Famous Movie Love Quotes

Famous Movie Love Quotes

I love famous movie love quotes because they’re just plain fun…and romantic. One of my favorite famous movie love quotes comes from When Harry Met Sally, one of the
best romantic comedies of all time.

Set Up for Famous Movie Love Quote

On New Year’s Eve, Harry, walking alone in New York City, realizes he loves Sally. Panic rushes in as he sprints to meet her before the Times Square Ball drops. Just as “Auld Lang Syne” begins, Harry (Billy Crystal) catches up to Sally (Meg Ryan), and blurts out:

-I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, and the thing is, I love you-

Okay, to really enjoy this famous love movie quote, I guess you had to have seen the movie. You see, Harry finally was able to overcome his fear of telling Sally that he loved her. Believe, me, it was a touching scene.

Do you have a famous movie love quote you would like to share?

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One Comment

    • Doug

      -Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away-
      Captain Corellis Mandolin (2001)

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