'Dating' Tagged Posts

'Dating' Tagged Posts

fears that keep women and men single

Fears That Keep Women And Men Single

There are many fears that keep women and men single. Paradoxically, many single women and men who yearn to get married often allow fears and phobias to keep them from that very goal. Furthermore, instead of meeting the love of their lives, they end up battling feelings of loneliness and frustration. So just what are some of the top fears single women and men face? A survey of several hundred singles revealed the following: Top 3 Fears of Single Women…
romance tips for dating

Romance Tips for Christian Dating

Many singles come to this site in search of romance tips for Christian dating. Many are also surprised to find a Christian dating site giving out romance tips because, to them, the two simply don’t mix. Of course, nothing can be further from the truth. Navigating the world of dating can be a challenging experience for anyone. For Christians, there’s the added layer of finding a partner who not only complements you in personality and interests but also in faith.…
signs of a healthy relationship

Signs of a Healthy Relationship For Christian Boyfriends/Girlfriends

Wondering what the signs of a healthy relationship are for Christian boyfriends or girlfriends?  Would you even be able to spot that good catch of a Christian boyfriend or girlfriend when they come into your sights? Recently, several singles sat down and came up with the following top seven signs you are in the right relationship with your Christian boyfriend or girlfriend: Top 7 Great Signs of a healthy relationship Jesus is the most important person in their lives. Remember,…
single moms

Christian Single Moms and Dating Tips

Single moms have it rough. Christian single moms who are dating may have it even worse: Not only do  Christian single moms have to deal with all the responsibilities that go along with being a custodial single parent, they also have to battle the stigma of being a single mom in the church. Whether we admit it not, more than a few women in the church look at single moms (especially if they’re hot looking) with subtle suspicion. Translation: Is…
40 somethings singles

40 Somethings, 50 Somethings Dating

40 something, 50 something Christians dating online? Baby Boomers are currently using eHarmony Dating Service  almost as much as the average 20 something singles, who was the group that brought internet dating into the mainstream several years ago. More telling is that 40 something and 50 something daters also make up the fastest growing demographic of those seeking seeking a date online. Amazingly, with a dating service like PerfectMatch.com, nearly 65% of the singles who sign up are 30 somethings,…