'singles' Tagged Posts

'singles' Tagged Posts

single adults and the great commission

The Great Commission and Single Adults

In a previous article related to the Great Commission and single adults, we mentioned that single adults are one of the most unchurched groups of people. Although the Great Commission commands us to preach the gospel to every creature, million of singles are unreached and still living in spiritual darkness. Why is this? The sad but true story is that many churches and individual Christians do not take the great Commission seriously. For example, in his influential book, The Disciple-Making…
undoing depression

Undoing Depression and Discouragement in Singles

As Christian singles, it’s sometimes easy to suffer discouragement or fear over new sets of circumstances or future uncertainties. Undoing depression that often accompanies discouragement is a difficult thing to do. Because we’re human, discouragement, depression and stress can crop up at anytime, for a variety of reasons. Why Singles Suffer Discouragement and Depression The following are some top reasons singles give for having discouragement and depression in their dating lives: Some battle discouragement and depression because they have just…
Generation Z Singles

Generation Z Christian Singles

As Generation Z Christian singles can tell you, the vast majority of other 20-something singles  and college singles do not attend church. Paradoxically, Generations Z Singles as they are called today, are also one of the most receptive age groups to evangelize. How can both of these statements about Gen singles be true? The answer is that many Christian churches are simply missing huge opportunities by not communicating the Gospel to 20-something singles in ways that make sense to them.…
anxiety and christian singles

Anxiety Attacks and Being Single

Single people who suffer from anxiety attacks know how much it can affect their dating relationships and self-esteem. I should know because I used to suffer anxiety attacks for years myself. I remember one night being at the movies with my new date, when a terrible anxiety attack came over me. I started sweating, and my heart felt like it was jumping out of my chest. I later found out this was called relationship anxiety. LOL, I just thought I…
christian single dads

Christian Single Dads Dealing with Grief and Loss

Are you many of the Christian single dads dealing with loss? Grief is a universally human experience, a testament to the depths of our love and connection. For Christian single dads, this journey is often marked with unique challenges. Balancing personal heartache with the responsibilities of parenthood, they might feel doubly burdened. However, Christian teachings and faith can provide a wellspring of hope and guidance for such fathers. Let’s explore the distinctive struggles Christian single dads face and how their…
small group bible studies

Small Group Bible Studies for Christian Singles

Basically, small group bible studies for Christian singles are support groups or cell groups that include Bible study, but worship, prayer, encouragement, learning more about the Lord, and outreach to the community around them. Here at Oasis Singles we highly encourage Christian singles to hook into small group Bible studies.   For many Christian singles, the journey of faith is both personal and deeply communal. While personal devotions and corporate worship have their irreplaceable places in a believer’s life, there’s…
Thankfulness at being single

10 Reasons to Be Thankful Being Single

There are many reasons to be thankful being single. Thanksgiving Day is a time of thankfulness and being thankful for all our blessings. However, for many singles it’s simply another holiday to survive, and a reminder of how lonely and frustrating life can be without the emotional and physical intimacy of a mate. That’s why showing thankfulness is difficult for many of my Christian single solo friends, especially during this time of year. Do you feel the same way? Being…
fitness singles

Fitness Singles-Are You Christian Single and Into Fitness?

Are you a fitness single? A Christian single into fitness? What a strange term that is! But that’s the term somebody coined for a single person who’s into fitness. There are even dating sites dedicated entirely to fitness singles. Unbelievable! Christian Fitness Go to any work out club like Ballys or LA Fitness, and will you  find a substantial majority of the people fit? Of course! Our bodies are the temple of the Spirit, and we should take good care…
sovereign grace

Sovereign Grace Singles

Did you know there is actually a “Sovereign Grace Singles” dating site for Christian singles? Oh, wait a minute, Sovereign Grace Singles (sovereigngracesingles.com) is not for all single Christians, but only for those who hold to a Reformed theological point of view. Sovereign Grace Singles even uses this Scripture from Amos 3:3 to back up their point of view: ‘Can two walk together except they be agreed?’ How outrageous, sad…and unbiblical!   Check out this quote on the Sovereign Grace…