'Attracting dates' Tagged Posts

'Attracting dates' Tagged Posts

how to attract the eight man or woman to date

How to Attract the Right Man or Woman to Date

How do you attract  the right person to date? Some single Christians have no problems attracting people to date. However, attracting the right man or woman to date is often a separate issue. By the right man or woman to date, we mean that special person with whom you may wish to spend the rest of your life.  Your soul mate. Since you only marry a man or woman you date, it’s important to get it right. Right? There are several…
Looking for Mr Right

Looking For Mr. Right: A Guide to Meeting Your Christian Soulmate

Looking for Mr Right? Attracting Mr. Right or Miss Right for a dating relationship that leads toward marriage is a goal of most Christian singles. Although there are a lot of online dating tips for attracting Mr. Right or Miss Right, some singles tend to keep attracting the exact opposite kind of person they need in a relationship. For example, did you ever wonder why abused women keep entering abusive relationships? I do, because I used to see it everyday…