Singles Ministry

Singles Ministry

Christian ministries-churches for singles

Self Control and the Single Christian Life

Many single Christians lack self control in their sex lives. Not a few have written us asking for help with their lack of self control in this area, and how to deal with the guilt over it. The top culprits of habitual masturbation, porn addiction and sex before marriage have disrupted their fellowship with the Lord. Self Control and Singles in the Bible It’s amazing how much God speaks about self control in the Bible, In fact, the Apostle Paul…
advantages of being single

Advantages of Being Single: From a Christian Single Perspective

There are a number of advantages of being single as a Christian single. For those of us living alone, we can sometimes forget. Also,  the constant barrage in the media communicates to single gals and single guys that they are somehow “missing out” because they are not hitched. In today’s society, where relationships are often seen as a marker of success, the Christian community, in particular, has unique insights into the value and benefits of being single. From fostering a…

Embracing Solo: The Joy of Being Christian Single and Loving It

In a world that often places great emphasis on romantic relationships, being a Christian single can sometimes be perceived as a temporary state or even a social stigma. However, the truth is that being single can be a fulfilling and liberating experience for many individuals. Rather than viewing singleness as a void to be filled, embracing the single life can lead to personal growth, self-discovery, and a profound sense of contentment. In this article, we celebrate the joys and advantages…
bible study guides for christian singles

Bible Study Guides for Christian Dating Singles: Navigating Love with Faith

Bible study guides are useful tools, especially for Christian singles who live such busy lives. With an online Bible Study Guide, say through Bible Study, one can access free online Bible translations, lexicons, Bible study commentaries, a topical Scripture guide, and basically any other kind of Bible resource you may need. Finding true love is a journey that every person embarks upon at some point in their life. For Christian singles, this journey is interwoven with faith, guided by…

Disability Dating and Singles Dating with Disabilities

Have you heard about those disability dating sites that exist to help disabled singles the chance to meet other singles with similar issues? Some people use disability dating sites because they feel it is harder for them to find a date on a regular dating site. I know of several Christian singles who have physical disabilities, and they with disability dating services. The main reason they use online disability dating is because they feel “normal” singles in the church and…

Hope for Singles this Christmas

We at Christian Dating Service PLUS! want to take this time to wish the thousands of dear single brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus who visit us each week a very warm and Merry Christmas! It is our hope and sincere prayer that the Lord will bless you with love, hope and joy in the coming year. As Christian singles we know it is especially during Christmas that many sense a longing for intimacy and love as found in a…

Single Women and Men Looking to Get Married

According to a MSN single life survey, only 20% of single women and men are not looking to get married; However, more than 28% of singles expect to remain in their single life state. The results of this singles survey means that a substantial number of singles are walking around with unfulfilled desires and lack of contentment with their singlehood. Where do you stand on this issue? If you are seeking to attract the right person to date and eventually…