Christian Singles Articles (Page 18)

Christian Singles Articles (Page 18)

christian singlesThis category is all about Christian singles. Here you will find all types singles articles and  life tips on every topic of interest to singles of all ages. Here you will find articles on single men, single women, single Christian parents, single girls, teens, well, I think you get the point. :)

Christian Singles Resources

No matter if you are a Millennial, Baby Boomer or a Senior Single,   hopefully you will find these singles articles useful. There are dozens of articles to choose from including “Learning How to Argue and Fight“, Christian  Girls Who Date Bad Guys”, “Fears that Keep Men and Women Single“, “How to Mend a Broken Heart” “Masturbation” and many others.

Need for Singles Ministries

Why yet another singles ministry? It’s a known fact that many  singles feel slighted when it comes to having their needs and questions answered in a traditional church setting. This was the whole reason why we created this site in 2006, back when online Christian Dating was taboo, and married couples in the US outnumbered singles. However according to pew research, there has been a dramatic shift. Since 2015, single adults now outnumber married couples, and their needs have only increased.

So if you are looking for anything singles-related, this category is for you. Oasis Singles is dedicated to singles of all stripes, whether they be single parents, Millennials, teens, baby boomers or Generation Xers.

Here you will find all types of articles and dating advice on every topic of interest to singles of all ages. The Christian singles articles are interactive, so feel free to comment.

Christian Dating Service

online dating profile

Online Dating Profile Writing Tips

If you’re a single Christian interested in giving online Christian Dating Services a whirl, writing an online Christian dating profile is the first and most important step. However, while almost all the top internet Christian matchmaking services and dating apps offer free trial memberships where you can post an online dating profile, very few offer dating profile writing tips. The purpose of this article is to give you some practical steps toward writing a successful dating profile. Before beginning to…
single moms

Christian Single Moms and Dating Tips

Single moms have it rough. Christian single moms who are dating may have it even worse: Not only do  Christian single moms have to deal with all the responsibilities that go along with being a custodial single parent, they also have to battle the stigma of being a single mom in the church. Whether we admit it not, more than a few women in the church look at single moms (especially if they’re hot looking) with subtle suspicion. Translation: Is…

Dealing With Guilt as a Single Christian

Many single Christians have told us that dealing with guilt is one of the biggest drains on their personal relationships, self-esteem and spiritual lives. The bottom line is that inappropriately dealing with guilt can destroy our lives and those around us. Top Areas Where We Are Dealing With Guilt Dealing with guilt as a single person can come from many different areas of our lives. Dealing with Guilt in our Dating Relationships This is a biggie. Many Christians walk around…
interpersonal christian dating relationship tips

Interpersonal Christian Dating Relationship Tips

Looking for interpersonal Christian dating relationship tips? Navigating the realm of dating as a Christian single often involves weaving faith into the tapestry of romantic relationships. While love, understanding, and trust are universal tenets of any relationship, Christian dating introduces unique dynamics rooted in faith and biblical teachings. This article delves into essential interpersonal tips tailored for Christian dating to foster both spiritual and emotional connections Top Interpersonal Dating  Relationship Tips 1. Place God as Your Anchor Every strong relationship…
how to meet singles online

How To Meet More Single Christians Online

Have you been wondering how to meet more single Christians online?  Some Christian singles are disappointed with online dating because they find it hard to meet other single Christians, especially in their own local area. However, one of the keys to meeting more singles online and finding the one is not only to search through Christian personals yourself but to also maximize your chances of them seeking you out. And just how do you go about doing both well? Whether…
personal ads for Christian Singles

Christian Personals: Personal Ads for Christian Singles

Christian personals are personal ads that single Christians create in order to find a date and soulmate. This is the ultimate goal of a Christian personals ad. That’s why if you are a Christian single submitting Christian personals, you want to get as many potential mates reading your personals ad as possible. The simple reason is that the more the number of singles reading your Christian personals, the more the number of potential dates from which to choose. This holds…
christian cruise

