What To Look For In Christian Dating A Relationship

What To Look For In Christian Dating A Relationship

Need some Christian dating advice on what to look for in a relationship or building solid relationships?  Many single Christians are so eager to find a relationship that they jump on the first opportunity that comes their way without taking the time to ask themselves: “What should I look for in a Christian dating relationship?”  Although what people look for in a potential dating partner differs from person to person, there are a few qualities that are very important for every Christian dating or marriage relationship.  As you pursue a relationship, you should aim for it to develop these three qualities:  Attraction, love and trust.

Christian Dating Tip – Attraction 

Attraction is a very important thing, especially when looking for a dating match!  Although what’s on the inside matters more than what’s on the outside, theres no avoiding the fact that it is very difficult to get to know a person that well unless the initial attraction draws you to them!  God made us to be that way, and without that attraction, there is very little to begin with – or even nothing at all!  Attraction isn’t 100% physical either!  The way someone behaves, their interests, and passions can all attract you to a person.  If the attraction isn’t there then the relationship doesn’t have a strong foundation, but if the attraction is strong then it can lead to other important qualities that every relationship should have.


What To Look For In A Relationship – Love

If you are attracted to a person (physically and emotionally) the next important quality of the relationship is love.  Love is NOT a warm fuzzy feeling accompanied by a rush of adrenaline!!  Love is an ongoing action; a decision to make personal sacrifices for the other person.  Love is a gift from one person to another that is based more on you than the other person.  The only way to maintain genuine love in a relationship is to keep Jesus at the center of it!  God loves us unconditionally especially when we don’t deserve it.  The closer you get to God, the easier it is to love others!

Christian Dating – Trust

This is a big one that can make or break any dating relationship!  As your dating relationship develops, the final stage is trust. First comes attraction, next comes the gift of love, but only time can develop  trust. Trust is very important because lack of trust is like a cancer that slowly spreads everywhere until the relationship has absolutely nothing to stand on.  You can’t have a strong relationship if one party is always suspicious of cheating and turns into a control freak!  The best way to maintain a strong bond of trust is to remain close to God and seek him together!

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