Christian Singles Dealing With A Broken Heart

Christian Singles Dealing With A Broken Heart

dealing with a broken heartAre you a Christian single suffering from a broken heart?  Let’s face it: at one point or another, EVERYBODY gets their heart broken from a lost relationship.  Speaking from personal experience, heartbreak is one of the most bitter and painful experiences one can go through.  Everybody I talk to about it says the same thing.  As painful as it can be, the good news is that a broken heart never lasts forever!  While the healing process takes different amounts of time from person to person, these tips on how to mend a broken heart will be helpful to all single Christians dealing with heartbreak.

 Go To God First When Dealing With A Broken Heart

One of the worst things you can do after a breakup is to try and find comfort in something other than Jesus!  After all, he created your emotions and knows every detail about your life.  He loves you and you are always on his heart, so take refuge in His love!  Turn over all the pain and bitterness and give it to Jesus!  Claim these beautiful promise in Jesus name:

“The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” -Psalm 34:18 

“Cast your burdens on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.” -Psalm 55:22

Use this time to connect with God and seek his face!  Worship Him and rest in His love!  Remember that he has amazing plans for your life because you are His child!  Rejoice in the LORD: for all that he has done, for all that he is doing, and for all that he will do!

Mending A Broken Heart Advice – Talk About It With People Close To You

There is something very therapeutic about talking about a broken heart with a close friend or family member who will listen to you.  Talking about it gets all the built up negative feelings out and helps along the healing process.  Keeping it all inside can lead to depression and other emotional issues down the road, so it isn’t good to try and act strong by not being open with somebody about how you’re feeling.  It is also a good idea to pray with somebody if it is possible!  Let God move in the situation and see what he does!  The more you talk and pray, the better and more at peace you will feel about the situation.

Christian Dating Advice – Forgive Your Ex!!

There is an extraordinary amount of healing power in forgiving somebody for something that they have done to you!  Jesus calls us to forgive each other in the same way that Christ forgave us!  Sincere forgiveness brings closure and new beginning.  This will speed up the mending process of your broken heart!  Once you offer forgiveness, what the other person does with that is up to them.  If they want to remain bitter and upset, you did your part and have a clear and clean conscience.

Dealing With A Broken Heart- Stay Healthy!! 

Although it can be easy to throw health out the window when dealing with a broken heart, it is not at all a good idea!  Eating healthy, getting regular exercise, and drinking a lot of water will reduce stress hormones, and keep you from becoming depressed.  Even though you probably don’t feel like getting out to the gym, you will be in a much better mood after you blow off some built-up emotions!

Hopefully, you find these Christian dating tips useful!  Remember to stay focused on the LORD and get your strength in Him alone!  For more Christian dating articles, stop by our home page!


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