Should You Confess Past Sexual Sins to Your Christian Dating Partner?

Should You Confess Past Sexual Sins to Your Christian Dating Partner?

Confessing past sexual sins to your Christian dating partner

So you’ve been dating for a while, and the awkward topic of past relationships comes up.  Should you confess past sexual sins to your Christian dating partner.? Or do you let sleeping dogs lie?


Why Should You SpilL the Beans About Your Past?

First off, let’s address why you should even consider opening that can of worms. Dating should be intentional. This means getting to truly know each other, with the purpose of determining if that person would be a potential marriage partner.  And hey, while not everyone deserves the intimate details of your life, a potential spouse does. Keeping your partner in the dark about your past isn’t just unwise; it’s downright unloving. Your past, though not defining you, shapes who you are. Marriage, after all, is about becoming one (Gen. 2:24), and your partner deserves to make that decision with full knowledge of who they’re committing to.

Sharing your history paves the way for genuine biblical love and deep spiritual conversations. It helps you speak the truth in love (Eph. 4:15), rejoice in the truth (1 Cor. 13:6), and lean on God’s wisdom and grace (Heb. 4:16). These qualities are the bedrock of any Christian relationship.

Timing Is Everything – When Should You Have “The Talk”?

Knowing the right time to bring up your past is more of an art than a science. Blurt it out too soon, and you risk overwhelming your partner and derailing the trust you’re building. Wait too long, and it could feel like a betrayal. So, what’s a person to do?

A good strategy is to gradually share deeper aspects of your testimony. Talk about God’s work in your life and hint that there are more layers to your story. This way, you put the idea of a deeper discussion on the radar without rushing it.

Before diving into the deep end, ask yourself these questions:

  • Are both of you ready to share and hear intimate parts of your stories?
  • Do you care enough about this person to share these details?
  • Do you trust them to respond well to your past sins?
  • At what point would it be irresponsible to keep quiet about your past?

What Should You Share?

The point of sharing is to make yourself known. This includes sins committed by you (like patterns of masturbation, pornography, or immorality), sins done to you (like abuse or rape), and sinful desires you’re battling (such as same-sex attraction). The level of detail you go into, though, requires wisdom.  Bringing up past sexual sins may cause unnecessary hurt or emotional pain to your partner, especially if they struggle with forgiveness or if it impacts their trust in you. If you do share, please be sure to leave out unnecessary  descriptive details, which can cause more harm than good.

The Pros of Confessing past sexual sins to your dating partner

  1. Honesty and Transparency: Confessing your past sexual sins demonstrates a commitment to honesty and transparency in your relationship. It sets a foundation of openness that can strengthen trust between you and your partner.
  2. Emotional Healing: Sharing your past can be a way to release feelings of guilt or shame you may carry. Opening up to your partner allows for emotional healing and can foster a deeper level of intimacy.
  3. Spiritual Growth: From a Christian perspective, confessing your sins is a step towards repentance and spiritual growth. It shows humility and a desire to align your life with biblical principles.

Confessing your past sins to your Christian dating partner cons

  1. Potential Judgment: There’s a risk that your partner may judge you based on your past actions. This judgment could affect their perception of you and the dynamics of your relationship

Biblical Guidance on Confession

The Bible offers guidance on how to approach confession and forgiveness within relationships:

  1. Prayer and Reflection: Before deciding to confess, spend time in prayer and self-reflection. Seek guidance from God and evaluate your motives for wanting to share your past.
  2. Timing and Context: Choose an appropriate time and place to have this conversation. It should be a private setting where both of you can speak openly without distractions. Make sure you pray about this.
  3. Honesty and Compassion: When you confess, be honest about your past while showing compassion towards your partner’s feelings. Acknowledge any pain or confusion your revelation may cause.
  4. Seeking Forgiveness: Express genuine remorse for your past actions and seek forgiveness, both from God and from your partner if necessary.
  5. Moving Forward: After confession, discuss how your past may affect your present relationship and what steps you both can take to move forward in a healthy and trusting manner.


Ultimately, the decision to confess past sexual sins to your Christian dating partner is deeply personal and should be guided by prayer, wisdom, and discernment. While honesty and transparency are important virtues in any relationship, it’s crucial to consider the potential consequences and the emotional readiness of both parties involved. If handled with care and respect for each other’s feelings, confession can lead to greater intimacy and spiritual growth. However, if approached hastily or insensitively, it may harm the relationship irreparably. As you navigate this aspect of your relationship, lean on God’s wisdom and grace, trusting that He can guide you towards honesty and healing.

In conclusion, the choice to confess your past sexual sins should be made prayerfully, considering the specific dynamics of your relationship and seeking God’s wisdom throughout the process. By doing so with sensitivity and humility, you can foster a relationship built on trust, understanding, and mutual respect, reflecting the love and forgiveness modeled by Christ.


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Christian Dating Advice

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