'Relationship Advice' Tagged Posts

'Relationship Advice' Tagged Posts

relationship advice from proverbs

Relationship Advice from Proverbs

Everybody can use a little relationship advice from Proverbs now and then. Most of the folks who visit Christian Dating Service PLUS! are looking for some form of relationship advice, whether it be where to find a Christian penpal or a serious dating relationship. Proverbial Advice About Relationships This week’s Christian podcast comes from Bell Shoals Southern Baptist Church in Brandon, Florida (FL), where Pastor Forrest Polluck gives us some great advice about how Christians should carry on their relationships.…
Biblical advice for marriage problems

Biblical Advice for Marriage Problems: A Single Christian’s Perspective

Looking for biblical advice for marriage problems?  One of the most sacred institutions has been celebrated and revered across cultures and religions. For a Christian, the Bible serves as an invaluable guide on this journey. But how does a single Christian, yet to embark on this marital voyage, perceive and relay Biblical advice for marriage problems? Let’s dive into these waters, combining age-old scriptures with the fresh perspective of a Christian single. Marriage Through the Eyes of a Single Christian…

What To Look For In Christian Dating A Relationship

Need some Christian dating advice on what to look for in a relationship or building solid relationships?  Many single Christians are so eager to find a relationship that they jump on the first opportunity that comes their way without taking the time to ask themselves: “What should I look for in a Christian dating relationship?”  Although what people look for in a potential dating partner differs from person to person, there are a few qualities that are very important for every Christian…