As a Christian single who uses email in online dating services, you may have dating email etiquette questions. Say you’re interested in a particular person’s dating profile, and you want to contact them via email. However, you’re not sure what to say and how to say it. Don’t worry about it! If you follow these dating advice tips on email etiquette you will succeed
Christian Dating Email Etiquette Tips
Email Etiquette Tip #1: Think Safety First
Familiarize yourself with online safety dating tips before even thinking about sending out an email or Instant Message to another single. Don’t give out your regular e-mail address too soon. If you do, make sure you have configured your internet email program to hide your name, in order to avoid unwanted address tracing. Once someone has your name, it’s easy to track your location.
Fortunately, a number of Christian dating services, like eHarmony and Christian Cafe take care of this potential problem by providing “in-house” email and messaging systems for members to use.
Email Etiquette Tip #2: Speak the Truth in Love
As single Christians, remember that the foundation for all of our emails and online communications should be speaking the truth in love (Eph. 4:15) with wholesomeness (Eph. 4:29). And remember the goal is to attract a potential soulmate, not repel them. Let’s see, do you think this excludes cybersex?
The foundation of any Christian relationship, whether online or offline, is honesty. When crafting your dating email, be truthful about who you are and what you’re looking for in a partner. Avoid exaggerations or misrepresentations, as they can lead to disappointment and distrust down the road. Remember that building a lasting relationship requires a strong foundation of trust, and this starts with being genuine from the very beginning.
Email Etiquette Tip #3: Have Something to Say
Whether you are meeting face to face or through email, having good conversation starter skills will help you connect with the other person, while helping you ascertain whether they are a match for you as well. This means you should write your email in the same easygoing way that you would speak to people in person.
Your email’s subject line is the first thing your potential match will see. Make it count by using a subject line that’s not only eye-catching but also relevant to the content of your email. Avoid generic subject lines like “Hello” or “Hi there.” Instead, try something more personalized, such as “Fellow Christian Seeking Meaningful Connection.”
Dating Email Etiquette Tip #3: Keep it Real
If you are writing your first email, please, please don’t send a form letter. It’s not only tacky but gives the impression that you don’t care. Believe me, singles can tell when they’ve been “sporned.” Instead, write a heartfelt email letter expressing what you liked about their dating profile while adding a little background information on yourself.
Email Etiquette Tip #4: Always Leave Them Wanting More
You’re writing a dating letter, not a novel, so keep it brief, warm, and to the point. Make your sentences short, having no more than three or four to a paragraph. Also, make sure you double-space between paragraphs because it makes your email less boring and easier to read.
Email Etiquette Tip #5: Don’t Leave Them Hanging
When you are on the receiving end of an email, it is proper etiquette to respond within 24 hours of receipt. Even if you do not have the time to respond as you would like, acknowledging the other party’s initial email with a little note, and explaining you will get back shortly is decent email etiquette. A response after 72 hours is considered rude.
Email Etiquette Tip #6: Remember the Golden Rule
If after having several email conversations with a potential mate, you decide to end the communication, appropriate etiquette would dictate that you send off an email explaining the situation. You would expect the same consideration if you were in their position.
In the fast-paced world of online dating, it’s easy to get caught up in impatience. However, remember that building a genuine connection takes time. Don’t pressure your potential match into responding quickly or meeting in person before they’re ready. Respect their pace and boundaries, just as you would expect them to respect yours.
Are you a single with email etiquette ideas or an email dating experience you would like to share? Help other singles by sharing your thoughts on email etiquette.
Conclusion: Christian dating email etiquette
Navigating the world of Christian dating through email can be both exciting and challenging. By following these Christian dating email etiquette guidelines, you can foster meaningful connections with like-minded individuals who share your faith and values. Remember to prioritize honesty, respect, and patience in your interactions, and let your faith guide you in building a strong and lasting relationship.
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