Christian Singles Articles (Page 11)

Christian Singles Articles (Page 11)

christian singlesThis category is all about Christian singles. Here you will find all types singles articles and  life tips on every topic of interest to singles of all ages. Here you will find articles on single men, single women, single Christian parents, single girls, teens, well, I think you get the point. :)

Christian Singles Resources

No matter if you are a Millennial, Baby Boomer or a Senior Single,    hopefully you will find these singles articles useful. There are dozens of articles to choose from including “Learning How to Argue and Fight“, Christian  Girls Who Date Bad Guys”, “Fears that Keep Men and Women Single“, “How to Mend a Broken Heart” “Masturbation” and many others.

Need for Singles Ministries

Why yet another singles ministry? It’s a known fact that many  singles feel slighted when it comes to having their needs and questions answered in a traditional church setting. This was the whole reason why we created this site in 2006, back when online Christian Dating was taboo, and married couples in the US outnumbered singles. However according to pew research, there has been a dramatic shift. Since 2015, single adults now outnumber married couples, and their needs have only increased.

So if you are looking for anything singles related, this category is for you. Oasis Singles is dedicated to single  of all stripes, whether they be single parents, Millennials, teens, baby boomers or Generation Xers.

Here you will find all types articles and dating advice on every topic of interest to singles of all ages. The Christian singles articles are interactive, so feel free to comment.

Christian Dating Service

situationship red flags

Situationship Red Flags: Christian Single Situationships

For Christian singles, there are many situationship red flags inherent in this kind of relationship. In our modern world, relationships have taken on a myriad of forms and dynamics, one of which is the intriguing “situationship.” For those unfamiliar with this term, a situationship straddles the line between a committed relationship and casual dating. But what exactly is a situationship, and how does it align (or not) with Christian values? Let’s explore this topic from the perspective of a Christian…
What can Christian couples do sexually before marriage?

What Can Christian Couples Do Sexually Before Marriage?

Christian singles ask us this often: What can Christian couples do sexually before marriage?  Is masturbation together ok? Another question I hear often is: Is it a sin to have sex before marriage? In today’s age of modern relationships, many Christian couples find themselves navigating the intricate boundaries of intimacy before marriage. Traditional Christian teachings emphasize the importance of preserving sexual purity,  and not why Christian couples should not live together before marriage.   And when Christian couples falter, is a…
what is a platonic Christian relationship?

What is a Platonic Relationship? | Christian Singles Platonic Love

What is a platonic relationship you may ask? And what does a Christian singles platonic love relationship look like? Navigating friendships and relationships in today’s complex societal tapestry can be quite challenging, especially when considering connections between individuals of the opposite sex. As Christian singles, it’s essential to approach relationships with clarity rooted in faith. One of the often debated questions is the feasibility of platonic relationships between opposite sexes. Can two Christian singles genuinely share a bond devoid of…
missionary dating

Missionary Dating for Christian Singles

For those unfamiliar with the term, missionary dating refers to a Christian dating a non-Christian with the hope of converting them to Christianity. Here, we’ll dive deep into both the advantages and pitfalls of this approach. The term derives from the idea of “going on a mission” to introduce, convince, or convert the other individual to Christianity. While some see it as an opportunity to share their faith with their partners, critics argue it’s fraught with potential pitfalls, including unequal…
signs of a healthy relationship

Signs of a Healthy Relationship For Christian Boyfriends/Girlfriends

Wondering what the signs of a healthy relationship are for Christian boyfriends or girlfriends?  Would you even be able to spot that good catch of a Christian boyfriend or girlfriend when they come into your sights? Recently, several singles sat down and came up with the following top seven signs you are in the right relationship with your Christian boyfriend or girlfriend: Top 7 Great Signs of a healthy relationship Jesus is the most important person in their lives. Remember,…
desperate christian single dating

Desperate Dating for Christian Singles

Are you a Christian single dating a desperate person? Are you a Christian desperate dater? Some single Christians seeking a true love relationship, sometimes are tempted to practice what we call “desperation dating.” This can occur for a number of reasons. Some singles do so out of loneliness and a lack of contentment. Some others see their friends getting married off and become afraid of being alone and single for the rest of their lives. Desperate dating is not cool…
fear of being alone

