Good Questions to Ask Your Crush: A Guide for Christian Singles

Good Questions to Ask Your Crush: A Guide for Christian Singles

Good things to ask your crushSo, you’ve finally found someone who makes your heart flutter, and you’re eager to get to know them better. It’s an exciting time, but it can also be nerve-wracking, especially if you’re unsure of what to say. Fear not! I’ve got you covered with a list of good questions to ask your crush that will help you break the ice and get the conversation flowing. And because we’re all about keeping it fun and light-hearted, I’ve sprinkled in some humor to keep things relaxed. Let’s dive in!

1. What’s Your Favorite Bible Verse and Why?

Starting with a faith-based question is a great way to establish a common ground, especially if you’re both Christians. It opens up a meaningful conversation about spirituality and can give you insight into their values and beliefs. Plus, it’s a chance to share your favorite verse too! And hey, if they say, “Jesus wept,” because it’s the shortest, you know they’ve got a sense of humor!

2. If You Could Have Dinner with Any Biblical Figure, Who Would It Be and Why?

This question is a fun twist on the classic “dinner with anyone, living or dead” query. It allows your crush to showcase their knowledge of the Bible and gives you a peek into their interests and personality. Whether they choose Moses for his leadership skills or Esther for her bravery, it’s sure to lead to an engaging discussion.

3. What’s the Most Embarrassing Thing That’s Ever Happened to You at Church?

Nothing breaks the ice like a good laugh. Sharing embarrassing moments can be a bonding experience and show that you’re not afraid to be vulnerable. Maybe they tripped during a choir performance, or perhaps they sang the wrong lyrics during a worship song. Whatever the story, it’s bound to lighten the mood and make both of you feel more comfortable.

4. How Do You Spend Your Sundays?

This question helps you gauge how they balance faith and relaxation. Do they attend church, spend time with family, or volunteer? Their answer can give you a glimpse into their priorities and lifestyle. Plus, it might spark ideas for future Sunday plans together!

5. What’s Your Favorite Christian Song or Hymn?

Music is a universal language, and discussing favorite songs can reveal a lot about a person’s taste and what resonates with them spiritually. Whether they’re into contemporary Christian music or traditional hymns, it’s a great way to connect and even exchange recommendations. And who knows? Maybe you’ll end up harmonizing together someday!

6. If You Could Go on a Mission Trip Anywhere in the World, Where Would You Go?

This question explores their sense of adventure and passion for serving others. It also opens up a conversation about travel and culture, which can be fascinating and inspiring. Whether they dream of building homes in Africa or teaching English in Asia, it’s a beautiful way to learn about their heart for missions.

7. What’s Your Favorite Christian Book (Besides the Bible)?

For avid readers, this question is a goldmine. It can lead to a deep conversation about literature, authors, and the themes that have impacted them most. Whether they mention C.S. Lewis’s “Mere Christianity” or Max Lucado’s inspirational writings, it’s a great way to discover shared interests and possibly swap books!

8. Do You Have Any Hobbies or Talents You’re Passionate About?

Everyone loves talking about their passions, and this question lets your crush shine. Whether they’re into painting, playing an instrument, or hiking, it gives you a window into their world and interests. Plus, it’s a chance to find common hobbies you can enjoy together. And if they say they can juggle, well, you’ve hit the jackpot for future party entertainment!

9. What’s the Best Advice You’ve Ever Received?

This question can bring out some profound and personal stories. It’s a great way to learn about the people who have influenced them and the wisdom they’ve gathered along the way. And who knows, you might just pick up a life lesson or two!

10. What’s Your Favorite Thing About Being a Christian?

Ending on a positive note, this question encourages your crush to reflect on their faith journey and what brings them joy. It’s a beautiful way to wrap up a conversation, leaving both of you feeling uplifted and connected. Plus, it gives you a chance to share your own thoughts and experiences, deepening the bond between you.

Final Thoughts: Keep It Light and Genuine

Asking these questions is a great way to get to know your crush better, but remember to keep the conversation natural and not like an interview. Share your own stories and experiences, and don’t be afraid to be yourself. Authenticity is key to building a meaningful connection.

And, of course, pray about your interactions and ask God for guidance in this journey. After all, He’s the ultimate matchmaker!

So go ahead, take a deep breath, and start that conversation. Who knows? You might just find a deeper connection than you ever imagined. And if nothing else, you’ll have some great stories and maybe a few laughs along the way. Happy chatting!

Christian Singles Advice

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