Christian Singles Articles (Page 7)

Christian Singles Articles (Page 7)

christian singlesThis category is all about Christian singles. Here you will find all types singles articles and  life tips on every topic of interest to singles of all ages. Here you will find articles on single men, single women, single Christian parents, single girls, teens, well, I think you get the point. :)

Christian Singles Resources

No matter if you are a Millennial, Baby Boomer or a Senior Single,    hopefully you will find these singles articles useful. There are dozens of articles to choose from including “Learning How to Argue and Fight“, Christian  Girls Who Date Bad Guys”, “Fears that Keep Men and Women Single“, “How to Mend a Broken Heart” and many others.

Need for Singles Ministries

Why yet another singles ministry? It’s a known fact that many  singles feel slighted when it comes to having their needs and questions answered in a traditional church setting. This was the whole reason why we created this site in 2006, back when online Christian Dating was taboo, and married couples in the US outnumbered singles. However according to pew research, there has been a dramatic shift. Since 2015, single adults now outnumber married couples, and their needs have only increased.

So if you are looking for anything singles related, this category is for you. Oasis Singles is dedicated to single  of all stripes, whether they be single parents, Millennials, teens, baby boomers or Generation Xers.

Here you will find all types articles and dating advice on every topic of interest to singles of all ages. The Christian singles articles are interactive, so feel free to comment.

Christian Dating Service

Gray Rocking in Christian Dating

Grey Rocking in Christian Dating Relationships: A Balanced Approach

Have you ever been Gray Rocked? I have. Although you may never heard of grey rocking in Christian dating relationships, In the landscape of Christian dating, maintaining healthy boundaries and communication is paramount. One concept that often arises in various relationship contexts, including dating, is “grey rocking.” This strategy, albeit controversial, can play a significant role in how individuals manage interactions in their dating life. However, it’s crucial to understand what it is, when it’s appropriate to use, and its…

10 Traits of Dating Christian Single Female Narcissists

Guys, have you ever gone through the hell of dating a Christian single female narcissists? Not fun!  In Christian single females, narcissism can take unique forms, often masked by or conflicting with Christian values like humility, selflessness, and empathy. The challenge lies in reconciling one’s religious beliefs with inherent narcissistic traits, leading to a complex interplay of behaviors and attitudes. Navigating the dating world can be complex, especially when encountering individuals with narcissistic traits. For Christian single women, these traits…
Alone at Christmas

Alone at Christmas: Coping Strategies for Singles

For many, Christmas is a season of joy and family gatherings. However, being alone at Christmas this time of year can often amplify Christmas Blues feelings of loneliness and isolation, especially when family or a significant other is not present. Yet, this season also presents an opportunity for spiritual growth and personal reflection. This article explores the challenges of being alone during Christmas and offers heartfelt, scripture-based advice on how to find peace and joy during this time. Understanding the…
10 Signs of a Failing Relationship

10 Signs of a Failing Relationship: A Guide for Christian Singles

The top 10 signs of a failing relationship? Would you be able to the the signs your relationship is failing? As a pastor and previous court mediator, I’ve literally dealt with hundreds of couples in failing relationships. As a Christian single guy or girl, it’s important to know these signs, so that you can either rectify the situation or get out of that relationship to avoid the coming pain. In the world of Christian dating, recognizing the signs of a…
Pre-Marital Questions for Single Christians

Pre-Marital Questions for Christian Singles

A number of single Christians have written us asking how appropriate it is to ask pre-marital questions with a date. Navigating the path of Christian dating can be both exciting and daunting. As Christian singles embark on this journey, it’s crucial to build a relationship founded on mutual faith, understanding, and respect. One effective way to achieve this is by asking thoughtful pre-marital questions. These pre-marital questions not only deepen your understanding of each other’s faith and values but also…
Signs he is not the man God has for you

5 Signs He Is Not the Man God Has for You

In the world of Christian dating, discerning whether someone is the right partner is a crucial task. As a Christian singles minister, I understand that finding a life partner who aligns with your faith and values is paramount. While it’s important to give people a chance, it’s equally vital to recognize signs that may indicate someone is not the man God has in store for you. In this article, we will explore five significant signs that should raise red flags…
what christian single guys need in a wife

