Guilty Dating Relationships

Guilty Dating Relationships

Are you are Christian single guy or girl looking for cleansing from a guilty dating relationship that had you thinking and doing things you regretted? Maybe an abusive attitude toward the person you live? Perhaps a sex sin?

Many single Christians have been in what I call a “Guilty Dating Relationship, and we walk around half dead, beating ourselves up with guilt and emotional pain.

Although the below verse deals with physical healing, please allow the healing, cleansing power of God soothe your heart as you read the below bible verse of the day:

“A man with leprosy came to him and begged him on his knees, “If you are willing, you can make me clean.” Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” Immediately the leprosy left him and he was cured.” (Mark 1: 40-42 / NIV)

I truly can relate to the man with leprosy in this story. I know what it’s like to get down on my knees, and cry out to God for the cleansing of an affliction. Fir me it was one of those guilt trips From a horrible dating relationship that did not work out.

With all my heart, I can attest that the Jesus who healed the leper thousands of years ago, is the same Jesus healing many people today. This morning, my prayer is for all those who are suffering, may they call upon our Lord & savior Jesus Christ for healing. Amen!

God Bless You All! I’m praying for you! May God’s divine Holy Spirit dwell in all of us, and in all of our children mightily! May our Heavenly Father’s immeasurable love, mercy, grace, wisdom, peace, favor & victory be bestowed upon all of us. In Jesus Holy Name I ask & pray, so that we glorify our divine Heavenly Father! Amen


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