How to Deal with Bitterness as a Christian Single

How to Deal with Bitterness as a Christian Single

Today we’re going to deal with bitterness as a Christian single. Many of us today are hiding a bitter spirit. Maybe some of us feel bitter and anger because we are still single. If you came here today feeling bitter because you are still single, you’re in good company. People are bitter about many things. The good news is that whatever junk is in your hearts, Jesus can change all that if you really want Him to.

How to Deal With Bitterness
as a ROOT Cause of All Sin

I believe a root cause of all evil is a bitter heart.  What destroys relationships if not bitterness? It’s also bitterness that causes people to walk into a synagogue or a church or a movie theater and shoot it up.  Bitterness causes divorce and adultery. Why, you can trace a root of bitterness to absolutely every sin under creation.

Dealing With Bitterness and Your Past

A bitter person has a difficult time dealing with the past. I hear bitter people say things like this all the time:

“Lord why did this person leave me?”
“I can’t believe how my “ex” treated me. Now he’s found someone new, and I’m just stuck reliving  what went wrong. It’s not fair!”
“Why did I get such a raw deal?!”

How many of us have a hard time letting go over a past hurts, rejections and relationship issues? We are tortured by past hurts, and it makes us bitter.

 Different Types of Bitterness Singles Face

Just as there are many types of fruit, there are types of manifestations of  bitterness,. With that let me just say this:

You can’t help what happens in your life, but you CAN help how you react.

The Characteristics of Bitterness

Bitterness is Deceptive. It’s deceptive on so many different levels. First of all, it’s hard to spot. We may be bitter and not even know it. Or others may be bitter against us, but we will not be able to spot it. Why? Because as the Scripture states, it’s a “ROOT of Bitterness that we must be careful to avoid. We can’t always see everything that meets the eye, even when it comes to our own heart. A bitter person ultimately is a person who holds a grudge against God. This was actually the devil’s first sin. He was self deceived. A bitter person feels he or she deserves better that what God is offering to them. That somehow God is holding back His best from them.  This is deception, and it’s exactly the form of deception the devil used on Eve in Genesis.

Bitterness is Defiling.  If we refuse to deal with bitterness that has taken root deep in our souls, and perpetuated by a grudge holding, unforgiving spirit, we can ruin any hope for a joyful life and future successful relationships, romantic or platonic. Bitterness is really a form a pride, and that is why it’s so destructive. In fact, if you think carefully about it, it’s the same root of bitterness Satan had that caused him to challenge God.

Bitterness is Duplicating. What do we mean by that? People who can’t deal with bitterness by rooting it out from their hearts, are bound to spread their poison, like Satan did, to others. Ever date a bitter person or family member? Well, you know how easily that spirit is spread to others.

The Remedy for Bitterness

The best way way to get rid of bitterness is to kill it with compassion. We must confess it to Lord, and have Him help us root out any remnant of bitterness:

Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. 32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.  Eph 4:31,32

Are you a Single Christian who is struggling with bitterness? Share your story with us.

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