Christian Dating Site Cons? In a previous article, we wrote about some pros of using a Christian dating site. However, like most anything else in life, involving yourself with a Christian dating site has its negative side.
Christian Dating Site Cons
Christian Dating Site Users Can Lie
Of course, lying can occur in any forum, whether it’s through an online Christian dating site, or in a Christian singles group. Pathological liars who date make the rounds everywhere. But it is a little easier to lie in front of a computer screen. And most of us have stories of folks pretending to be somebody online that they’re really not, like the dating married guy, or that single girl who manipulates that lonely single guy into spending big bucks on her.
Christian Dating Site Photos Can Lie Too
Boy, we ain’t kidding! That’s all I’ve got to say about that. Next! If you are a little insecure and thinking about touching up, ahem…your photo, please don’t try that. Instead, check out our online Christian dating site picture advice that will help fix you up really nicely.
There is a Learning Curve Attached to Christian Dating Site Use
Some Christian singles get frustrated with Christian dating sites like Eharmony Dating Service because they may not attain positive results straight away. That’s why is important to understand how to start using a Christian dating site before spending your money on a membership.
Bottom line: The dating advice here is to join some of the top Christian dating sites that offer free trial memberships, and see how they work.
Christian Dating Site Use Is Addicting
It’s very easy to get carried away when on an online Christian dating site. Not only is it not a good idea for your health to spend too much time in front of a computer, but you lose out on family, ministry, and other opportunities to enjoy life.
So please see your Christian dating site memberships as a complementary item to other ways for meeting dates in your everyday living.
Are you a Christian single with the itch to share your bad Christian dating site experience? Do you have Christian Dating Site Cons?