Christian Singles Advice

Christian Singles Tips on Dating, Parenting, Marriage, Finances, Life

Recent Christian Dating Advice

Dealing with Jealousy as a Christian Single When Friends Are Getting Married

Dealing with Jealousy as a Christian Single When Friends Are Getting Married

In the journey of life, milestones occur at different times for everyone. For Christian singles, seeing friends get married can stir a mix of emotions, including happiness for them but also jealousy for oneself. Understanding and navigating these feelings from a Christian perspective is essential for maintaining peace of mind and spiritual growth. how to Deal with Jealousy as a Christian Single When Friends Are Getting Married Embrace Your Individual Journey First and foremost, recognize that God has a unique…
signs of true love

Signs of True Love in a Christian Relationship

What are signs of true love in a Christian relationship?  What are the signs of true love from a man or woman?  How do you know you’ve found your “true love” of a lifetime? In the realm of Christian relationships, love is the cornerstone that fortifies the bond between two individuals. True love in a Christian relationship goes beyond infatuation or fleeting emotions, it embodies the selfless, sacrificial, and Christ-centered devotion that nurtures a blessed union. In this article, we…
How to Tell Someone You Don't Want to Date Them

How to Tell Someone You Don’t Want to Date Them

Learning how to tell someone you don’t want to date them without hurting them is a tough order. This is especially true within the Christian singles community where values and intentions often take a front seat. If you find yourself in a situation where you need to communicate that you’re not interested in dating someone, doing so with kindness and honesty is crucial. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to gently break the news without causing undue hurt, all while…
dealing with rejection as a single christian

How to Deal with Rejection as a Single Christian

Learning how to deal with rejection as a single Christian is very important. If you are a single Christian who recently got dumped, or been told by the other party that they don’t want to date you, this could be very painful. Dealing with feelings of rejection can be very difficult! In a previous article, we already mentioned how difficult it is getting over with unrequited love. Rejection is an inevitable part of life. As a single Christian guy or…