Christian Parents

Christian Parents

single christian parentingThis category is all about life issues of  Singles Parents Single parents come in all shapes and sizes: widowed single parents, teen single parents, and divorced or never married single parents.

Let’s face it, being a single parent is one of the most difficult and stressful jobs. Having financial difficulties and working full-time with a bunch of kids only increases stress, fear, and anxiety.

Under these trying times, tens of thousands of singles are visiting our site each week looking for advice and hope. Single parent dating has been pushed to the wayside for the time being, but people are still looking for connection in some fashion.

 Single Parenting Advice

Here you will find single parenting advice in not just Christian dating, but in all different areas such as divorce and remarriage, single parenting issues with kids and the non custodial parent,    child support payments,  single parent dating tips, how to  reduce stress as a single parent, and of course, sex struggles like masturbation.

Our goal here is to build a library of single parenting advice for singles. If you are a single parent with a story or tip to share, give us a holler.

christian single parents

Christian Single Parents | Single Christian Parents

Christian single parents carry significant responsibilities and often face loneliness. Think about it. It can feel overwhelming to manage all the chores, attend to your children’s needs, and find time for personal well-being. In today’s world, single parenthood has become increasingly common, and the journey is seldom smooth. For Christian single parents, the task becomes even more significant as they seek to instill spiritual values while managing life’s challenges singlehandedly. This article will offer essential advice and strategies for Christian…
single parents and prodigals

Single Parents and Prodigals

We already mentioned how difficult it is to be a Christian single parent. Being a single parent of a prodigal son or daughter is even more difficult. Our following single parenting podcast takes a biblical look on how parents should deal wit their prodigal kids.   Other Singles Podcast: Christian Singles  Relationship Advice Christian Podcasts Christian Dating Service Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe RSS
christian dating service

Stress Reducers for Single Parents

Stress reducers for single parents? That sounds great considering the many stress related symptoms some Christian single parents live with daily. Let’s see, there’s financial stress, job stress, dating stress, single parenting stress, custody and child support stress. Ugh! I’m getting stressed out. As single Christian parents, it is important to know how to reduce or relieve stress in your life. The following stress reducers for single parents  may help give you some relief. 7 Top Stress Reducers for Single…
Dating Someone With Kids

Christian Dating Someone with Kids

When embarking on a new relationship, especially as a Christian single, dating someone with kids presents a unique set of experiences that can enrich your life in unexpected ways. It’s a journey that requires compassion, understanding, and a heart open to the blessings and challenges that come with it. Here’s a warm, personal look at what you can expect when you find yourself in this beautifully complex situation. Entering a Ready-Made Family Dating someone with children means that you’re not…
dating during separation

Is Dating While Separated Ok?

Whether Christian or not, some have asked us, “Is dating allowed during marriage separation?” Or “Is dating during separation adultery?” Of course, I always tell them it’s none of my business. However, I also realize the issue of dating during a marriage separation is a hot-button issue,  and so needs to be talked about in the church in an honest, biblical, and open way. As both a family court mediator and minister, I’m just gonna shoot from the heart and…
Christian Single Pregnant Women

Christian Single Pregnant Women: Overcoming Stigma

In more than a few churches, Christian single pregnant women often face unwarranted stigma and isolation. This issue, deeply rooted in cultural and religious beliefs, can lead to emotional distress and a lack of support. However, by embracing the teachings of compassion and understanding found in scripture, both individuals and churches can foster a more nurturing environment for these women. This article explores the stigma associated with being single and pregnant in the church, offers scriptural advice for single pregnant…
Divorce with Childen

Divorce with Children: A Christian Perspective on Custody and Healing

Divorce with children is a challenging journey, particularly when children are involved. As Christian families face the upheaval of separation, the well-being of the youngest members becomes a paramount concern. This article explores the difficulties children face during custody proceedings and offers guidance, grounded in Christian faith, for supporting them through these trying times. Understanding the Impact of divorce with Children Children experience divorce deeply, often grappling with feelings of confusion, guilt, and loss. The custody process can intensify these…
Solo parenting

