Christian Podcasts

Christian Podcasts

christian podcastChristian singles podcasts are all the rage in 2024 and we have many podcasts from which to choose. Here you will find podcasts on a wide variety of topics. Some of our  podcasts will include audio and video so make sure to check out the links below. As with all of our content on this site, it is in an interactive format. Feel free to comment on our podcasts, and leave your much need opinion.

Christian Singles Podcasts

We have dating podcasts for single Christians, as well as sermon podcasts on important life topics that originate from our ministry and other awesome churches around the world. While our podcasts are geared toward single Christians, everyone from single to married to divorced, from Gen Z 20 somethings to Baby Boomers will enjoy them.

Finally, we want you to know that while we will NEVER shy away from controversial subjects, we pledge to make sure that all of our  podcasts are scripturally sound and useful to the listener. Enjoy


4 Things to Remember About the 2024 Presidential Election

Ah, election season. It’s a time of high stakes, passionate debates, and the occasional urge to yell at your TV screen.  But here are 4 Things Christian Singles Need to Remember About the 2024 Presidential Election.  And no, it’s not just about picking the right candidate, but also about maintaining your faith and possibly even meeting that special someone along the way. Let’s dive in with warmth, a sprinkle of humor, and a whole lot of heart. 1. The Real…
Waiting on God for a Spouse

Waiting on God for a Spouse: The Rollercoaster Journey of Patience

Are you one of the thousands of people waiting on God for a spouse? It’s a delightful mix of faith, prayer, a touch of confusion, and maybe the occasional “Lord, did You hear me?” moment. As Christian singles, we know the Bible has a lot to say about patience, trust, and the whole shebang when it comes to waiting on God’s timing. So let’s dive into this exciting (and sometimes amusing) rollercoaster ride of waiting on God to provide a…
sign of flirting woman

Embracing Your Identity in Christ as a Christian Single

Do you embrace your identity in Christ as a Christian single? How does your identity in Christ affect you as a Christian Single? When you think about being single, it can sometimes feel like you’re in some kind of waiting room—waiting for that special someone to walk into your life and sweep you off your feet. For Christian singles, that waiting room can feel even more complex. There’s the usual dating landscape, but then there’s also this whole added layer…
christian dating advice for men

Christian Dating Advice for Men Seeking Marriage

Looking for Christian dating advice for men seeking marriage? Are you a Single Christian guy looking for that perfect Christian single girl to marry? Are you waiting on God for the special spouse? In the quest for love and companionship, Christian men seeking marriage often face unique challenges. In a world that often emphasizes superficial connections and casual relationships, it can be difficult to navigate the path of finding a life partner who shares the same values and faith. This…
Dealing with addictions as Christian Singles

Dealing With Addiction as a Christian Single

Are you dealing with addiction as a Christian single? It’s a shame but true. Many Christian singles, married and divorced people have addictions and strongholds in their lives that hold them in bondage. Porn addiction, for example, is one of the most serious addictions that trap single Christians. Although dealing with addiction is essential if we are to enjoy our relationship experiences and life to the fullest, many are in a pickle over how to exactly conquer this. A Christian…
fears that keep women and men single

Fears That Keep Women And Men Single

Many fears keep women and men single and alone. Did you know that fear of being alone and single throughout life is one of the greatest fears of Christian single women and men? Paradoxically, many single women and men who yearn to get married often allow fears and phobias to keep them from entering into a relationship. Furthermore, instead of meeting the love of their lives, they end up battling feelings of loneliness and frustration. So just what are some…
dealing with rejection as a single christian

How to Deal with Rejection as a Single Christian

Learning how to deal with rejection as a single Christian is very important. If you are a single Christian who recently got dumped, or been told by the other party that they don’t want to date you, this could be very painful. ? In this regard, some people suffer from  Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, which entails having such an intense emotional response to being dissed or criticized, that it brings them close to a mental breakdown. This inevitably makes one feel…
single girls

