

Christian Singles Ghosting

Christian Singles Ghosting Someone: Is It Biblical?

Are you one of the Christian singles ghosting someone? Navigating the world of modern dating can be a challenge, particularly when digital communication complicates traditional relationship etiquette. One phenomenon that has emerged from this digital revolution is “ghosting.” For Christian singles aiming to live according to Biblical principles, the question arises: Is it Biblical to ghost someone? Let’s delve into the concept of ghosting, and understand it from a Christian perspective. Understanding Ghosting in Christian Dating Ghosting refers to the…
How to know God's will for your life

How to Know God’s Will for Your Life as a Christian Single

Wondering how to know God’s will for your life? Being single provides both unique challenges and unparalleled opportunities to draw closer to God. As Christian singles navigate their personal journeys, they often wonder, “What is God’s will for my life?” Here’s a guide to help you discern His voice amidst the noise of daily life. 1. Prayer: The Direct Line to God Begin every decision-making process with prayer. James 1:5 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask…
how to build trust in a christian dating relationship

How to Build Trust in a Christian Dating Relationship

Learning how to build trust in a  Christian dating relationship can be challenging, especially when we consider the many values and principles that guide our lives. For Christians, one of the fundamental aspects of any relationship—be it friendship or dating—is trust. Trust is the bedrock of any healthy relationship, but how do you build it, especially in the delicate dance of Christian dating? Here’s a deep dive into cultivating trust in a Christian dating relationship with the opposite sex. 1.…
what is wife material

What is Wife Material from a Christian Single Girl’s Perspective

What exactly is wife material? In a world dominated by ever-evolving definitions of relationships and partnerships, many single Christian women find themselves pondering: What does it mean to be “good wife material”? The term, often casually thrown around in conversations, can evoke feelings of confusion, pressure, and even insecurity. However, when looked at through the lens of Christian teachings, it becomes clear that being ‘wife material’ is more about embodying the virtues of faith, love, and commitment rather than conforming…
10 relationship rules from the book of Ruth

10 Relationship Rules from the Book of Ruth

10 Relationship Rules from the Book of Ruth are nestled within the Old Testament.  The Bible holds a timeless treasure trove of relationship wisdom. This enchanting narrative not only showcases a remarkable love story but also imparts invaluable relationship rules that continue to resonate with people of all backgrounds and beliefs. In this article, we will explore the enduring lessons from the Book of Ruth that can guide us in building healthy, loving, and lasting relationships. Whether you’re married, dating,…
reddit dating advice for christian singles

Reddit Dating Advice for Christian Singles: Pros and Cons

There is a ton of Reddit dating advice for Christian singles out there. But is it sound biblical advice? Navigating the modern dating world can be a complex and often confusing experience. For Christian singles who seek to honor God in their relationships, the challenges can be even more unique. With the surge of online platforms offering dating advice, many singles are turning to communities like Reddit to seek guidance. But is Reddit the right place for Christian singles to…
Contemporary Christian music songs

Contemporary Christian Music Songs: A Christian Singles View

Contemporary Christian music songs are a  powerful medium to communicate faith, hope, and God’s enduring love. In recent years, contemporary Christian music (CCM) has evolved, becoming more than just hymns sung in churches; it has become a vibrant genre with chart-topping hits that resonate with audiences worldwide. Particularly for Christian singles, CCM has become a solace, offering songs that mirror their life experiences, struggles, and their unwavering faith in Christ. The Evolution of Contemporary Christian Music Songs (CCM) Contemporary Christian…