Well, the holiday season is upon us again. Hallmark Christmas movies are fun, but just don’t cut it. Look, surviving the holidays as a single person can be tough. As single women and men dreading yet another holiday season alone, you’re probably struggling or thinking about:
- Where you’re going to spend the holidays to avoid depression and loneliness
- How unfair it is that another Christmas is coming, and you’re still single
- What you’re gonna tell or do to those annoying relatives who ask you again why you’re not yet married?
The holiday season is often seen as a time of joy, togetherness, and celebration. However, for many single Christians, it can also be a challenging and lonely time. The emphasis on family gatherings, romantic relationships, and holiday traditions can sometimes make you get the feeling of FOMO. But fear not! With the right mindset and strategies, you can not only survive but thrive during the holidays as a single Christian.
surviving the Holiday Blues Survival Guide
As you reflect upon how to approach the potential for holiday blues this season, it’s important to celebrate in a way you feel comfortable as a single person, whether you are dating or not. As you begin to see all the commercialism, decorations, and Christmas pagan hype, let the following holiday do’s and don’ts guide you:
Holiday Do’s for Singles
Focus on the birth of our dear Lord and Saviour, Jesus, as the focal point of your holiday. Not to employ an overused cliche, but He is, after all, the Reason for the season. If you have never heard the Good News about Jesus, you can read here about how to become a child of God. Jesus loves you so much!
Do remember that as a single you have the same need and right to enjoy this holiday season as any other couple or family does. So if you want to decorate your home or apartment, do it up well! How you choose to spend the holidays is your personal choice, not that of those around you. Before being cajoled by friends and family members to attend this event or that party, ask yourself if this is really what you want to do. Will it make you feel more lonely and depressed? Will it bring others AND you some measure of joy?
As a single person, set level expectations for the holidays. Have fun in the way you see fit, but don’t allow the world to pressure you into unrealistic expectations of what the holiday time should bring. That way, if things don’t go that way, there will be less disappointment and hurt.
Jesus said, “it’s more blessed to give than to receive.” So, make this Christmas a time of service to others instead of focusing on your own needs and wants as a single person. Doing things such as feeding the poor or visiting the sick will not only help you put the holidays into their proper perspective, it will cause your spirits to soar! We guarantee it.
If you have not already done so, find a Christian singles group or church in your area where you can find and give support to other singles during the holidays. If you’re not part of any group, why not throw a holiday bash for other single friends you know?
Make sure to count every blessing the Lord has granted to you in the past. The holidays are an excellent opportunity to reflect on the blessings in your life. As a single Christian, you can focus on the gratitude you feel for your relationship with God, your friends, and your church community. Take time to count your blessings and thank God for the abundance of love and support in your life.
Holiday Don’ts for Singles
Avoid using too much alcohol (Ephesians 5:18) to cope with holiday stress because this tends to make one depressed.
As singles, we tend to overbook ourselves to the point of exhaustion. Make sure you don’t do this this holiday season, but give yourself plenty of downtime to relax and rest. Fatigue can lead to negative thought patterns.
Don’t spend all your holiday time with family members and other couples, but split the time with your single friends as well. This will help you keep a more positive perspective while enjoying everybody’s company
Overall, however, if you choose to celebrate the Christmas or New Year Holidays, remember to be safe, trust in God’s promises for your future (Jeremiah 29:11), and have fun! Happy Holidays!
Surviving the holidays alone as a single Christian is not only possible but can be a season of personal growth and spiritual enrichment. By embracing gratitude, creating meaningful traditions, staying active in your church community, reaching out to others, practicing self-care, and deepening your faith, you can find joy and purpose during this special time of the year. Remember that you are not alone, and God’s love and presence are with you every step of the way.
Are you a single person with added thoughts on surviving the holiday blues? Help others by sharing your thoughts with us!
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Maggy Julie Smith
I don’t now if the person who wrote this is a single adult but I don’t necessarily agree with this at all. If the person isn’t single he/she has no right or business in even making any comments on singleness. Unless a person is a single adult they have no idea what its like. Women are brainwashed to believe that they should date only believers or they are “unequally yoked” but then the “Christian” guys come onto them on “dates” show no respect whatsoever. I actually dated more kind and respectful Jews, atheists etc. I wish I married one of them years ago. Churches also make it next to impossible to meet someone because they only have events for teens, and twenty years olds. There is nothing ever for adult singles. Most churches don’t even have single groups. Or if they do all that come to the events are single women and maybe one or two un dateable men. Maybe it is because I live in CT and there aren’t many Christians that live in this part of the country. So women are either forced to date non believers or not date and remain single. Or how about the married men or women “Christians” who pretend to be single and hit on the single person? Also, I would say that holidays are worse for singles at church. They are looked down upon as if they cant find someone but the clergy are the ones who actually cause the problem. Typically it is the single people who are financially supporting the church anyhow. I don’t know what the reason is for the focus on the 20 something other then they feel that they can be controlled or brainwashed into believing something that is drilled into their heads. I don’t go to church any longer. No adult men go there anyhow in CT. Churches are full of people who only want to grow and gain more and more churches simply for money. Not to grow the people in the church. I read the bible but I wont ever go to church again. “The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict.”
Employing Dante’s words
Sharon Reed1
I too am single and have been for 7 yrs now. I refuse to date a non christian and have asked God to guide me to find the right man for me. I have been married to 3 men all cheeted and drank and lied . They all said they were Catholics and beleive in God. I now know I gave my heart soul mind and body to a husband” that was not what God would have wanted for me. If I had been married to a Christian man, he would have thought he died and went to heaven. I cooked, cleaned, loyal, funny, loving, affectionate, giving, loves children and animals. Try to help when ever I could…. and did all my “husbands work of mowing the lawn , cutting and stacking wood, blowing leaves , starting grill and cooking, . Getting the fireplace started, Painted the inside and out side of my home. Put in a new light in bathroom, new towlet, Shingled the roof of the shed. I did all this with no help. I thought I was lucky to have a husband and it was better than being alone. Well , they were out almost every night at bars or womens homes ( I found out later on)… oh, yea, I am very trusting.
Well, after the 3rd one, I was so lost and down and exhausted, I cried out to God and My Aunt Guided me to become born again.
I started hearing from God in a gentle breeze of a guideing and in his words he said. Are you done now? Trust in me and you will find the man I have met for you. Trust me in and lean on me. I will show you the way. and that was 7 yrs ago. I have had to do a lot of learning and growing since then and I still wait for him to guide me to the one for me. Mean while I am trying to finish my RN degree. It should be a good thing to be so helpful not a bad thing. Not being married to someone who did not care for me as a man should have, was not my fault but not being prompted by God was. This time, it’s his turn. I no longer have control of my life. He does and it will be so much eaiser. Yes, I’m lonely and wonder way it is so ooo long , then I remember the loneiness being married to a man who is gone all the time and didn’t make me feel safe and love. That my friends IS lonelyness….crushing and silent.
I hope all our prayers are answered this yr… They are simple but so true to the heart. Thats where I remain, till then
Sharon Reed from Torrington,CT.
Bob Wood
Well I don’t necessarily agree with any of this. Having to deal with your family on the holidays can be stressful. Went out for dinner last night and came back alone. feeding the poor. I ‘m already feeding the poor. It’s called food stamps thanks to Obama.
Being alone and single at Christmastime is almost unbearable for me, especially when I see other singles in church coupled up and cuddling during Christmas Eve services. This is a great article on living single at this time of year, but does anyone have any other insights?