Christian Singles Articles (Page 8)

Christian Singles Articles (Page 8)

christian singlesThis category is all about Christian singles. Here you will find all types singles articles and  life tips on every topic of interest to singles of all ages. Here you will find articles on single men, single women, single Christian parents, single girls, teens, well, I think you get the point. :)

Christian Singles Resources

No matter if you are a Millennial, Baby Boomer or a Senior Single,   hopefully you will find these singles articles useful. There are dozens of articles to choose from including “Learning How to Argue and Fight“, Christian  Girls Who Date Bad Guys”, “Fears that Keep Men and Women Single“, “How to Mend a Broken Heart” “Masturbation” and many others.

Need for Singles Ministries

Why yet another singles ministry? It’s a known fact that many  singles feel slighted when it comes to having their needs and questions answered in a traditional church setting. This was the whole reason why we created this site in 2006, back when online Christian Dating was taboo, and married couples in the US outnumbered singles. However according to pew research, there has been a dramatic shift. Since 2015, single adults now outnumber married couples, and their needs have only increased.

So if you are looking for anything singles-related, this category is for you. Oasis Singles is dedicated to singles of all stripes, whether they be single parents, Millennials, teens, baby boomers or Generation Xers.

Here you will find all types of articles and dating advice on every topic of interest to singles of all ages. The Christian singles articles are interactive, so feel free to comment.

Christian Dating Service

How to Deal With Dating Anxiety

How to Deal with Dating Anxiety as Christian Singles

Ah, dating anxiety! The glorious adventure of finding that special someone who makes your heart sing and your palms sweat. If you’re a Christian single, the journey of dealing with dating anxiety can feel like navigating a minefield of emotions, nervousness, expectations, and well-meaning advice from Aunt Gertrude. But fear not! We’re here to tackle dating anxiety and insecurity with a big dose of humor and a sprinkle of faith. So, grab your favorite cozy blanket and let’s dive into…
Red flags in a Christian dating relationship

Red Flags in a Christian Dating Relationship

Knowing the top red flags in a  Christian dating relationship is important,  The problem is that many Christian singles ignore the silent red flags in a relationship and so stay longer than they should have.  The top three reasons daters give for overstaying a romantic or dating relationship are as follows: Fear of being alone Fear and/or guilt over what the other person will feel or do Fear of exchanging the familiar for the unknown Let’s face it, dating relationships…
Unequally Yoked

Do Not Be Unequally Yoked Meaning in Christian Dating

The term ” do not be unequally yoked” might sound archaic to those not familiar with its origins, but it’s still relevant, particularly within the context of Christian dating. Stemming from the Bible, specifically 2 Corinthians 6:14, the phrase reads: “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?”. In contemporary language, this relates to forming partnerships with those who don’t share the same faith and values. We…
Prayers for Your Future Husband

How to Say Prayers for Your Future Husband: A Christian Single’s Guide

Do you ever wonder how to say prayers for your future husband?  single in the Christian world can sometimes feel like you’re navigating a labyrinth with no clear end in sight. But fear not, dear reader! While you’re waiting for your Prince Charming to sweep you off your feet, there’s something powerful you can do: pray for your future husband. Yes, you heard that right! Praying for the man you have yet to meet is not only a proactive step…
Can you be friends with your ex?

Can You Be Friends with Your Ex?

Can you be friends with your Christian ex-boyfriend or girlfriend? We’ve all been there—standing awkwardly at a mutual friend’s party, or one of the Christian singles groups you attend, pretending you don’t see your ex across the room, while silently praying for divine intervention (or at least a distraction). Ah, the classic post-breakup dilemma: can you really be friends with your ex? As a single Christian wading through the choppy waters of love and friendship, this question is both personal…
Eating Disorders and Christian Singles

Eating Disorders: Is Eating Too Much a Sin?

Eating disorders and gluttony. Is eating to much a sin? Let’s talk about it from a Christian singles perspective. Now, don’t worry, this isn’t going to be a lecture. We’re going to tackle this with humor, warmth, and a whole lot of heart. So grab your favorite (healthy!) snack and let’s get started. Is Gluttony Really a Sin? First things first: Is gluttony a sin? Well, in the Christian tradition, the answer is a resounding yes. The Bible doesn’t mince…
Why Keep Praying When There is No Answer

Why Keep Praying When There is No Answer? A Christian Single’s Perspective

Do you ever ask yourself: “Why keep praying when there is no answer?” Learning how to deal with unanswered  prayer as a single  Christian can be daunting. The journey of prayer can often feel like a pathway strewn with questions and uncertainties. The plea for a life partner is a heartfelt one, shared by many, yet sometimes it seems met with silence. So, why continue to pray when the heavens seem quiet? Here’s an exploration grounded in Scripture, faith, and…
feeling like a loser

Feeling Like a Loser as a Single Person?

