If you’re reading this, odds are you’re a single guy or girl who’s perhaps a little tired of eating alone or going to church gatherings with one less chair needed. You may be wondering; will I ever find love? But don’t worry, being single isn’t a problem—it’s an opportunity. In fact, as someone who’s been in the trenches of singledom myself, let’s just say there are a few life lessons we can learn, laughs we can have, and perspectives we can gain along the way. So let’s dive into some advice that’ll help you make the most of this season, not just survive it.
1. Embrace the Freedom (Yes, Really!)
One of the biggest perks of single life is freedom. Want to order pizza at midnight or go on a last-minute road trip? There’s no one to negotiate plans with! Embrace the spontaneity that comes with this season. Scripture even reminds us that as singles, we have unique opportunities to serve God without distraction (1 Corinthians 7:32-35). So go ahead, sign up for that volunteer gig or join that small group Bible study. You’re free to do anything—and who knows where those opportunities might lead?
2. Develop Your Hobbies and Interests
Have you ever noticed how many married guys start working on home improvement projects, fishing, or getting heavily invested in lawn care? That’s their “me-time” speaking. For us single guys, there’s no need to wait. If there’s an instrument you’ve always wanted to learn, a sport you want to play, or a book you’ve wanted to write, now’s the time to dive into it. Not only will it fill your time, but hobbies make for great conversation starters (trust me, no one cares about your fantasy football team but you!). Plus, cultivating your interests makes you a more well-rounded person.
3. Find a Great Community
A community is one of the best things you can have as a single man. Let’s face it: we all have moments when we feel like the only single person left on Earth. That’s where a solid group of friends comes in. Plug into a men’s group at church, join a local sports league, or start a game night with buddies. Community keeps us grounded, encouraged, and reminds us we’re not alone in our journey. Remember, Proverbs 18:24 talks about friends who stick closer than a brother—so find some “brothers” who can encourage you, laugh with you, and remind you that you’re not on this path alone.
4. Go on Adventures (or Maybe a Few Dates)
While some of us might still be waiting for that neon sign from Heaven that says, “This is the one,” dating can be an enjoyable, purposeful experience. And you don’t have to take it too seriously—sometimes it’s just nice to go out, have a laugh, and meet new people. Try to be authentic and light-hearted. Who knows? God may introduce you to someone special when you least expect it. And if not, you’ll have some great stories for the next guys’ night!
5. Keep Your Spiritual Walk Strong
There’s a great saying: “A relationship won’t solve your problems; it’ll just reveal them.” If there’s ever a time to work on yourself spiritually, it’s now. Dive deep into Scripture, spend time in prayer, and connect with God. Ephesians 5:25-26 talks about Christ’s love for the Church as a model for our relationships. So even though we’re single, practicing a lifestyle of love, forgiveness, and patience can only serve us well in any future relationship—and, bonus, it makes us happier and more grounded today.
6. Laugh at Yourself
Listen, single life comes with some comedy gold if you’re willing to laugh about it. Remember the time you tried to cook dinner from scratch and ended up with instant noodles? Or the time you told your aunt at Thanksgiving, for the third year in a row, that you’re still single and “Yes, I’m still okay with it”? Sometimes, humor is the best way to handle the awkward or challenging moments. After all, life is too short to take too seriously. Proverbs 17:22 says, “A cheerful heart is good medicine,” so let’s take that to heart, literally.
7. Cultivate Gratitude
Every time you see yet another engagement announcement or get asked about your love life, it can be easy to fall into comparison. But one powerful way to combat loneliness or dissatisfaction is gratitude. Start listing the blessings of your current season, no matter how small. It might be the friendships you’ve built, the career opportunities you have, or even just the peace of knowing God’s got your back. Psalm 100:4 encourages us to “enter his gates with thanksgiving,” and cultivating a grateful heart can transform how we see our single status.
8. Set Some Life Goals
Who says planning is just for couples? Set goals for yourself that have nothing to do with finding a relationship. Maybe you want to be more financially secure, take that dream trip, or develop a healthier lifestyle. Write them down, pray over them, and start taking small steps to achieve them. There’s a unique satisfaction that comes with reaching a goal, especially when it’s a result of personal growth.
9. Be the Friend You Wish You Had
Feeling a little lonely? Try reaching out to someone else who might feel the same way. Call a friend, check on a family member, or volunteer. Sometimes, when we’re focused on helping others, we forget our own loneliness, and we end up forming even stronger bonds. Jesus modeled selflessness for us, and one of the beautiful things about single life is that we have more time and flexibility to serve others. In doing so, we’ll often find that we’re the ones blessed in return.
10. Embrace the Unknown with Faith
As single men, there are a lot of “what ifs” and unknowns in our lives. What if I never meet someone? What if I’m alone forever? But remember, God has a plan that’s bigger than our fears. Jeremiah 29:11 assures us of this: “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” Embrace the unknown, lean into faith, and trust that God’s timing is perfect, even if it doesn’t look like ours.
11. Don’t Settle Out of Desperation
Loneliness can sometimes make us feel pressured to settle for relationships that might not be God’s best for us. Resist the temptation. Aim for a relationship that builds your faith, encourages growth, and challenges you to be better. Until then, don’t rush it. Instead, focus on becoming the kind of person you’d want to marry—after all, a strong, faith-filled man is worth waiting for.
12. Laugh at Those “Single” Clichés
People will give you advice. Lots of it. Smile, nod, and try not to laugh (too hard) when Aunt Martha tells you, “It’ll happen when you least expect it!” or “Have you tried online dating?” Some clichés are funnier because they’re painfully true, and others…well, they’re just painful. But instead of getting frustrated, learn to laugh. Just remember, your life doesn’t have to fit anyone else’s narrative. You’re on a unique journey, and God’s timing is tailor-made for you.
Conclusion: You’re Not Alone
As you walk this journey, remember that you’re never really alone. God is with you, guiding you, shaping you, and preparing you. The experiences you’re gaining now will serve you in ways you may not yet see. So embrace the journey, find joy in the little things, laugh at the funny moments, and know that you’re on the right path, even if it’s one you walk solo…for now.
Being a single man doesn’t mean life is on hold—it’s actually happening right now. So go ahead, make the most of it. Who knows what adventures God has in store for you next?