Fear of Being Alone Forever as Single Christians

Perhaps one of the greatest fears single Christians face is the fear of being alone forever. Some of us fear being alone as we contemplate the possibility of growing lonely, old, and sick. I know of one single gal who actually works herself into an anxiety attack as she thinks about the fear of being alone. Yet, she paradoxically also has a fear of commitment. Go figure. Understanding the Fear of being alone The fear of being alone forever is…
teen dating sites

Teen Dating Sites for Christian Single Teens

For today’s Christian teens, online teen dating sites and teen dating discords are a great way to find like-minded individuals. However, navigating online teen dating sites must be done with caution and a strong understanding of Christian principles. Understanding Online Teen Dating sites Online teen dating has rapidly expanded, with various websites and apps catering specifically to teenagers. These platforms provide a way to connect with others within the same age range, interests, and often shared beliefs. For Christian singles,…
insecurity in relationships

Insecurity in Relationships-Christian Dating

As a Christian single, do you suffer from insecurity in relationships? If you suffer insecurity in your Christian dating relationship (like I used to) you probably have inner voices spewing insecure thoughts  like these about your date: “This is too good to be true, she’s bound to break up with me.” “When she finds out what I’m really like she’s gonna reject me like the others did.” “I just know my date is cheating on me.” Navigating the intricate web…
dating after divorce

Dating After Divorce as a Christian Single

Dating after divorce for Christian single men and women is wrought with theological and emotional minefields. So before discussing dating tips for the newly divorced, let us express our simple views on what we feel the Bible teaches about divorce and remarriage. A future article will discuss this in depth. The bottom line is God hates divorce (Mal. 2:16), and desires couples to reconcile if at all possible. However, under certain circumstances where there has been unrepentant infidelity, the offended…
dating mistakes women make

Christian Single Women Dating Mistakes

Christian single women dating mistakes are avoidable, but it’s easy to see how single Christian girls can ( and guys for that matter too!) can make dating mistakes.  Part of the problem is that Christian single women could find 1000s of different dating tips for single women, and some would be totally contradictory to one another. So what we’re going to do with this article is post the top dating mistakes single Christian women make. After that, we give some…
am I reqdy to date again?

Am I Ready to Date Again? A Christian Singles Perspective

Am I ready to date again? Are you a Christian Single girl or guy asking yourself the question, “Am I ready to date again?” Have you been out of a relationship for a while now, and unsure when it would be kosher to get in the market for dating again? Deciding to reenter the dating scene can be both exciting and daunting, especially from a Christian single’s perspective. As believers, it is important to approach dating with a foundation rooted…

Christian Debt Consolidation for Single Christians

Singles stress out over money, so that is why we are talking about Christian consolidation debt today. I meet a ton of Christian singles who would like to learn about Christian debt consolidation and ways of avoiding debt, but simply do not know where to begin, If you’re a single Christian burdened by debt, you’re not alone. It’s a common misconception that faith and finances don’t interconnect. Yet, the Bible contains more than 2,000 verses on money and possessions, demonstrating…
learning how to love to love yourself

Learning How to Love Yourself as Christian Single

Experts say that learning how to love yourself is essential if you are to find loving and committed relationships with others. Not being able to love yourself, you will never be able to love others the way you want them to love you. Unfortunately, many single Christian women and men have a difficult time loving themselves, and their dating or married relationships suffer for it. Are you wrestling with the blessing of singleness? Whether you’re a man or a woman,…
online dating profile

Online Dating Profile Writing Tips

If you’re a single Christian interested in giving online Christian Dating Services a whirl, writing an online Christian dating profile is the first and most important step. However, while almost all the top internet Christian matchmaking services and dating apps offer free trial memberships where you can post an online dating profile, very few offer dating profile writing tips. The purpose of this article is to give you some practical steps toward writing a successful dating profile. Before beginning to…
single moms

Christian Single Moms and Dating Tips

Single moms have it rough. Christian single moms who are dating may have it even worse: Not only do  Christian single moms have to deal with all the responsibilities that go along with being a custodial single parent, they also have to battle the stigma of being a single mom in the church. Whether we admit it not, more than a few women in the church look at single moms (especially if they’re hot looking) with subtle suspicion. Translation: Is…