Christian Singles Articles (Page 10)

Christian Singles Articles (Page 10)

christian singlesThis category is all about Christian singles. Here you will find all types singles articles and  life tips on every topic of interest to singles of all ages. Here you will find articles on single men, single women, single Christian parents, single girls, teens, well, I think you get the point. :)

Christian Singles Resources

No matter if you are a Millennial, Baby Boomer or a Senior Single,    hopefully you will find these singles articles useful. There are dozens of articles to choose from including “Learning How to Argue and Fight“, Christian  Girls Who Date Bad Guys”, “Fears that Keep Men and Women Single“, “How to Mend a Broken Heart” and many others.

Need for Singles Ministries

Why yet another singles ministry? It’s a known fact that many  singles feel slighted when it comes to having their needs and questions answered in a traditional church setting. This was the whole reason why we created this site in 2006, back when online Christian Dating was taboo, and married couples in the US outnumbered singles. However according to pew research, there has been a dramatic shift. Since 2015, single adults now outnumber married couples, and their needs have only increased.

So if you are looking for anything singles related, this category is for you. Oasis Singles is dedicated to single  of all stripes, whether they be single parents, Millennials, teens, baby boomers or Generation Xers.

Here you will find all types articles and dating advice on every topic of interest to singles of all ages. The Christian singles articles are interactive, so feel free to comment.

Christian Dating Service

Christian matchmaking services

Christian Matchmaking Services: The Pros and Cons

In a world where technology has transformed the way we connect with one another, it’s no surprise that matchmaking services have made their way into the realm of Christian dating. As a single Christian who has explored the world of online dating and matchmaking, I want to share my perspective on the pros and cons of Christian matchmaking services. These platforms promise to help us find a compatible partner who shares our faith and values. But are they really worth…
biblical marriage principles

Biblical Marriage Principles for Christian Singles: A Guide to Godly Relationships

Looking for Biblical marriage principles? For Christian singles, the pursuit of a godly and fulfilling marriage is a significant life goal. In the Bible, marriage is considered a sacred institution designed by God Himself. It offers guidance on how to build a strong and lasting marital relationship. In this article, we will explore key biblical marriage principles that Christian singles can apply in their journey toward finding a life partner. 10 Biblical Marriage Principles for christians Seek God’s Guidance in…
how to find a Christian girlfriend

How to Find a Christian Girlfriend Online

Many Christian guys write to us asking for advice on how to find a girlfriend online.  Most say they can’t find a girlfriend who’s a Christian because there are simply not enough of them to go around at church or the in area they hang out. Our dating advice is this: If you have exhausted traditional ways in your quest to find a girlfriend, why not try an online Christian dating service like eHarmony? After all, thousands each year find…
how to know when someone likes you

How Do You Know When Someone Likes You? A Guide for Christian Singles

How do you know when someone likes you? Navigating the world of Christian dating can be an exciting yet sometimes perplexing journey. Discerning if someone holds a genuine interest in you is not always clear-cut. However, leaning into God’s guidance and understanding certain tell-tale signs can help Christian singles determine if someone truly likes them. How Do You Know When Someone Likes You Tips 1. Genuine Interest in Your Life One of the initial signs that someone has feelings for…
Twin Flames and Christian Singles

Twin Flames and Christian Singles | Are Twin Flames Biblical?

Twin Flames and Christian Singles? What does the Bible say about twin flames?  The quest for love and spiritual connection is a universal human endeavor. In our modern world, numerous philosophies and beliefs about soulmates and spiritual counterparts abound. One such concept that has gained popularity is the idea of ‘twin flames’. But what does this mean, especially from a Christian single’s viewpoint? And is this concept aligned with biblical teachings? Let’s delve into this subject and understand why the…
What are Boundaries in a Christian Dating Relationship

What are Boundaries in a Christian Dating Relationship?

Are you wondering what are boundaries in a Christian dating relationship? When it comes to Christian dating, understanding boundaries is crucial. Not only do they provide a framework for forming healthy, godly relationships, but they also help couples navigate the delicate balance between emotional intimacy and maintaining purity. But what exactly are boundaries in a Christian dating relationship? And how can they be implemented in a way that aligns with one’s faith? The Importance of Boundaries in a Christian dating…
Signs of Christian Singles Breadcrumbing

Signs of Christian Singles “Breadcrumbing”: Have You Been Breadcrumbed?

