Why is Church Attendance Declining Among Single Adults?

Why is Church Attendance Declining Among Single Adults?

Why is Church Attendance Declining Among Single Adults? According to the Barna Research Group, single adults, 90 million strong, are the most unchurched group of people in the USA. Single adult church attendance in Europe and Australia is even lower. Here is some single-adult info we found intriguing:

  • Less than 20% of single adults attend Christian church services or small groups on any given day of the week.
  • Single adult men are far less likely (15%) to attend a meeting than single women (23%). (I guess this is why I frequently hear Christian single women lamenting, “Where are all the single men? The only nice guys in our church are already taken.”)
  • 54% of all single adults claim faith in Christ Jesus.
  • Nearly two-thirds of single adults feel the church has nothing to offer them.

As someone who has a passion to reach singles for Jesus through church planting, these findings are as sad as they are interesting.

What’s going on here? The bottom line truth is the vast majority of single adults, both Christian and non-Christian, not only feel alienated from the church, they also think it is irrelevant to their needs. not many people are looking to find a church nowadays.

Meeting Single Adults Where They Live

In order to minister to single adults, we must meet them on the level of their needs. What are single adults looking for? Most singles yearn for a mate and intimate relationships with others and God.

In answer to this need, we not only started Christian Dating Service PLUS to provide dating advice and reviews of some of the top dating services Christians use but also to be a resource hub to help single adults connect with other singles while learning about the Lord.

We feel the most relevant and safest place to grow relationships is through Christian singles small groups. That’s why we are in the process of listing every known Christian single adult group under the sun. Finally, we are also partnering with single adult ministers and other singles to bring single adults relevant and practical articles about single life.

How can you help other single adults? Contact us to list your own single adult group in your area. Also, consider helping other single adults by submitting articles or making comments on the dating reviews listed on this site.

Christian Singles

Christian Dating Service

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One Comment

    • Julie Rosensteel

      I am bothered by “single’s groups” in the church. Doesn’t that draw more attention to the fact that they are single? In a struggle for a place of belonging (many singles do not feel welcome in a church because they are single) keeping them in their own little group – creating their own little click does not help us feel a part of the whole church body. True – it may a helpful support for some but we are the BODY of Christ and by seperating singles from the body would be like chopping off an arm.

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