How To Meet More Single Christians Online

How To Meet More Single Christians Online

Have you been wondering how to meet more single Christians online?  Some Christian singles are disappointed with online dating because they find it hard to meet other single Christians, especially in their own local area.

However, one of the keys to meeting more singles online and finding the one is not only to search through Christian personals yourself but to also maximize your chances of them seeking you out. And just how do you go about doing both well?

Whether you have already become a member of one of the online dating sites most Christians use, or are just beginning to think about it, putting the following simple dating tips into practice will help you get more dating singles knocking down your door. 🙂

Tips On How To Meet More Singles Online

Restyle That Dating Profile

Okay, you’ve written a good dating profile, but you’re not meeting singles through it? Check over the following:

  • If you don’t have an online dating photo in your profile, you are cheating yourself out of at least 10 times more singles looking at your ad. If you already have one, go over some tips on how to improve your online picture, and think about taking a new shot.

  • Since location and age are the two most frequently used variables singles search for, make sure you include these somewhere in your profile.

  • Just like a website seeking to have good search engine rankings, you’ll want your profile to be near the top of the search pile of any online dating site you are using. Many sites put the most recently active profiles first, so staying active (responding to all your e-mails, visiting your site often, participating in on-site Christian chatrooms, etc.) is the best way to remain on top. Another tip that may help keep you on top is updating your profile from time to time. Changing your online screen name at this time would not be a bad idea either. Remember: the first and most-seen profiles get the most clicks.

Make Proactive Contacts

Explore your online dating site, and don’t let fears that keep other women and men from meeting someone nice hold you back. Instead, take the following steps:

  • Most online sites have chatrooms and in-house e-mailing systems. Rub elbows with other singles here and build natural online relationships. It’s not only fun but who knows where it will lead, right?

  • Return all e-mails within 24 hours, as anything more than that is a huge turn-off, and you will be perceived as a snob. You should also note that most singles looking to meet other singles move quickly, so you don’t want to miss out.

  • Contact up to ten singles (but no more than that because it will be almost impossible to maintain meaningful relationships) and pray as you narrow your interest down to one potential soulmate.

  • Don’t freak out if you experience several rejections. It happens to the best of us, and it just means that this is not the person God has in mind for you. Simply move on to the next single you would like to meet and get to know better.

Overall, if you keep Christ at the center of your dating life, learning how to meet more singles online should be fun and stress free. If you are a single Christian (college student, single parent, senior single) seeking to meet other singles, feel free to share your experiences.

Singles Blog


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    • George

      Hello ladies! Ladies looking for women after God’s heart andr laughter. I’m a 34 year old male looking for women of a cure for my broken heart. Iif you would like to communicate hit me back with some words that will sooth my heart.

      • George


        • melinda obiena


          hope ur ok now, i will pray for you to heal, if you have chance u can email me…. im a woman who’s also broken into pieces… felt rejected and unimportant and wishing to find a person who will value me… im losing hope but God know’s whats best for me

          • Ayodele Samuel

            Hey you, I am looking for the one who will comfort my soul. I’m a kind hearted man looking for the right one, my email address is God bless

            • maria

              Hola, me gustaría conocer a un hombre cristiano al que le interese compartir voda en familia,tengo un hijo de 15 años.Que este hombre sea alegre, espiritual, responsable, honrado. Mi correo es: tengo 52 años

              • karina

                I like to marriage with a american christian man that love to god in first place, that life low fearfull of god.
                I AM 27 YEARS , I HAVE 1 DAUTHTHER I AM SINGLE .
                BLESS TO GOD

                • Jules

                  It’s hard to find a spiritual leader, devoted husband, and loving father for an instant family.

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