Ah, the hopeless romantic. You’ve probably heard the term, and if you’re single and dating in the Christian world, you may even be one. But what exactly is a hopeless romantic, especially from a Christian perspective? Is it a bad thing? A good thing? Or just something that requires a little guidance and prayer? Let’s dive in.
A hopeless romantic is someone who absolutely loves the idea of love. They often dream about the perfect relationship, the fairy-tale ending, and, let’s be honest, long walks on the beach while holding hands under the sunset (cue the romantic music). And while there’s nothing wrong with appreciating romance, being a hopeless romantic can sometimes lead to unrealistic expectations, especially when it comes to Christian dating.
You see, being a hopeless romantic as a Christian means you not only want that deep, soul-stirring love, but you also want it to reflect the beauty and sacredness of a relationship centered on Christ. And let’s face it, those two things don’t always come in the same package.
So, what exactly are the signs of a hopeless romantic in the Christian dating world? Here are 10 signs you might be a hopeless romantic, with a good dose of humor, and some solid biblical wisdom to help you keep your heart grounded!
1. You Love a Good Proposal Video (And Maybe Have Cried Over a Few)
Let’s be real—if you’re a hopeless romantic, you’ve definitely spent more time than you’d like to admit watching elaborate proposal videos on YouTube. The ones with the flash mobs, surprise serenades, and dramatic tears of joy? Yep, you’ve seen them all, and you might even keep tissues nearby for the inevitable waterworks.
But here’s the thing: while grand gestures are lovely, they aren’t the foundation of a biblical marriage. In 1 Peter 4:8, we’re reminded that “above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” Real love goes beyond the Instagram-worthy moments. It’s about loving your partner deeply, every day, not just during a perfectly choreographed proposal.
2. You Write Love Letters in Your Head to Your Future Spouse
Ever catch yourself daydreaming about the day you’ll finally meet your future spouse? Maybe you’ve even drafted mental love letters to them, just waiting for the moment when you can put them to paper. (And hey, nothing wrong with writing a love letter!)
But let’s keep it real for a second: as wonderful as it is to dream about your future relationship, it’s important to trust God’s timing and plan. Proverbs 16:9 says, “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” So, while you can dream, make sure your focus is on walking faithfully with God in the present.
3. You Believe in “The One” and Only “The One”
A hopeless romantic tends to believe that there is exactly one person out there who is destined to be their perfect match. While it’s sweet to think about “The One,” this idea can sometimes be a little misleading. Why? Because it puts an incredible amount of pressure on finding someone who meets every criteria on your list.
The Bible offers a different perspective on marriage. Instead of focusing on finding “The One,” we’re encouraged to love selflessly. Ephesians 5:25 instructs, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” It’s about sacrificial love and devotion, not a perfect checklist.
4. You Picture Every First Date as the Beginning of a Fairy Tale
If you find yourself planning the wedding after a really good first date, you might be a hopeless romantic! It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and wonder if this person could be the one that God has prepared for you. You’re practically picking out baby names before dessert.
While there’s nothing wrong with being hopeful, it’s important to remember that relationships take time and effort. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 tells us that “love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.” So, take it slow, allow the relationship to grow, and focus on building a solid foundation before rushing into the future.
5. You’ve Read Every Christian Romance Novel (And Probably Have Opinions on All the Characters)
Christian romance novels can be lovely, with characters who overcome obstacles, find faith, and fall in love—what’s not to enjoy? But if you find yourself comparing every date to the fictional lead in your favorite book, we may have a problem.
In real life, relationships are messy, imperfect, and require more than just a great storyline. James 1:22 encourages us to “be doers of the word, and not hearers only.” It’s good to enjoy a Christian love story, but we should also focus on living out biblical love in real life. That means forgiveness, grace, and—yes—sometimes even conflict resolution!
6. You Believe in Love at First Sight (Or at Least Really, Really Hope It’s Real)
Hopeless romantics love the idea of locking eyes across a crowded room and knowing instantly that this person is “The One.” You probably hope for that magical, movie-style moment where time slows down, the music swells, and—boom—you’re in love.
But real love usually doesn’t happen in a single moment. It’s built over time through trust, communication, and shared experiences. Colossians 3:14 says, “And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.” Love is something we put on—an action and a commitment that grows, not just a feeling we fall into.
7. You Overanalyze Every Text Message for Signs of True Love
Did he use a smiley face? Was that emoji really necessary? Is she texting back quickly, or is there a strategic pause between each message? If you find yourself dissecting every single text for signs of deep affection, welcome to the world of hopeless romantics.
But let’s not forget: love is about more than words on a screen. In Matthew 7:20, Jesus reminds us, “By their fruit you will recognize them.” It’s someone’s actions—how they treat you, how they show kindness and respect—that truly matter in the long run. A well-placed emoji won’t tell you if they’re the one God has for you!
8. You Think Every Wedding You Attend Is Your Destiny Calling
You go to a wedding and suddenly feel like you’re in a romantic comedy. The beautiful couple at the altar, the vows, the emotional speeches—your heart is bursting, and you can’t help but think, “When will it be my turn?” (Bonus points if you’ve ever caught the bouquet and saw it as a divine sign!)
While weddings are beautiful celebrations of love, they’re not necessarily a predictor of your own future timeline. Psalm 27:14 encourages us, “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” God’s timing for your own love story is unique, and it’s worth waiting for!
9. You Believe the Right Person Will “Complete” You
Cue the famous line from Jerry Maguire: “You complete me.” Hopeless romantics often have this idea that the right person will fill every empty space in their heart and solve all their problems. But as Christians, we know there’s only one person who can truly complete us—and it’s not a spouse, but Jesus.
In Colossians 2:10, it says, “In Christ you have been brought to fullness.” Christ completes us. Marriage is a beautiful partnership where you complement one another, but no human can fill the space only God was meant to occupy.
10. You Believe Your Love Story Will Be the Best of All Time
Lastly, hopeless romantics often believe their love story will be the greatest of all time, a combination of all the best romance movies and books wrapped into one. But here’s the reality: the greatest love story of all time has already been written—it’s the story of Christ’s love for His church.
Ephesians 5:25-27 beautifully illustrates this love: “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy.” The love story you’re hoping for pales in comparison to the sacrificial love Jesus has for us. So, while your love story might not have a Hollywood script, it can still reflect the greatest love of all.
Final Thoughts: Hopeless Romantic, Hopeful Heart
Being a hopeless romantic isn’t all bad—after all, it means you have a big heart, full of love and hope for the future. But as Christian singles, it’s important to balance that romantic idealism with biblical wisdom and truth.
Remember, real love is less about grand gestures and more about everyday faithfulness, patience, and kindness. So, embrace the romance, enjoy the dreams, but let God write your love story in His perfect timing. Trust that He knows the desires of your heart and is preparing something far greater than anything you could imagine—whether or not it looks like the movies.