Church Plant for Singles and Their Families

Church Plant for Singles and Their Families

I am planning a new church plant for new singles and families. Yes, I’m crazy. And yes, our vision is to plant a thriving church from scratch and watch God do outrageous things in the New York Metropolitan area. I am really psyched because we are now forming our church plant Core Team. What church plant Core Team you may ask? Well actually it’s just little old me so far. Funny thing is I have no idea where these people for our church plant Team are going to be coming from, but I am believing God for just the right kinds of folks. Want to join us?

Why Plant a Church With Singles in Mind?

I hear these questions often from Christians:

  • Why a church plant?
  • Why plant a church with singles in mind?

The answers to these questions are quite simple:

First, planting new churches is by far the most effective way to reach new people for Jesus.

Second, Jesus commands us in the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations. In response to this in Acts we see the disciples witnessing and planting churches all over the place. A true New Testament church is a living organism that should be ever growing and reproducing itself. Church plants simply follow the normal pattern we see in Scripture.

Third, there are more hungry people in NJ who need to hear the Gospel than there are churches to reach them. Since our Saviour wants lost people found, and He says the harvest is plentiful, we intend to reach them, and to reach them by the thousands through church plants.

Lastly, our church plant will be focusing on singles and their families, and will be open to all people from all ethnic backgrounds. Why? As we noted earlier, singles (singles never married, single parents, divorced singles, 20 somethings and other single adults) are the most unchurched group of people in all parts of the world. In fact, one of the goals of Christian Dating Service Plus was to reach out to these souls. And take a look at these recent US Census findings on singles:

  • 49% of all US homes are headed by single men (46%) and single women (54%)
  • 50% of the US adult population (that’s 90 million) is single, with 60% percent of these having never been married and 30 million living alone as singles. That’s a lot of lonely singles folks!
  • 15 million single parents are living with their children. 80% of the time it’s single moms with the kids as opposed to single dads. Think there’s a need for single parenting tips?

When I read these facts I not only see the many needs of singles, but also sense tremendous opportunities to spread the Good News!

Please pray for us as we begin making strategic plans for our NJ church plant. We need all the help ( spiritual, financial, physical) we can get, but we just know God will provide. Live in the NJ/NY area and want to be part of a church plant from the very beginning? Please email us.

Share your own thoughts on church plants?

David Butler, the author of this article, is the creator of Christian Dating Service Plus, and will soon be graduating from Liberty Seminary with a Master’s Degree in Church Planting and Evangelism. For more personal info see our About Us Page.

Christian Dating Service

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