Interracial Dating Among International Divisions

Interracial Dating Among International Divisions

Interracial dating among Christian singles is skyrocketing worldwide. Christian singles are breaking down the barriers against all the cultural, racial and ethnic hatred and violence we see in the world today.

All of this bears witness to our Scripture of the day found in Galations 3:28, which rings out: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

Is that amazing or what? The most wonderful thing about Jesus’ love is that it transcends all language, culture, race, sex and status. In part, that’s why I see Christian interracial dating as a testimony of Jesus’ overwhelming love.

Whether Jew or Arab, Chinese or Japanese, American or Russan, Black or White, we are all one in Jesus, and brothers and sisters because of Him. That’s why the world needs to continue to see our lights shining in this present darkness.

As you go on your way this week, think about this verse and pray for your single Christian brothers and sisters who are living in difficult times of testing.


Are you a Christian single with thoughts to share about interracial dating?

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