Single Dads

Single Dads

Christian single dads dating advice, parenting advice,single life tips

christian single dads

Christian Single Dads Dealing with Grief and Loss

Are you many of the Christian single dads dealing with loss? Grief is a universally human experience, a testament to the depths of our love and connection. For Christian single dads, this journey is often marked with unique challenges. Balancing personal heartache with the responsibilities of parenthood, they might feel doubly burdened. However, Christian teachings and faith can provide a wellspring of hope and guidance for such fathers. Let’s explore the distinctive struggles Christian single dads face and how their…
what is the alpha course

What is the Alpha Course | A Christian Singles Perspective

What is the Alpha Course? For many single Christians, the journey of faith can sometimes feel isolated, with unique challenges and questions that arise from living alone or seeking partnership. Enter the Alpha Course—a transformative program designed to introduce the basics of the Christian faith through a series of talks and discussions. This engaging course provides a refreshing perspective not just for newcomers to Christianity, but also for single believers who wish to deepen their faith and connect with a…

Single Women and Men Looking to Get Married

According to a MSN single life survey, only 20% of single women and men are not looking to get married; However, more than 28% of singles expect to remain in their single life state. The results of this singles survey means that a substantial number of singles are walking around with unfulfilled desires and lack of contentment with their singlehood. Where do you stand on this issue? If you are seeking to attract the right person to date and eventually…