, embracing the single life can lead to personal growth, self-discovery, and a profound sense of contentment. In this article, we celebrate the joys and advantages…
How to Become a Better Listener

How to Become a Better Listener as a Christian Single

How to become a better listener? In the world of Christian dating, where values and beliefs play a pivotal role, the ability to listen effectively is more than a skill – it’s an expression of respect and understanding. Good listening can deepen connections, build trust, and foster a meaningful bond that aligns with Christian principles. This article explores the nuances of being a good listener in a Christian dating context, offering practical tips and insights for those seeking to nurture…
Praying for a Husband

Praying for a Husband: A Christian Single Girl’s Perspective

As a Christian single woman, the journey to finding a life partner can be filled with mixed emotions and uncertainties. In the midst of hopes and anxieties, prayer emerges as a powerful tool, a divine conversation that aligns our hearts with God’s will. This article explores how prayer can be an integral part of seeking a husband, from the perspective of a Christian single girl. Praying for a  Christian husband In the Christian faith, prayer is much more than a…
dating friends

Christian Dating Advice: Dating a Friend-Should Friends Date?

Thinking about dating a friend? Should I confess to my crush? But should friends date? A Christian single guy wrote us asking if it’s a good idea if best friends to date one another.  So what do you think? Should friends date each other? I know the cynical among us may agree with that line from When Harry Met Sally, “that a man and a woman can’t really be just friends.” But that’s the topic of another article. Let’s get…
accepting singleness

Embracing Singleness: A Christian Perspective

Do you have difficulty embracing singleness as a Christian single guy or woman Many singles I know are depressed and discouraged because they can’t seem to find contentment in their present state of singleness. Their pursuit of the perfect Christian dating relationship leading toward marriage is so all-consuming that they lose the joy of living day to day as a single person. Let’s be clear here. Accepting singleness has nothing to do with pursuing a Christian marriage with the right…
advantages of being single

Advantages of Being Single: From a Christian Single Perspective

There are a number of advantages of being single as a Christian single. For those of us living alone, we can sometimes forget. Also,  the constant barrage in the media communicates to single gals and single guys that they are somehow “missing out” because they are not hitched. In today’s society, where relationships are often seen as a marker of success, the Christian community, in particular, has unique insights into the value and benefits of being single. From fostering a…
dating rules for middle-aged christian singles

Dating Skills and Rules for Middle-aged Christians Singles

For many middle-aged Christians, the dating rules have changed dramatically since their younger years. Whether they’re venturing back into the world of romance after a long relationship or simply choosing to find love later in life, the fusion of faith and modern dating can be daunting. This article delves into essential dating skills and rules tailored specifically for middle-aged Christians, ensuring their journey is both spiritually fulfilling and contemporary. Understanding the Middle-aged Christian Dating Landscape The middle-aged demographic, generally encompassing…
Snapchat Dating for Christian Singles

Snapchat Dating for Christian Singles OK?

Snapchat dating for Christian singles? Platforms like Snapchat have become increasingly prevalent in how people connect, including in the realm of dating. For Christians, the decision to use such platforms for dating purposes involves careful consideration of faith, values, and the potential impact on relationships. This article delves into the nuances of using Snapchat for dating from a Christian perspective, exploring its benefits and challenges, and offering guidance on navigating this modern tool in alignment with Christian principles. Understanding Snapchat…
Quotes About Being Single

Quotes About Being Single from a Christian Perspective

There are many inspirational and funny quotes about being single. If you hang out with singles as frequently as I do, you’re bound to come up with quotes about being single that will remain with you for quite a while.  We have a lot of love quotes on this Christian singles blog. Some of the love quotes and quotes about being single are quite funny, so they are sad. Sometimes, however, I come across a single quote that’s just plain…
How to end a bad date

Bad Dates-How to End a Bad Date: Christian Singles Guide

Bad dates. Nearly everyone has had a bad date or two. In fact, several singles have written for advice on how to end a bad Christian date. Navigating the dating world as a Christian single can be a journey filled with hope and anticipation. However, not every date turns out as expected. What defines a ‘bad date’ in a Christian context? It could be a lack of shared values, disrespectful behavior, or simply a realization that there’s no spiritual or…
signs of lust in a man

Signs of Lust in Christian Single Men

Do you know the signs of lust in a man?  All Christian single men battle the lust of the flesh from time to time. In fact, let’s just make that ALL guys, whether they be single men or married men, Christian or non-Christian. One single man pal of mine said if his girlfriend ever knew his thoughts, she would never stop slapping him! Listen, men struggle with lust, and any single man who says otherwise is just lying out of…
40 something Christian singles

40-Something Christian Singles: Embracing Singleness with Faith and Fulfillment

Are you one of those 40-something Christian singles thinking about how life is passing you by? Navigating the world of 40-something Christian singles can be a unique and challenging journey. This phase often brings a mix of experiences – from the joy of independence to the complexities of loneliness and societal pressures. Many Christian singles in their forties find themselves grappling with questions of purpose, identity, and faith in the context of their singleness. In this comprehensive guide, we explore…