What Christian Single Guys Need in a Wife

What do Christian single guys need in a wife? Most Christian single guys are familiar with the proverb: “Whoever finds a wife finds a good thing.” Amen! In fact, this is a main reason why many single Christian guys seek out online Christian Dating Services. Since the beginning of time, it’s been a good deal for a single man to have a wife. Remember, in Genesis the Lord said, “It’s not good for man to be alone. I will make…
Signs of a Narcissist Christian Boyfriend

Signs of a Narcissist Boyfriend: A Christian Single’s Guide

I wish all Christian singles were able to recognize the signs of a narcissist boyfriend or girlfriend. They would have saved themselves so much pain if they could have avoided such people.  in the journey of Christian dating, it’s crucial to recognize traits that align with Christ’s teachings of love, humility, and respect. Unfortunately, in today’s dating world, it’s not uncommon to encounter individuals who exhibit narcissistic tendencies, which starkly contrast these values. Understanding what narcissism is and recognizing the…
Toxic Masculinity Test for Christia Single Men

Toxic Masculinity Test for Christian Single Guys

Are you looking for a toxic masculinity test for Christian single men? In the evolving landscape of Christian dating, the concept of toxic masculinity has emerged as a contentious topic. This article explores the notion of toxic masculinity, offers a reflective test for Christian men, and discusses why some Christian singles may be skeptical about its existence. Toxic masculinity has become a prevalent topic in discussions about gender dynamics and societal norms. In a Christian context, understanding and addressing this…
Biblical Sign of an Evil Person

Biblical Signs of an Evil Person in Christian Dating

As a Christian dating single, are you familiar with the biblical signs of an evil person?  In the journey of Christian dating, discernment is key. As singles rooted in faith, we often seek partners aligned with our spiritual values. Understanding the biblical signs of an evil person is not about casting judgment, but about recognizing traits that could hinder a healthy, God-centered relationship. This article delves into these signs, offering guidance to Christian singles in their quest for a godly…
overcome christmas blues as christian singles

Overcoming Christmas Blues as a Single Christian

Overcoming Christmas blues as a single Christian woman or man can be challenging. The holiday season, with its emphasis on family and togetherness, can often be challenging for single Christians. The Christmas blues, a common emotional struggle during this time, can be particularly poignant when one is navigating singleness. In this article, we’ll explore practical and spiritual approaches to handle these feelings and find joy in the season. As the festive season approaches, many single Christian men and women find…
singles and stress

How to Deal With Stress as a Single Christian

How to deal with stress while being single is a much talked about topic among singles whether they are Christian or pagan. Stress is in fact one of the biggest “joy robbers” of singles. In our fast-paced, ever-evolving world, stress seems to be a constant companion. From juggling work deadlines to managing home responsibilities, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with all the transitions going on in our lives. As Christians, however, we have a unique toolset to cope with these…
bad Christian dates

A Christian Single’s Guide to Identifying Bad Dates

Bad dates. We’ve all had them. In the journey of Christian singles, dating isn’t just about finding love; it’s about finding a connection that nurtures and respects mutual faith and values. Understanding what makes for a bad date is as crucial as recognizing a good one. This insight helps in making informed decisions that align with one’s spiritual and personal aspirations.   Signs of Bad Christian Dates Lack of Shared Faith and Values At the heart of Christian dating is…
Christian single parent families

Christian Single Parent Families: Challenges and Triumphs

Christian single parent families come with their own unique challenges, but they also offers opportunities for deep spiritual growth and familial bonding. This article explores the landscape of Christian single parenting, offering guidance, support, and understanding to those walking this path. The family unit has always been a cornerstone of society and within the Christian community, its significance is both spiritual and cultural. In recent years, the rise of single parent families within this community has prompted a reevaluation of…
christian single girls

What Christian Single Girls Want in a Guy

What do Christian single girls look for in a single Christian guy when contemplating a soulmate or marriage partner? What qualities make a good guy catch? This question always seems to percolate in any singles groups I have ever attended or led. We found some online surveys about girls (ages 18-70) you may find quite interesting.   Christian Single Women and Men Okay guys, so you’re no babe magnet? Don’t worry about it because the good news here is that…
christian singles secrets

Christian Singles Secrets

Do you have Christian singles secrets bottled up in your heart? Many Christian singles walk around with the burden of carrying personal secrets bottled up deep in their hearts. Whether the secrets are unconfessed sexual sins, painful memories, regrets, shame-filled experiences, or totally whacked-out thoughts, God did not design us to deal with such raw issues by ourselves. From the Garden, the Lord created mankind for intimate fellowship with no room for secrets. Adam’s hiding from God after eating the…