Christian Singles Cruises

I have met a number of singles who have booked Christian singles cruises, and have come away singing their praises. Ever thought of going on a cruise for your next vacation? Christian singles cruises may be just what the doctor ordered to revitalize both body and spirit, and many singles cruises come with great package deals that makes them surprisingly affordable for most. Some of the top destinations for Christian singles cruises include such places as St. Thomas, Nassau, Belize,…
Looking for Mr Right

Looking For Mr. Right: A Guide to Meeting Your Christian Soulmate

Looking for Mr Right? Attracting Mr. Right or Miss Right for a dating relationship that leads toward marriage is a goal of most Christian singles. Although there are a lot of online dating tips for attracting Mr. Right or Miss Right, some singles tend to keep attracting the exact opposite kind of person they need in a relationship. For example, did you ever wonder why abused women keep entering abusive relationships? I do, because I used to see it everyday…

How to Deal with Bitterness as a Christian Single

Today we’re going to deal with bitterness as a Christian single. Many of us today are hiding a bitter spirit. Maybe some of us feel bitter and anger because we are still single. If you came here today feeling bitter because you are still single, you’re in good company. People are bitter about many things. The good news is that whatever junk is in your hearts, Jesus can change all that if you really want Him to. How to Deal…
Christian dating agency questions

Christian Dating Agency Questions

If you are considering using a Christian dating agency or Christian dating site, you may benefit by going over some of the questions we listed below. We are assuming you are a dedicated Christian single who is using a Christian dating service in order to find a serious dating relationship. The following checklist will assist you in weeding out the less desirable Christian dating agencies. Christian Dating Agency Checklist Is the Christian Dating Agency in line with your morals? For…
single Christian adults

Why is Church Attendance Declining Among Single Adults?

Why is Church Attendance Declining Among Single Adults? According to the Barna Research Group, single adults, 90 million strong, are the most unchurched group of people in the USA. Single adult church attendance in Europe and Australia is even lower. Here is some single-adult info we found intriguing: Less than 20% of single adults attend Christian church services or small groups on any given day of the week. Single adult men are far less likely (15%) to attend a meeting…
40 somethings singles

40 Somethings, 50 Somethings Dating

40 something, 50 something Christians dating online? Baby Boomers are currently using eHarmony Dating Service  almost as much as the average 20 something singles, who was the group that brought internet dating into the mainstream several years ago. More telling is that 40 something and 50 something daters also make up the fastest growing demographic of those seeking seeking a date online. Amazingly, with a dating service like, nearly 65% of the singles who sign up are 30 somethings,…

Christian Dating and Idol Worship: Making an Idol Out of Your Relationships

Christian dating and idol worship. I know what some of you are thinking: What in the world does my dating life have to do with idol worship?  Maybe nothing. But maybe everything. Idol Worship Definition An idol can be can be ANYTHING  in your life that you put before God. That includes your dating life with your boyfriend or girlfriend. It’s something that takes the glory that God alone deserves, including your time, attention, and money, and transfers it to…
sex struggle

Single Parent Sex Struggles

The following story was written by a female Christian single parent on the nature of her sexual struggles: I am a 36 year old female single parent and have been single for 15 years in this situation. I was sexually abused as a child and as such have been sexually aware since my early single digits. Because of this early awareness and other abusive childhood experiences I began to masturbate. For me this had become a habit and with it…
anger and Singles

Why Christians Singles Date Less Due to Anger Issues

It seems like everyone is so angry nowadays. Everyone seems to have a beef. Democrats hate Republicans: Republicans hate Democrats. This anger we see in the culture even permeates into the dating world. Nowadays dating profiles from sites like Tinder to Christian Mingle, often have an edge of anger to them.  Lately, I’ve read more than a few profiles from Christian singles who state on their profiles: “If you are a Trump supporter please don’t contact me!” Really? Has it…
lonely holidays

Lonely Holidays | Holidays Make Me Feel Lonely

Lonely Holidays and singleness often go hand in hand. Are you single, lonely, and just dreading the upcoming holiday season because they are depressing? I know holidays make me feel lonely.   If you are also in this category of being single and hating the holiday season, you’re not alone. Lonely Holidays Podcast Loneliness during the holidays is tough. The following Christian podcast is our Oasis singles Christmas Eve service. It’s very apropos for those feeling lonely and sad at Christmas.…