Posts from 2023 (Page 8)

Posts from 2023 (Page 8)

sexual feelings

Sexual Feelings of Christian Single Women

The following article, Sexual Feelings of Christian Single Women, was written by a single Christian woman who is also a mental health professional. The writer thought it important that single Christian men, in their fight against lust and quest for sexual purity in dating relationships, understand how the sexual feelings of Christian single women work: I just want to say to all the Christian men who think single Christian women don’t think as much about sex as you do –…
background record check

Background Record Checks for Online Christian Daters

Background record checks for online Christian daters are becoming more and more popular, as some internet dating services such as eHarmony are offering the option to their members. One of the online dating sites to offer background checks of their members is an interesting site called which began doing criminal background checks. Some lawmakers have actually proposed legislation that would force matchmaking services, including all Christian Dating Services, to perform background record checks on all the folks who…

Christian Advice for Singles: Navigating Life and Relationships with Faith

Are you looking for Christian advice for singles? Being single can be an exciting and fulfilling season of life, but it can also present unique challenges. For Christian singles, the desire to honor God in every aspect of life, including relationships, is of utmost importance. This article aims to provide valuable advice and insights, rooted in Christian principles, to help singles navigate their journey with faith, purpose, and intentionality. Embrace Your Identity in Christ. Before diving into the realm of…
online dating profile

Online Dating Profile Writing Tips

If you’re a single Christian interested in giving online Christian Dating Services a whirl, writing an online Christian dating profile is the first and most important step. However, while almost all the top internet Christian matchmaking services and dating apps offer free trial memberships where you can post an online dating profile, very few offer dating profile writing tips. The purpose of this article is to give you some practical steps toward writing a successful dating profile. Before beginning to…
single moms

Christian Single Moms and Dating Tips

Single moms have it rough. Christian single moms who are dating may have it even worse: Not only do  Christian single moms have to deal with all the responsibilities that go along with being a custodial single parent, they also have to battle the stigma of being a single mom in the church. Whether we admit it not, more than a few women in the church look at single moms (especially if they’re hot looking) with subtle suspicion. Translation: Is…

Dealing With Guilt as a Single Christian

Many single Christians have told us that dealing with guilt is one of the biggest drains on their personal relationships, self-esteem and spiritual lives. The bottom line is that inappropriately dealing with guilt can destroy our lives and those around us. Top Areas Where We Are Dealing With Guilt Dealing with guilt as a single person can come from many different areas of our lives. Dealing with Guilt in our Dating Relationships This is a biggie. Many Christians walk around…

Single Parenting Tips for Helping Your Kids

Need Single Parenting Tips? Did you know that over 30% of US families are run by single-parenting households? We all know that single parenting is a difficult job. However, children residing in single-parent homes usually have it more difficult because they are deprived of the full-time guidance and direction of two parents, which is so essential for their moral, spiritual, and character growth. Single Parenting and Risks Having worked in Family Court for several decades as a mediator, consent hearing…
interpersonal christian dating relationship tips

Interpersonal Christian Dating Relationship Tips

Looking for interpersonal Christian dating relationship tips? Navigating the realm of dating as a Christian single often involves weaving faith into the tapestry of romantic relationships. While love, understanding, and trust are universal tenets of any relationship, Christian dating introduces unique dynamics rooted in faith and biblical teachings. This article delves into essential interpersonal tips tailored for Christian dating to foster both spiritual and emotional connections Top Interpersonal Dating  Relationship Tips 1. Place God as Your Anchor Every strong relationship…
inter-racial christian dating

Interracial Dating Among Christian Singles

Interracial dating is no longer taboo in today’s society, as witnessed by the many interracial dating service websites like Christian Mingle and eHarmony Dating Service . However, dating across racial and ethnic lines still remains a controversial subject in some quarters. While Christian single interracial dating or married couples can live peacefully in most urban societies of the world, they may still be stigmatized in rural areas, and sadly even within the confines of their own church and family. Therefore,…
romantic love letters

Romantic Love Letters and Christian Singles

I really think it’s wonderful that God included sexy and Romantic Love Letters such as the Song of Solomon in the Bible. This romantic love letter, which is really a song, speaks about pure sexual love between a man and a woman in the bonds of marriage. I know there are some folks who try to interpret this romantic love letter allegorically but believe me, this hot and deep romantic love letter for her is all about God-ordained SEX! For…
Single Moms Tips

Single Moms Tips Podcast

Single Moms Tips Podcasts? Looking for Single Moms Tips? The church needs to know that Christian single-parent moms of all backgrounds, whether divorced or married, have great needs, and meeting those needs can be powerfully effective in showing the love of Jesus to those single moms and kids inside and outside the church. Single Moms TIPS Based on our own interviews with single moms, and listening to the myriad of single moms podcasts out there,  here are some of the…
how to meet singles online

How To Meet More Single Christians Online

Have you been wondering how to meet more single Christians online?  Some Christian singles are disappointed with online dating because they find it hard to meet other single Christians, especially in their own local area. However, one of the keys to meeting more singles online and finding the one is not only to search through Christian personals yourself but to also maximize your chances of them seeking you out. And just how do you go about doing both well? Whether…
christian speed dating

Christian Speed Dating for Single Christians

Christian speed dating is an out of the box way of meeting Christian singles in laid back settings such as cafes, pubs, churches and clubs.  The concept borrows from the traditional speed dating model but places a strong emphasis on shared beliefs and values. Participants are brought together in a controlled environment where they have the opportunity to engage in brief conversations with multiple individuals within a specified timeframe. Although the Christian speed dating phenomenon is popping up everywhere, it…
third date tips

Third Date Tips for Christian Singles

Are you looking for third date tips? The third date will make or break whether your Christian dating relationship will be long term or short lived. I know. I know.  As a Christian single you may be still working on getting that first date or second date.  But today we are going to share some third date tips. The first date and and the second date are inextricably connected  to the third date because if the the former ones go…
christian chatroom

Christian Chat Rooms for Christian Singles Chat

Christian Chat rooms are locations on the web where Christian singles can chat or converse with other singles. In a mood for a nice Christian chat? In a Christian chatroom, one can find a date, share prayer requests or just have some fellowship. Many Christian dating services, including Christian Cafe and Christian Mingle have Christian chatrooms on their sites as a free service to both their free trial and paid members. Since there are literally hundreds of Christian chat rooms…
free online dating advice

Free Online Dating Advice Podcast

Getting into a dating relationship is easier than ever since there are so many decent  free online dating advice sites out there, including, Christian dating advice sites like Oasis Singles.  However, keeping that dating relationship growing will be almost impossible without good conversation starter skills. Free Online Dating Advice On Listening Skills In fact, most couples, whether they are married or in a dating relationship, give lack of communication and listening as the major reason for breaking up. These relationships…