Undoing Depression and Discouragement in Singles

Undoing Depression and Discouragement in Singles

As Christian singles, it’s sometimes easy to suffer discouragement or fear over new sets of circumstances or future uncertainties. Undoing depression that often accompanies discouragement is a difficult thing to do.

Because we’re human, discouragement, depression and stress can crop up at anytime, for a variety of reasons.

Why Singles Suffer Discouragement and Depression

The following are some top reasons singles give for having discouragement and depression in their dating lives:

  • Some battle discouragement and depression because they have just suffered the end of a long term relationship
  • Other singles keep seeing friends marry off, but feel discouraged and depressed because they have no dating or courting prospects. This makes them fearful they will never get married.
  • Some are recently single again parents (by divorce or death) who feel discouragement and depression because they now have added responsibilities with less support.
  • Some Christian singles feel discouragement with their churches because of perceived lack of concern for their needs.

I’m sure you may be able to add additional causes for discouragement and depression. But you know what’s neat? Whatever discouraging emotions we go through as Christian single believers, the Lord has answers for us in His living word.

Our Scripture for the day is found in Joshua 1:9: Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

The death of Moses signified a whole new beginning for Joshua, with a bunch of added responsibilities. God had just told Joshua that he was the guy who was going to lead the Israelites across the Jordan after they had spent 40 years wandering around in the Wilderness.

Besides having the Israelites to deal with, which was no easy task, Joshua had to think about all the scary things that could befall him once he crossed the river in the near future.

Judging by God’s words in our verse of the day, we can pretty much assume Joshua was discouraged, depressed, freaked out and overwhelmed with his new responsibilities and position. While Joshua, who lived to 110, may or may not have been single, everyone reading this article can certainly identify with his feelings.

But what happened to Joshua? With God’s help he overcame his discouragement, and undoing his depression, went on to lead the people to glorious victories.

As Christian singles, we too can have victory over our circumstances by undoing depression and discouragement in our lives. The following tips will help you as you seek the Lord in this matter.

By the way, if you are not sure you are a child of God, please check this out before continuing.

Tips For Undoing Depression and Discouragement

Remember You Have a Choice

God will never command us to do something without providing the power to obey. When we feel discouragement we sometimes lose sight of the fact that we have a choice not to feel this way. Why? Because God has commanded us not to feel this way. In fact, God had to remind Joshua what He had already commanded: Do not have discouragement, dismay or fear.

Remember God Has a Wonderful Future for Your Life

God told Joshua he was going to do great things for him and through him. After having just lost Moses, Joshua became discouraged and depressed, and may have lost sight of this wonderful fact.

As a single Christian, maybe some bad experience has caused you to lose hope. Like Joshua, God has promised you wonderful things as well (Jer. 29:11). Believe Him on this, even if you don’t feel it or see it.

Remember God Promises Help

God promised Joshua twice in different words (Joshua 1:5,9) that He would never leave Him alone in his circumstances. The same promises are available to us as we work through our discouragement, undoing our depression (Read Hebrews 13:5, John 14:8).

Remember the Needs of Others

When a person feels discouraged or depressed they tend to withdraw from life. God challenged Joshua at this point by givng him a mission to accomplish. Why? The best medicine for undoing depression and discouragement is to force yourself to be “outward focused” by helping others.

Joshua had a people to lead across the Jordan. What ministry or mission has God given you?

Are you a single woman or man who has had success in undoing depression and discouragement in your life? Please help others by sharing.

Related Posts:

Contentment Living a Christian Single Life
Dating After Divorce
Single Again Tips for the Recently Single Woman and Man
How to Meet More Single Christians Online

Sovereign Grace Singles

Singles Blog

Bible Verse of Day

Christian Singles Advice


    • Jamel Monson

      Thanks for this information on depression. I have been going through a lot lately and I seem to be overwhelmed by stress and depression. I am not sure if it is just stress or spiritual warfare. Please keep me in your prayers. God Bless

      • Wendy j

        Husband left me to persue an alternative life style. Hurt, lonely, feelings of abandonment, and fear of never being loved again. Husband new lifestyle contradicts Gods desire for healthy life and future with God. Alternative lifestyle has me pondering why I still love him and I am unable to let go.

        • steve gray

          I’ve done some terrible things in my life. I am not christian but please don’t judge. I know a lot about of what god is trying to instil in ALL of us. Those of us who aren’t saved fall victim to satans plans each and everytime without question. I have loved a christian for a few years and she loved me unconditionally. I was so blinded by alcohol and depression that I constantly found myself blocking her out and using anger towards her. We had a very rough two and a half years because she chose a lifestyle she wasn’t used to over god. I hate myself for eveything I’ve done to her and I really miss her. We had a beautiful daughter but we weren’t married so god has made us pay. We were homeless we were in debt and we struggled tremendously to keep each other fed everyday. We recently we had a very bad fist fight and now she wants nothing to do with me. She won’t forgive me and she won’t believe in me anymore. I went to jail for it and I just can’t stop thinking about what we were building. I miss her so much and I am upset that she is choosing a more reckless lifestyle (my life). I really need help in getting over the pain I caused her and myself. I pray and pray and see no results. I have no job no money and no way to take care of my children. I lose faith and then regain faith. Im sick and my body is breaking down. I need your prayer everyoneim tired of going back and forth when all I really want is to be with god and bring her back within gods grasp.

          • in response to steve

            The lord knows you and loves you. He has his hand over you and, although you do not know it, he is turning things around in your life. You just need to run to his high tower and surround yourself with his presence. Pray for his holy spirit to fill you and seek his counsel. He loves you and he knows you. In him you are an overcomer through the blood of the lamb.

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