I must confess I have days when I’m feeling like a loser. We all have those days when we feel like we’re stuck in the loser zone, especially when we’re navigating the world solo. As a single Christian, it’s easy to feel like everyone else has it together while we’re just trying to figure things out. But guess what? You’re not alone in this, and you’re certainly not a loser. Let’s dive into some biblical wisdom and practical tips to…
dealing with past relationships

How to Let Go of Past Relationship Trauma

How one is able to let go of past relationship trauma is a great predictor of future success in other relationships. Many Christian singles I know are in bondage to past hurts on account of  cheating, disappointments, secret sins and  relationship breakups..  Under the weight The emotional  relationship baggage of the past, How To Deal With Past  Toxic Relationships When we go through a painful breakup or toxic Christian dating relationship, it can leave deep emotional scars and anger. Dwelling…
Dating Someone with ADHD

Dating Someone with ADHD: A Roller Coaster Ride

Christian Dating is a wild adventure on its own, but dating someone with ADHD is a full-fledged roller coaster ride. While it comes with its own unique set of challenges, it’s also sprinkled with spontaneity, creativity, and lots of love. Here are the top five challenges of dating someone with ADHD and some encouraging Bible verses to help you navigate this journey with grace and humor.   1. The Endless Forgetfulness Challenge: Imagine this: You’ve planned a romantic date night,…
signs of physical attraction

What Makes Christian Women or Men Attractive Physically?

What makes Christian women and men attractive physically? Do you know the signs of physical attraction? Experts tell us that there are certain signs of physical attraction that give away when a girl likes a guy, or  when a dude is attracted to girl. In fact, if you were to go and Google “signs of physical attraction”, you would find a whole boatload of relationship advice on how to tell when there is a spark. In today’s fast-paced and image-driven…
low-self-esteem in singles

Low Self-Esteem in Christian Singles

Low self-esteem in Christian singles is keeping them from finding a serious dating relationship. It’s really simple: If you don’t feel really good about yourself, you’re not going to think anyone else will either. Sadly, problems with low self-esteem can not only affect our dating relationships but all other areas of our life, including our emotional health. Many feel like losers. Single men and women with low self-esteem suffer more depression and discouragement, loneliness, and anxiety in their lives than other…

Should You Confess Past Sexual Sins to Your Christian Dating Partner?

So you’ve been dating for a while, and the awkward topic of past relationships comes up.  Should you confess past sexual sins to your Christian dating partner.? Or do you let sleeping dogs lie?   Why Should You SpilL the Beans About Your Past? First off, let’s address why you should even consider opening that can of worms. Dating should be intentional. This means getting to truly know each other, with the purpose of determining if that person would be…
Defining the Relationship in Christin Dating

When to Define the Relationship in Christian Dating

Knowing when to define the relationship, especially in a Christian dating relationship, is huge. There’s nothing more annoying in the dating process than not knowing where you stand with someone. You’re stuck there wondering where this is going and if the other person is even thinking about it. If you’ve ever wanted to ask someone, “What are we?” this is for you. I’m going to share exactly what to do and not to do when you’re ready to define the…
Is Depression Sin

Is Depression a Sin For a Christian?

Today we are answering the question, “Is Depression a Sin?” I received this question from one of our readers. Before we answer the question of whether it is a sin for a Christian to be depressed or suffer anxiety let me just say that the Bible is full of people who had great faith, but at times got quite depressed. David, Jeremiah and Elijah to name a few. Yet, the Lord met them in their pain, and they ended up…
Bible on Love and Relationships

Bible on Love & Relationships: Back to the User Guide

Hey folks! Today we are going to talk about the Bible on love and relationships. In the podcast below, we are going to chat about relationships and what the Bible has to say about them. You know, we often base our views on love and relationships on what we see around us – Hollywood, social media, and even Barbie and Ken! But did you know the Bible has some timeless advice on this topic? Let’s dig in and see how…