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signs of lust in a man

Signs of Lust in Christian Single Men

Do you know the signs of lust in a man?  All Christian single men battle the lust of the flesh from time to time. In fact, let’s just make that ALL guys, whether they be single men or married men, Christian or non-Christian. One single man pal of mine said if his girlfriend ever knew his thoughts, she would never stop slapping him! Listen, men struggle with lust and masturbation, and any single man who says otherwise is just lying…
Anger at Being Single

Anger at Being Single-Dealing with Anger in Relationships

Do you have anger at being single? Many single women and men walk around with a lot of anger because they are still single long past the time they thought they would be married. Does being single at this time in your life make you angry? Target of Anger at being single One target of a single person’s anger is directed at God Himself because He has not brought that one true love into their lives. Frustration, jealousy, and discouragement…
sweet things to say to a christian girl

Sweet Things to Say to a Christian Girl

Are you a single guy looking for sweet things to say to a Christian girl? What are sweet things to say to a girl you like?  Many single guys, whether they are Christian or not, have true feelings of warmth deep inside their hearts. However, some not only have a difficult time thinking of sweet things to say to their girlfriends, they also get “tongue-tied” when trying to express them as well. Where’s Cyrano de Bergerac when we really need…

How Should Christian College Students Respond to Anti-Semitic and Anti-Israel Sentiments?

As a pastor on the campus of Rutgers University, I see firsthand the heated political and social conflicts brewing among the students. For Christian college students, the emergence of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel protests can be particularly troubling. This blog post aims to explore how Christian students can respond to such situations in a way that aligns with biblical teachings, promoting peace, understanding, and compassion. Understanding the Context Anti-Semitic and anti-Israel sentiments on college campuses often stem from complex geopolitical, historical,…
accepting singleness

Embracing Singleness: A Christian Perspective

Do you have difficulty embracing singleness as a Christian single guy or woman Many singles I know are depressed and discouraged because they can’t seem to find contentment in their present state of singleness. Their pursuit of the perfect Christian dating relationship leading toward marriage is so all-consuming that they lose the joy of living day to day as a single person. Let’s be clear here. Accepting singleness has nothing to do with pursuing a Christian marriage with the right…
blind support

Should Christian Singles Blindly Support Politicians?

I’m find it extremely concerning how blindly many people follow certain politicians and interest groups on both the LEFT and RIGHT, EVEN when it’s obvious they are demagogues, liars and crooks. If you claim to be a Christian, it’s time to WAKE UP! The moral authority of the church is undercut when we blindly support anyone. It’s also dangerous! We need to speak the TRUTH in love no matter where it leads. No matter if it makes you feel uncomfortable.…
undoing depression

Undoing Depression and Discouragement in Singles

As Christian singles, it’s sometimes easy to suffer discouragement or fear over new sets of circumstances or future uncertainties. Undoing depression that often accompanies discouragement is a difficult thing to do. Because we’re human, discouragement, depression and stress can crop up at anytime, for a variety of reasons. Why Singles Suffer Discouragement and Depression The following are some top reasons singles give for having discouragement and depression in their dating lives: Some battle discouragement and depression because they have just…
commitment phobia and singles

Commitment Phobia and Singles

Commitment phobia is the fear of commitment. When we speak of commitment phobia among singles, we are referring to folks who avoid commiting to long term relationships such as marriage. People who suffer from committment phobia come in all varieties. Commitment phobes (no, I didn’t make this term up!) can be both male and female, Christian and non-Christian, teens, single parents or seniors. Commitment phobia among singles can occur for several reasons. However, most commitment phobic men and women truly…
sexual impurity and Christian singles

Sexual Purity as a Single Christian: A Path From Impurity

Sexual purity is a difficult topic for Christian singles. It doesn’t matter if you are a single woman or man, or whether you believe in courtship or traditional dating. Yes, remaining sexually pure as a single Christian is a real battle, a tug-o-war between our raging hormones and desires, and our Lord’s plan for our lives in this area: “It is God’s will that you should be sanctified, that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn…
How to Deal with Regret as a Christian Single

Dealing with Regret as a Christian Single

Dealing with regret as a Christian single can be a deeply transformative experience, providing both spiritual growth and personal enlightenment. This article explores effective strategies rooted in Christian beliefs to navigate and overcome feelings of regret, turning them into stepping stones for a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life. Understanding Regret from a Christian Perspective Regret can be defined as a feeling of sadness, repentance, or disappointment over something that has happened or been done, especially a loss or missed opportunity.…
Christian dating and waiting on God

Christian Dating and Waiting on God

What does the Bible say about waiting on God? More specifically, how to wait on the Lord for a husband or wife? One of the most difficult things for Christian singles interested in dating and marriage is waiting on the Lord for that special soulmate. This is especially true as we see our single friends meet their dream date, get married, and move on. Loneliness and anxiety start to creep in as we wonder when God will bless us. Although…

How to Redirect Your Focus from Dating as a Christian Single

As a Christian single, it can be challenging to navigate the world of dating, especially when societal norms and peer pressures emphasize the importance of finding a romantic partner. However, it’s essential to remember that your worth and identity are rooted in Christ, not in your relationship status. This article explores strategies for Christian singles to shift their focus from dating and cultivate a more fulfilling, balanced life. Embrace Your Singlehood as a Divine Season 1. Deepen Your Spiritual Connection…
Best Careers for Single Moms

Best Careers for Single Christian Moms

As a single Christian mom, the journey of selecting the best career path is not just about financial stability, but also about finding work that resonates with your values, offers flexibility, and provides the opportunity to lead a fulfilling life while raising children. Balancing motherhood with career aspirations can be challenging, yet it’s a journey that can lead to immense personal growth and satisfaction. This comprehensive guide aims to empower single Christian mothers by exploring career options that align with…
How to Grow Spiritually as a Christian Single

How to Grow Spiritually as a Christian Single

In the journey of faith, being single offers a unique opportunity for spiritual growth and self-discovery. As Christian singles, the pursuit of a deeper, more fulfilling relationship with God can lead to a life of purpose, joy, and contentment. This article delves into practical and effective ways to grow spiritually, embracing the singleness season as a time of divine preparation and personal transformation. 8 Steps on How to grow Spiritually as a Christian Single 1. Embrace Solitude as a Gift…
Latin Christian Singles

Latin Christian Singles in the USA and How to Meet Them

In recent years, the United States has witnessed a notable surge in the population of Latin Christian singles. This demographic shift is not just a testament to the growing diversity within the country but also highlights the vibrant faith community among Latin Americans. As more individuals seek partners who share their cultural and spiritual values, understanding the dynamics of this trend and exploring effective ways to meet Latin Christian singles becomes essential for fostering meaningful relationships. This article delves into…
How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome as a Christian Dating Single

In the journey of Christian dating, singles often face a hidden obstacle that can hinder their path to finding a loving, God-centered relationship: imposter syndrome. This psychological phenomenon, characterized by persistent self-doubt and a fear of being exposed as a “fraud” despite evident success, can be particularly challenging in the sensitive context of dating. However, with faith as a cornerstone, Christian singles can navigate through these feelings, turning imposter syndrome from a roadblock into a stepping stone toward genuine connections…