Do you know the signs Christian singles breadcrumbing? In the age of digital communication, dating has been infused with new terms and practices. One such term that has made its way into the lexicon is “breadcrumbing.” While it’s essential to understand this phenomenon in general, it’s even more crucial for Christian singles who strive to approach relationships with integrity and faith. Here’s a closer look at breadcrumbing from a Christian perspective and signs to be wary of. What is Breadcrumbing?…
A sign a guy likes you

A Sign a Christian Guy Likes You

Do you know a sign a guy likes you? The journey of discovering whether someone holds special feelings for you can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. Amid the modern dating landscape with its nuances and complexities, Christian singles might often wonder: What are the signs that a guy is genuinely interested? While signs of attraction can vary widely, let’s dive deep into deciphering these signs with an emphasis on Christian values. 1. He Respects Your Boundaries Christian dating often emphasizes…
What does gaslighting mean in a Christian relationship

What Does Gaslighting Mean in a Christian Dating Relationship?

What does gaslighting mean in a Christian relationship? Gaslighting is a term that has steadily garnered attention over the past few years, particularly in the context of relationships. Derived from the 1944 movie, “Gaslight”, it denotes a manipulative tactic where one person makes another doubt their perception, memory, or reality. As opposed to breadcrumbing, in a dating setting, gaslighting can be particularly harmful, leading to mental distress and an erosion of self-trust. But what does gaslighting mean in the context…
How to guard your heart

How to Guard Your Heart as a Christian Dating Single

Wondering how to guard your heart as a Christian dating a single person? Navigating the world of dating can be exciting, challenging, and sometimes overwhelming. For the Christian single, dating takes on an additional layer of complexity – guarding one’s heart while seeking a life partner. This task, while daunting, isn’t impossible. By grounding oneself in faith, establishing boundaries, and listening to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, a Christian single can journey through dating with confidence and peace. Here’s how to…
Opposites attract in Christian dating relationships

Opposites Attract in Christian Dating Relationships: The Good and the Not-So-Good

Do opposites attract in Christian dating relationships? The adage, “opposites attract,” is a sentiment that has stood the test of time, captivating the hearts and minds of many for generations. Within the realm of Christian dating, this idea often stirs much discussion and contemplation. By God’s intricate design, each individual is unique, bearing distinctive qualities, interests, and values. But does this mean that those with dissimilar characteristics are better suited for romantic relationships? Let’s delve deep into the world of…
Questions to Ask in a Christian Dating Relationship

Questions to Ask in a Christian Dating Relationship

If you are a single Christian, you may be wondering what questions to ask in a Christian dating relationship. Navigating the dating landscape can be daunting, especially when faith is at the center of your life. For Christian singles, dating isn’t just about finding someone you’re attracted to; it’s about finding a partner who shares your core values and beliefs. To ensure your relationship has a firm foundation, there are certain questions that can guide your discussions and help determine…
situationship red flags

Situationship Red Flags: Christian Single Situationships

For Christian singles, there are many situationship red flags inherent in this kind of relationship. In our modern world, relationships have taken on a myriad of forms and dynamics, one of which is the intriguing “situationship.” For those unfamiliar with this term, a situationship straddles the line between a committed relationship and casual dating. But what exactly is a situationship, and how does it align (or not) with Christian values? Let’s explore this topic from the perspective of a Christian…
how to deal with emotional baggage

How to Deal With Emotional Baggage as Single Christians

Many single Christians walk around wondering how to deal with emotional baggage from failed relationships and other experiences that they have gone through in their lives. When people hear the term “emotional baggage” they also think of “damaged goods.” Since very few singles that I know of want to be in a relationship with someone with emotional baggage, it’s important that singles in this situation learn to make peace with their past if they desire a serious, positive Christian dating…
What can Christian couples do sexually before marriage?

What Can Christian Couples Do Sexually Before Marriage?

Christian singles ask us this often: What can Christian couples do sexually before marriage?  Is masturbation together ok? Another question I hear often is: Is it a sin to have sex before marriage? In today’s age of modern relationships, many Christian couples find themselves navigating the intricate boundaries of intimacy before marriage. Traditional Christian teachings emphasize the importance of preserving sexual purity,  and not why Christian couples should not live together before marriage.   And when Christian couples falter, is a…
what is a platonic Christian relationship?

What is a Platonic Relationship? | Christian Singles Platonic Love

What is a platonic relationship you may ask? And what does a Christian singles platonic love relationship look like? Navigating friendships and relationships in today’s complex societal tapestry can be quite challenging, especially when considering connections between individuals of the opposite sex. As Christian singles, it’s essential to approach relationships with clarity rooted in faith. One of the often debated questions is the feasibility of platonic relationships between opposite sexes. Can two Christian singles genuinely share a bond devoid of…