Letting Go of a Relationship
Most of us know that letting go of a relationship, even if it’s a toxic relationship, is one of the most difficult thing to do. In a previous article we mentioned when it might be a good idea to let go of a relationship However, many single Christians have communicated to us that simply knowing letting go of a relationship is not enough. One single Christian girl wrote that her cheating boyfriend has her under his power, and try as…
Sovereign Grace Singles
Did you know there is actually a “Sovereign Grace Singles” dating site for Christian singles? Oh, wait a minute, Sovereign Grace Singles (sovereigngracesingles.com) is not for all single Christians, but only for those who hold to a Reformed theological point of view. Sovereign Grace Singles even uses this Scripture from Amos 3:3 to back up their point of view: ‘Can two walk together except they be agreed?’ How outrageous, sad…and unbiblical! Check out this quote on the Sovereign Grace…
What’s True Love Got To Do With It?
Most human beings are looking for a true love that lasts forever. I know some uf us may not admit it, but deep down, that thirst for true love is there. Perhaps your search for a true love relationship is one of the reasons you’re visiting this site today. True Love-What it’s Not Unfortunately, in our quest to find it, many of us have been, like the 80’s love song says, looking for true love in all the wrong places.…
Rebound Relationships and the Pain
Many singles seem to go from one rebound relationship to the next in search of that ultimate relationship. The only problem is that the vast majority of rebound relationships end as well, which makes daters feel worse then the previous relationship. As someone who worked in the Family Court system, I saw the sad effects of rebound relationships everyday. The Thinking Behind Rebound Relationships The thinking behind rebound relationships goes like this: “Although my previous relationship failed, this one will…
Money Saving Worries and Singles
Many singles have a hard time saving money, for the simple reason that they don’t have much money to save. This lack of money saving has caused many single worry over what they will do in their day of need. Money Saving Worries for Christian Singles Does money saving concerns of single people shock you? It shouldn’t because financial debt and being single goes hand in hand. Singles of all types (never married, divorced, widowed or single parents) collectively have…
Holiday Gifts-The Greatest Holiday Gift of All
Well, the holiday gift season is upon us once again. Oh Joy! Can you believe that in my area (New York) businesses had holiday gift displays with Christmas trees lit as early as the beginning of September? Unbelievable! Although poll after poll in the US, UK, Europe and Australia consistently show a substantial majority of people would like to see less spending on holiday gifts, each year folks spend more and and more on gifts. Holiday Gifts and Christian Singles…
Matchmaker Dating, Faith and Christian Singles
Certain online dating services are what we call matchmaker dating sites. Matchmaker dating is different from other types of online dating service (like Christian Mingle, for example) in that the person using them has less control over the dating process. Instead of you choosing your own potential dating match, the dating matchmaker service will choose a partner for you, usually after you complete an indepth compatibility test unique to the particular service. We referred to this type of dating matchmaker…
Free Christian Dating Services
I have a number of things to share about free Christian dating services. First of all, there are not many true free Christian dating services out there. Secondly, while there is one major plus to using a free Christian dating service (like the price), there is also one major disadvantage you should know about. Free Christian Dating Services Drawback Smaller Databases Generally, free Christian dating services simply do not have as large a number of available people in their search…
Emerging Church Movement and Single Adults Who Think Church Sucks
The emerging or emergent church “conversation” is changing the way many Christians think about reaching singles, who are by far the most unchurched group in places like the US and UK. As some emerging church propenents rightly remind us, the vast majority of the 90 million American single adults avoid traditional church at all costs, and something must be done to reach them While I’m not part of the emerging church movement because I do believe in propositional truths as…
Hope for Singles this Christmas
We at Christian Dating Service PLUS! want to take this time to wish the thousands of dear single brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus who visit us each week a very warm and Merry Christmas! It is our hope and sincere prayer that the Lord will bless you with love, hope and joy in the coming year. As Christian singles we know it is especially during Christmas that many sense a longing for intimacy and love as found in a…
Love Songs in the Bible
Everybody loves a good love song now and again. That’s why there are so many online “love song” sites dedicated to accumulating love song lyrics. People just seem to love them! Now That’s an Old Love Song! Most of my singles friends who are not Christians are surprised when I tell them that some of the oldest and hottest “love songs” are found in the Bible. I’ll tell you what, King Solomon sure knew how to write a good love…
Single Women and Men Looking to Get Married
According to a MSN single life survey, only 20% of single women and men are not looking to get married; However, more than 28% of singles expect to remain in their single life state. The results of this singles survey means that a substantial number of singles are walking around with unfulfilled desires and lack of contentment with their singlehood. Where do you stand on this issue? If you are seeking to attract the right person to date and eventually…
Single Parent Family Stress at Christmas time
Christmastime can bring added stress for a single parent family. A single parent family mom or dad already has a stressful life. Yet, at this time of the year a custodial single parent may also be battling the holiday blues syndrome, the burden of trying to afford Christmas gifts for the family and the hassle of arranging a visitation schedule with the other parent. Talk about the potential for major stress! Single Parent Family Antidote for Worry As Christian single…
Relationship Rescue for Christian Singles
Relationship Rescue is a term Dr. Phil McGraw popularized in one of his best selling books that also goes by that name. Relationship rescue has to do with, yes you guessed it, rescuing relationships from the brink of disaster and breakups. Dr. Phil’s book goes on to give a number of”relationship rescue” tips on how one rescues his or her relationship. While I don’t agree with all of the relationship rescue steps in the book, there are many dating Christian…
Interracial Dating and the Christian Church
While a recent Gallup Poll on USA interracial dating found that over 95% of 18-29 year-olds approve of dating between the races, only 45% of the over 65 crowd agree. Less than a decade before, both of these age groups had significantly less approval for interracial dating. I guess we should have predicted these survey findings when even Bob Jones University lifted its interracial dating ban six years ago. Singles generally only date those with whom they have had regular…
Famous Movie Love Quotes
I love famous movie love quotes because they’re just plain fun…and romantic. One of my favorite famous movie love quotes comes from When Harry Met Sally, one of the best romantic comedies of all time. Set Up for Famous Movie Love Quote On New Year’s Eve, Harry, walking alone in New York City, realizes he loves Sally. Panic rushes in as he sprints to meet her before the Times Square Ball drops. Just as “Auld Lang Syne” begins, Harry (Billy…