Emerging Church Movement and Single Adults Who Think Church Sucks

Emerging Church Movement and Single Adults Who Think Church Sucks

The emerging or emergent church “conversation” is changing the way many Christians think about reaching singles, who are by far the most unchurched group in places like the US and UK. As some emerging church propenents rightly remind us, the vast majority of the 90 million American single adults avoid traditional church at all costs, and something must be done to reach them
While I’m not part of the emerging church movement because I do believe in propositional truths as found in the Scriptures, I certainly appreciate some of it’s aspects.

The Emerging Church and Missional Living

One emerging church view I agree with is that all believers should be missionaries, lovingly engaging the unchurched around them. Sadly, most people in the Evangelical Church feel that Jesus left us on earth primarily to fellowship with each other instead of reaching lost, poor souls. Ouch!

The emerging church issue aside, as a single Christian who has experienced His love and forgiveness, how are you living and dating to effect the other singles in your midst who are in need of a Saviour? Does it really matter to you? To your church?

Bible Verse of Day

“I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.”

1 Corinthians 9:22,23

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