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Why God Created Eve: A Comical but Biblically-Sound Reflection for Christian Singles

Ah, the age-old question. Why did God create Eve? The answer, as we know, is embedded deep in the Book of Genesis, but let’s be honest: we’ve all wondered about this from time to time, especially when you’re navigating the single life. Was it really necessary for Adam to have a companion? Wasn’t he living the dream, chilling in the Garden of Eden, naming animals, and eating all the organic fruit his heart desired? But no, God looked at Adam…

When God Doesn’t Make Sense as a Christian Single

When God doesn’t make sense to you because all your Christian single friends have met someone, but you have not, does your faith waver?  As Christian singles, maybe it’s a Christian dating relationship that’s gone awry, or some other event in your life that’s got you thinking about “the why” of it all.  Why did God allow this? What’s God’s plan? Where do I go from here? Navigating the treacherous waters of singleness can often leave one feeling like a…
christian singles post breakup

Rediscovering Purpose as a Christian Single Post-Breakup

Breakups are tough. Whether it was a long-term relationship or a short one, the end of a romantic connection can leave us feeling lost, lonely, and confused. When you’ve invested so much of your heart into someone else, it’s normal to feel disoriented when that bond breaks. However, as a Christian single navigating life post-breakup, there is an incredible opportunity to rediscover your purpose and grow closer to God during this season of your life. It’s not just about surviving;…
signs of lust in a man

Signs of Lust in Christian Single Men

Do you know the signs of lust in a man?  All Christian single men battle the lust of the flesh from time to time. In fact, let’s just make that ALL guys, whether they be single men or married men, Christian or non-Christian. One single man pal of mine said if his girlfriend ever knew his thoughts, she would never stop slapping him! Listen, men struggle with lust and masturbation, and any single man who says otherwise is just lying…
Generation Z Singles

Generation Z Christian Singles

As Generation Z Christian singles can tell you, the vast majority of other 20-something singles  and college singles do not attend church. Paradoxically, Generations Z Singles as they are called today, are also one of the most receptive age groups to evangelize. How can both of these statements about Gen singles be true? The answer is that many Christian churches are simply missing huge opportunities by not communicating the Gospel to 20-something singles in ways that make sense to them.…
Living in the Friend Zone as a Christian Single

Stuck in the Friend Zone as a Christian Single

Ah, the infamous Friend Zone—a place where your feelings are as obvious as a neon sign, but to the object of your affection, you’re just a really good buddy. If you’re a Christian single who’s head over heels for a Christian guy who doesn’t quite get the memo, don’t despair. The Friend Zone is a land of opportunity, growth, and, surprisingly, a lot of laughs. Let’s dive into how to deal with this unique relationship with humor, warmth, and a…
how to let go of a toxic relationship

How to Let Go of a Toxic Christian Dating Relationship

Sometimes learning how to let go of a toxic Christian dating relationship can be harder than finding a girlfriend or boyfriend. Even when we know letting go of a particular relationship is in our best interest, like in the case of an abusive dating relationship, or dating a married person, or dating an unbeliever, it is not always an easy decision. Many times a Christian single may struggle over feeling guilty or think that the right person will never come into…
Signs of an Unfaithful Girlfriend

What Does it Mean to Abandon Yourself in a Relationship

Hey friend, let’s have a heart-to-heart about something that can be a little tricky when it comes to love: losing yourself. As a Christian single woman, I know how easy it can be to put someone else’s needs and wants before your own when you’re excited about a relationship. But what happens when you wake up one day and realize you’re not sure who you are anymore? If you’ve ever found yourself bending over backward to please someone, always putting…
Traits of a Good Christian Man

Traits of a Good Christian Man: A Single Woman’s Perspective

So just what are the traits of a good Christian man? As a single Christian woman interested in dating, it’s easy to get caught up in the world’s definitions of a “good man.” We hear so much about how he should look, what kind of job he should have, and how charming or charismatic he needs to be. But as believers, we know that the qualities that truly matter in a man run much deeper than surface-level attributes. They are…
moral failure in christian dating relationship

Moral Failure in Christian Dating Relationships: A Path to Healing and Redemption

I know of so many single Christians who come to me with grieving hearts over a moral failure in Christian dating relationships.  Are you one of those? I have been there and done that, and I know exactly how it feels. During times like these, those experiencing moral failure need to know that if they are true believers in Christ, there may be broken fellowship, but forgiveness is only a prayer away. The tendency I had when I experienced moral…

How to Grow Spiritually During Singleness as a Christian

Christian Singleness is often viewed as a waiting room—a period of life where we twiddle our thumbs, waiting for that special someone to sweep us off our feet. But what if I told you that this season of singleness is actually a golden opportunity for spiritual growth? Yep, you heard me right! Your solo status isn’t a cosmic joke, but a divine gift wrapped in the glittering paper of self-discovery, spiritual depth, and yes, a good bit of humor. So,…

Relationship Status: Why Single Christians Should Not Obsess Over It

Ah, relationship status. That phrase that somehow carries the weight of a thousand questions, a million unsolicited pieces of advice, and enough awkward family dinner conversations to last a lifetime. If you’re a single Christian, you’ve probably heard it all: “So, when are you getting married?” “Have you tried online dating?” or the classic, “God has someone special for you, you just have to be patient.” Before you let out a big sigh or roll your eyes into the next…
Christian Dating Behavior

Christian Dating Behavior

Okay, you have probably heard a ton of Christian dating behavior advice throughout your Christian dating life. It seems to me that surfing the web for what makes for good Christian dating behavior is fruitless because the advice varies so much. Couple this with the fact that the word “dating” does not appear in the Bible, single Christians out there looking for some real answers could end of getting a little confused. hopefully, therefore, the following Christian dating behavior tips…
please don't date him

Please Don’t Date Him Girl Tips for Christian Singles

Some single Christian women wish someone had warned them with the words: “Please Don’t date him girl!”, before they took the plunge into a bad dating relationship. So when is it a bad idea to date? The following “don’t date him girl tips are written in hopes of helping some of us avoid this date trap. If you answer yes to any of the following questions, please consider this advice: Don’t date him, girl! Please Don’t Date Him Girl Quiz…
what is wife material

What is Wife Material from a Christian Single Girl’s Perspective

What exactly is wife material? In a world dominated by ever-evolving definitions of relationships and partnerships, many single Christian women find themselves pondering: What does it mean to be “good wife material”? The term, often casually thrown around in conversations, can evoke feelings of confusion, pressure, and even insecurity. However, when looked at through the lens of Christian teachings, it becomes clear that being ‘wife material’ is more about embodying the virtues of faith, love, and commitment rather than conforming…
Falling out of love

 Falling Out of Love in Christian Dating Relationship

Falling in love is often described as a magical experience. Falling out of love is pure hell.   If you find yourself falling out of love with your Christian boyfriend or girlfriend, it can be a confusing and painful process. As a Christian single, navigating this situation requires wisdom, compassion, and a deep understanding of biblical principles. Understanding Why We Fall Out of Love Relationships are dynamic, constantly evolving entities. The initial passion and excitement that characterize the early stages of…