Dating a Single Christian Mom: Embracing Love, Faith, and Family

Dating a single Christian mom can be a journey filled with unique experiences, especially from a Christian single’s perspective. It’s a path that intertwines faith, love, and understanding in a way that deeply enriches a relationship. While it comes with its challenges, the rewards of dating a single Christian mom are profound and fulfilling. the Unique Challenges of Dating a Single Christian Mom 1. Balancing Priorities: A single mom’s first priority is her children. As a Christian single, understanding and…
Christian single parent families

Christian Single Parent Families: Challenges and Triumphs

Christian single parent families come with their own unique challenges, but they also offers opportunities for deep spiritual growth and familial bonding. This article explores the landscape of Christian single parenting, offering guidance, support, and understanding to those walking this path. The family unit has always been a cornerstone of society and within the Christian community, its significance is both spiritual and cultural. In recent years, the rise of single parent families within this community has prompted a reevaluation of…
single parenting

Single Parenting Advice Before Dating

Mixing single parenting responsibilities with a dating relationship is a tricky proposition for most single parents.  Christian Single Parents  have added stress units. This article discusses practical steps you can take to address this issue. Single Parenting Tips There are several steps Christian single moms and dads can take in order to become what we call “relationship ready” for a healthy dating experience. Here is some practical advice for divorced Christian singles  Step 1: Blow Off Steam Successfully reducing  stress…
single moms

Christian Single Moms and Dating Tips

Single moms have it rough. Christian single moms who are dating may have it even worse: Not only do  Christian single moms have to deal with all the responsibilities that go along with being a custodial single parent, they also have to battle the stigma of being a single mom in the church. Whether we admit it not, more than a few women in the church look at single moms (especially if they’re hot looking) with subtle suspicion. Translation: Is…

Single Parenting Tips for Helping Your Kids

Need Single Parenting Tips? Did you know that over 30% of US families are run by single-parenting households? We all know that single parenting is a difficult job. However, children residing in single-parent homes usually have it more difficult because they are deprived of the full-time guidance and direction of two parents, which is so essential for their moral, spiritual, and character growth. Single Parenting and Risks Having worked in Family Court for several decades as a mediator, consent hearing…
Single Moms Tips

Single Moms Tips Podcast

Single Moms Tips Podcasts? Looking for Single Moms Tips? The church needs to know that Christian single-parent moms of all backgrounds, whether divorced or married, have great needs, and meeting those needs can be powerfully effective in showing the love of Jesus to those single moms and kids inside and outside the church. Single Moms TIPS Based on our own interviews with single moms, and listening to the myriad of single moms podcasts out there,  here are some of the…

Single Parent Dating Services

Online single parent dating services  are one of the fastest growing dating genres on the web today. Part of the reason for the growth of single parent dating sites is that the sheer number of  Single Parents Dating is steadily increasing. Furthermore, according to the most recent U.S. Census figures, over 30% of American households are led by single parents. Another reason sites like Single Parent Mingle are having lots of success is that single parents, including Christian single parents,…
sex struggle

Single Parent Sex Struggles

The following story was written by a female Christian single parent on the nature of her sexual struggles: I am a 36 year old female single parent and have been single for 15 years in this situation. I was sexually abused as a child and as such have been sexually aware since my early single digits. Because of this early awareness and other abusive childhood experiences I began to masturbate. For me this had become a habit and with it…
single parent mingle

Single Parents Mingle Tips

Are you looking for places where Single Parent Mingle? Well, you’re not alone. Many Christian single parents are looking to mingle with others just like them. A lot of Christian singles have written asking for some single parent mingle tips, not just for dating but also for friendships. In response several of my Single Parent Mingle friends have suggested the following general common sense starting points for those seeking to mingle with single parents: Single Parent Mingle Tip 1: Decide…
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