Christian Single Girls Who Date Bad Guys

Most Christian single women and men we surveyed feel that many girls seem to prefer to date “bad guys”. Yup, hands down most single girls (Christians included) would rather date Jack Sparrow, the pirate, than Richie Cunningham, the Happy Days all-around good guy. ? One depressed single Christian guy (I’m assuming he’s a good one) lamented: “I just don’t get it. Here I am, a sensitive, passionate Christian with a caring heart and a good job, but I can’t find…
learning how to argue and fight

Learning How to Argue and Fight

Learning how to argue and fight is the best dating tip we could give Christian singles. That may sound like whacky dating advice unless you know that the top reason both dating and married couples break up is a lack of communication in the area of conflict-resolution. ? This is very important, so let me reiterate this dating advice a different way: Learning how to fight and argue successfully is the best way to a lasting and happy dating and/or…
Red flags in a Christian dating relationship

Red Flags in a Christian Dating Relationship

Knowing the top red flags in a  Christian dating relationship is important,  The problem is that many Christian singles ignore the silent red flags in a relationship and so stay longer than they should have.  The top three reasons daters give for overstaying a romantic or dating relationship are as follows: Fear of being alone Fear and/or guilt over what the other person will feel or do Fear of exchanging the familiar for the unknown Let’s face it, dating relationships…
Why Keep Praying When There is No Answer

Why Keep Praying When There is No Answer? A Christian Single’s Perspective

Do you ever ask yourself: “Why keep praying when there is no answer?” Learning how to deal with unanswered  prayer as a single  Christian can be daunting. The journey of prayer can often feel like a pathway strewn with questions and uncertainties. The plea for a life partner is a heartfelt one, shared by many, yet sometimes it seems met with silence. So, why continue to pray when the heavens seem quiet? Here’s an exploration grounded in Scripture, faith, and…
fighting temptation

Fighting Temptation as a Christian Single

A significant part of the Christian single life consists of fighting temptation. When we think of fighting temptation as a single Christian, many of us think of battling sexual impurity. But fighting temptation as single Christians is not just about sexual matters like masturbation Being single and Christian in the modern world is an exhilarating journey, characterized by unique challenges, personal growth, and rewarding experiences. At the center of this journey lies a common thread for many Christian singles: the…
dealing with past relationships

How to Let Go of Past Relationship Trauma

How one is able to let go of past relationship trauma is a great predictor of future success in other relationships. Many Christian singles I know are in bondage to past hurts on account of  cheating, disappointments, secret sins and  relationship breakups..  Under the weight The emotional  relationship baggage of the past, How To Deal With Past  Toxic Relationships When we go through a painful breakup or toxic Christian dating relationship, it can leave deep emotional scars and anger. Dwelling…
How to Stop Masturbating

How to Stop Masturbating: A Christian Singles Perspective

Wondering how to stop masturbating? In a world where the conversation around sexual purity and personal habits is often challenging to navigate, single Christians seeking to honor their faith while grappling with the natural tendencies of human sexuality can find themselves at a crossroads. Masturbation, a subject shrouded in taboo and often guilt, becomes a pivotal point of internal conflict. This article aims to shed light on how single Christians can approach the topic of masturbation with grace, understanding, and…
signs of physical attraction

What Makes Christian Women or Men Attractive Physically?

What makes Christian women and men attractive physically? Do you know the signs of physical attraction? Experts tell us that there are certain signs of physical attraction that give away when a girl likes a guy, or  when a dude is attracted to girl. In fact, if you were to go and Google “signs of physical attraction”, you would find a whole boatload of relationship advice on how to tell when there is a spark. In today’s fast-paced and image-driven…
Dating Vs Relationship in Christian Dating

Dating vs Relationship from a Christian Singles Perspective

Dating vs Relationship. As a Christian single do you know the difference between the two?  As Single Christians, navigating the world of dating and relationships can be a journey filled with both excitement and introspection. Understanding the differences between dating and being in a relationship, particularly from a Christian perspective, can help individuals make informed, faith-aligned decisions in their romantic lives. This Christian single blog post and podcast explores these differences and sheds light on when dating evolves into a…